American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 694: Eternal Protoss

Due to the crowds of people in the corridor, Goofy did not continue to discuss with Thor. Before parting, Thor asked in a low voice, "Goofy, what are your plans on Sarkar? When can we leave this ghost place? ?"

"Wait until this season's gladiatorial matches are over, how about that?" Goofy said, "I think this season has reached its final juncture, and it will be over in a few days."

"What?" Thor looked at Gao Fei in surprise, "The reason you stayed in Saka Star was just to fight this gladiatorial match?"

"Uh... you can say the same." Gao Fei shrugged, "What? Do you have an opinion?"

"I..." Of course Thor had an opinion, he was simply too opinionated.

Originally, I thought that Goofy stayed here for some lofty strategic purpose. It was originally just to fight this boring gladiatorial match.

But considering that Goofy was his only hope of escaping Saka so far, Thor wouldn't dare to offend Goofy in person.

So he took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "No opinion, I have no opinion at all."

"Then get ready for the next game, I'll go first." Goofy patted Thor on the shoulder and walked outside along the corridor.

Valkyrie had already disembarked from the spaceship and was standing outside the arena waiting to fly high.

Seeing Gao Fei come out, Valkyrie greeted him with a smile.

"Nice job, my cash cow! Winning this game will earn me a fortune."

Gao Fei smiled, "So should I take a share?"

"Of course! Of course!" Valkyrie said with a smile, "I'm a generous person, and we've hit it off like this, so that's good, we'll split the account between three and seven, you three and I seven, how about it?"

Goofy smiled without saying a word, exerting pressure on Valkyrie.

Valkyrie looked helpless and compromised, "Okay, okay, six to four divided, I six and you four, is this okay?"

Gao Fei coughed, "Cough, if I suddenly disappear, do you think Gao Tianzun will let you go? Dear scavenger No. 142?"

After hearing this, Valkyrie was completely helpless, rolled his eyes and said, "Damn, I didn't expect you to be so dark... Okay, let's have a five-fifty headquarters? Is this fair and reasonable? Although every time It's all about you fighting to the death in the ring, but I'm also working hard as your manager! Besides, I don't see you working very hard in the ring, you always win easily, don't you?"

Goofy didn't continue to bargain with Valkyrie, but nodded and promised, "Okay, then we'll be on a five-to-five basis, happy cooperation, my friend."

Valkyrie sighed, nodded reluctantly and said, "Happy cooperation, my friend."

However, she has been on Saka Star for so many years, and she has never met a partner who dares to split the account with her. In this respect, Goofy is the first.

After leaving the arena, Valkyrie took Gao Fei to have a celebration banquet. The restaurant for the celebration banquet was located in the south of the central city of Saka Star. It was a very chic little restaurant.

The two ate the famous Shandar snails in the universe. It is said that the taste of this ingredient is very delicate, and the taste is even more unparalleled when it is served with the top sauce that has been fermented by the professional chef of Sakaxing for seven years.

Valkyrie was very happy to eat, but Goofy had no interest in this kind of alien food. After two bites, Goofy began to get tired. Compared to snails on Earth, Xandar's snails taste succulent and old.

Because he was not very interested in food, Goofy's mouth was naturally idle. While Valkyrie was indulging in gluttony, Goofy was just able to ask some questions.

"By the way, what is the origin of that golden titan, can you tell me in detail?"

Valkyrie looked up at Gao Fei, laughed and joked, "Don't worry, the next opponent of the Golden Titan is Thor, you won't be able to meet him for a while, if he can defeat Thor, then you can meet... "

Gao Fei insisted, "But it sounds like the Golden Titan is very powerful, so I can't help but not be interested in him."

"He is indeed very powerful. He is a member of the Eternal Protoss. It is said that he was born on Titan. Have you been to Titan?" Valkyrie asked.

"No, and it is said that the civilization on Titan has perished." Goofy said, "The population there is oversaturated, resources are completely exhausted, and the residents of Titan have left their homes and went to other parts of the universe to develop. ."

Valkyrie nodded and said, "Yes, I think maybe the Golden Titan left Titan at that time. By the way, there are also Eternal Protoss on your earth, do you know?"

"I understand, but I don't understand too much..." Goofy said.

He roughly knows that in the Marvel universe, the Eternal Protoss is also a branch of human evolution.

In a distant era, Eternal, one of Marvel's five creation gods, ordered the Tianshen group to genetically improve primitive humans, and the Eternal Protoss was born.

The Eternal Protoss on the earth has developed into two parts in the long-term evolution. One part stays on the earth, and the other part takes the spacecraft to go to the respectively reached a satellite of Saturn, Titan, and more distant. of Uranus.

The Eternal Protoss on Earth migrated to the Greek mountains and established Olympia, and then multiplied civilization here. Later Greek mortals respected them as gods. This is the origin of the Olympic gods.

Zeus, the king of the gods, Ares, the **** of war, Hercules, the **** of war...

These gods of Greek mythology are actually members of the Eternal Protoss, and they are all distant relatives of Thanos on Earth.

Now the "Golden Titan" who is stirring up trouble on the planet Saka is obviously also a blood relative of these people, but specifically, it is not known which one he is.

"Then..." Gao Fei took a sip of his drink and asked persistently, "What abilities does this golden titan have?"

"Well..." Valkyrie frowned and replied, "He can transform into his own energy by absorbing cosmic radiation, has the ability to heal quickly, can emit thermal vision of atomic vision through his eyes, and can also use reverse Gravity enables flight..."

"So strong?" Gao Fei couldn't help being a little nervous, and listening to Valkyrie's narration, this "Golden Titan" doesn't seem to be a Titan in the Marvel Universe, but like a Superman in the DC Universe!

Is it possible that the characters of the DC universe have crossed into the Marvel universe?

Gao Fei shook his head. He felt that if the plot developed like this, then everything would be too nonsense. The fact is definitely not the case.

At this time, Valkyrie raised his glass, smiled at Goofy and said, "Don't worry, after the next match between the Golden Titan and Thor, I think you will know his strength well."

"After all, with Thor's ability, even if he can't defeat this golden titan, I think he can force him to do his best."

American Comic Survival Guide

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