Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 86: Chong Beast Sea (reading and reading, as beautiful as jade!)

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Looking at the figure rushing over from the opposite side, Lin Xuan looked complicated, Xuanjie, why is he a Xuanjie, old principal, your mission is a bit dangerous, two dragon blood fruits are not enough, you have to pay more!

But Lin Xuan still has to face this guy first...Fuck, he's not a human either. Lin Xuan watched the silhouette of the rushing person change little by little. The four arms covered with thick hair were a bit like ape, and the sound of "" The sound of tap, tap, tap, this is the sound of hooves!

Soon, a completely non-human person appeared in front of Lin Xuan. The lower body was similar to a centaur, no, it was the lower body of a centaur, while the upper body was the appearance of a four-armed ape, and the head was still the head of a human. It's just that those eyes are really not something that humans can have!

Half-ape horse? !

Although it's a bit difficult to understand, it's very appropriate for him to look like this. Well, maybe we can't use "he" to describe it, but "it".

Relying on his own understanding of the extreme meaning of the wind, floating, Lin Xuan did not put this inhuman creature in his eyes, but used two purposes, one to perceive the surrounding wind, and the other to let his thoughts fly and think about it to the end. Where did it come from, monster? Or man-made? What is Chong Beast Sea?


Lin Xuan was hit by the half-ape-horse, his eyes widened instantly, a mouthful of blood rushed to his throat, and he couldn't help coughing out, how could... how could he be hit?

Wind, no romance, wrong premonition... No, no, Lin Xuan wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth with his hand, and entered the state of viewing the world with a heart knife. A circle of love, the love caused by the action has been "pacified", no wonder the previous "Py of the Wind" failed.

This time, it also let Lin Xuan know that his wind power Piao is not invincible, there are many skills or states that can still be restrained, and when he is fighting, he is half-hearted, this is the way to die!

Arrogant, arrogant, next time, no, there will be no next time, Lion Botu also tried his best, after all, he was a little arrogant and complacent after defeating a Warhammer Tyrannosaurus himself.

Taking a deep breath, the job template was switched, and the wall of sighs was launched. The half-ape-horse was no better than the Warhammer Tyrannosaurus Rex. Perhaps the attack power was not as strong as that of the big pendulum, but the movement speed was far more than that, and Lin Xuan found that even if he exerted his speed, , is also a step lower than this mysterious half-ape-horse.

Damn, speed is really my weakness!

A perverted smile appeared on the half-ape-ma's face, and he licked his lips, "Oh hoo, what a delicious blood, let me taste it again, let me taste it again!"

While he was talking, he rushed towards Lin Xuan like a gust of wind, waving his four long hairy arms, he was going to give Lin Xuan a slap in the face!

"Huh", the speed of the half-ape-horse is not slow, but the four arms are not swayed at all, and they all rely on strength to hit people. Now Lin Xuan has practiced the basic boxing skills to the full level, although he does not know any advanced boxing skills. , but it is also deeper than this "chaotic fist".

The power of the giant dragon surged and the power of the giant was aroused. Lin Xuan threw two punches at an extremely fast speed, directly hitting the flaw in the half-ape-horse's punching. Xuan is leaning on his shoulders, twisting his waist, and exerting force, this blow is not weak.

The two collided, and it was Lin Xuan who was knocked away, but the centaur didn't get any benefit. His chest was tight after being hit, and two of his four waving arms were rubbing his chest and abdomen uncontrollably.

Today, Lin Xuan is using the Wall of Sighs, and his defense has been greatly increased. Even if he is suppressed by the rank, the damage caused by this blow is still not too tyrannical. He shook his head, and immediately got up to fight enemy.

However, the half-ape-horse on the opposite side seemed to have recovered somewhat after the battle just now, and gradually regained its alien shape. The centaur's body and the four-armed ape's four arms gradually disappeared.

"A yellow rank can suppress my madness. Others tell me that I can't believe it. How about it, do you want to join us in the sea of ​​worshipping beasts?"

The man smiled gloomily, and locked on Lin Xuan with his eyes looking at his prey. Once Lin Xuan made any movement, it would definitely turn into a strange beast again.

"What is Chong Beast Sea? I haven't heard of it, nor am I interested. Now I'm very happy."

Seeing that the man had regained his sanity and could do some communication, Lin Xuan was not in a hurry to continue the fight. He simply chatted. In terms of resilience, the man couldn't catch up with him even with ten horses.

"What is the Chong Beast Sea? The Chong Beast Sea is our holy land, the future of the human race, and the master of the world!"

Lin Xuan: ? ? ?

It's boring to say that, the holy land for high school students is the Nine Great Places, the future of the human race is the young people, as for the master of the world, it's probably a copy!

"Have you seen the power in me, this is the power that belongs to us human beings, the power that we obtain by ourselves without going through a copy.

Do you think you are strong? But have you ever thought that if the power of the copy disappears one day, is your power still there? "

The man instantly unfolded his alien form, his four furry arms clenched into fists, his tight muscles bulged, and an intoxicated look appeared on the man's face, and he pointed to his strong thighs, "What wonderful muscles!"

Lin Xuan looked embarrassed, he really couldn't stand someone being so narcissistic in front of If it wasn't really hard to deal with, he would have slapped him to death long ago.

The man's words are a typical conspiracy theory. The reason is probably that a scientist who was persecuted and delusional felt that the power of copying was unreliable, and then he studied bloodlines, genes, etc., which were considered to have some results, but in general, they were not. Imperfect, completely unable to control their negative emotions.

Anger, arrogance, these human emotions are easy to overwhelm and alienate at every turn.

If it is in the city, because he can't control his emotions, he goes mad after alienation, and the casualties and property losses are not a small amount.

Such research cannot be said to be without value, but in general it does more harm than good.

"What you said makes sense, but the power of the copy has existed to this day, and it has no intention of disappearing. You are considered unfounded."

Lin Xuan shook his head, although he was indeed a little worried about the power of the copy, but when he saw the man's changing shape, he lost interest in Chong Beast Sea for a while.

"Heh, what do you know, a yellow-haired boy, there are only two things in this world that are real, wild monsters are real, humans are real, and humans can only obtain 'real' extraordinary power by using wild monsters! We worship The path taken by the sea of ​​beasts must be right, and only we can represent the future of mankind."

The more the man spoke, the more excited he became, and he went mad again.

The four-armed ape and the centaur, the strange upper body and the lower body blended together strangely, the man's head laughed excitedly, and the four ape arms showed strange fist marks and flew towards Lin Xuan.

Four-armed monkey fist, the housekeeping ability of four-armed ape, its power is not small, but it can't be hit, no matter how powerful it is!

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