Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 523: Barbarians, times have changed

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In fact, the tragic situation in the southeast battlefield also terrified the rabbit ear girl, but as one of the gods who ruled over the eastern wasteland, she did not panic, but she also knew that at this time, she had to find a way out.

Donghuang's top power has not been damaged, but the backbone of the bottom has lost more than half. With the current defensive power of the Covenant of the Gods, she can hold it for a month or two, but no matter how long, she has no confidence. .

What is even more terrifying is that she suspects that the previous enemy who provoked the covenant of the gods in the Eastern Wilderness and the **** disaster of the southern barbarians is now hiding in the covenant city of the gods, waiting for the emperor of the north and others to reach the covenant of the gods. Will break the city.

At that time, the covenant of the gods could not be kept at all.

As a god, she would naturally not be thinking about her own gods, but herself.

Yes, the first thing she considers is herself. Even if all her gods and people are dead now, it will not have any effect on her strength. The power of faith is only used to improve her own strength, so the Lord of Darkness is fundamentally I don't care about my current goddess.

But she also had to care about her own future.

As I said before, the power of faith is only used to improve her own strength. Even if she loses the gods and people she is today, after breaking away from the covenant of the gods, her strength can completely dominate one side, compared with some strengths. The poor gods conduct **** wars and directly acquire their gods.

But now, she has seen Human Sovereign Lin Xuan and sensed the horror of Human Sovereign Lin Xuan. She has even the slightest speculation about his strength, and it is difficult to fight against her alone.

And once the human emperor Lin Xuan occupies the Eastern Wilderness, Nanman, and the North, then she can only go to the central Shenzhou, but it is obvious that after Lin Xuan invades the Eastern Wilderness and the Nanman, he will definitely attack the central Shenzhou. With the power of the three continents, to encircle and suppress the central Shenzhou, even she does not know whether it can be done.

However, this is the future, and now a rather urgent matter is in front of her, she must make a choice!

The fall of the covenant of the gods has become inevitable, and she does not want to become an ordinary wild beast, and she has two choices to continue to maintain her status as a god.

The first is to surrender to the Xia Dynasty in the north and become a holy beast like Ji Yanlong... To be honest, she would have this idea because of such a successful case as Ji Yanlong.

The second is to take some gods away now and find a hidden place to hide, which is quite a bit like "hiding in a small building to become a unified person, taking care of winter, summer and spring and autumn".

There is nothing wrong with the first option, and it has more advantages. Jiyanlong used to only enjoy the belief of a resident of Jiyanlong City, but now its gods have doubled, and there will be more in the future, if she also joins in , the strength will progress quickly, but there is a disadvantage, that is, her own identity, from a boss to a wage earner.

The second option has many problems. One of the serious problems is that it is impossible to have many gods. After all, this is a hidden place. Once the population is large, it is easy to be discovered, but the population of gods also represents belief. The amount of power...

After thinking about it, she still couldn't make up her mind. The change of mentality from boss to wage earner is not so easy to adjust. When she thinks that she will be yelled at by others, she has changed from a high-ranking **** to a low-ranking one. The protector of the country, how could he have the face to see his old acquaintance!

However, the strength is weak, and it is easy to be killed by others.

Today's circle of gods has fallen into a strange involution environment, and I don't know what's going on. Every **** is working hard to increase the number of gods.

Or wait, wait for the Lord of Glory to come back and make a decision.


The southeast battlefield has hit the present, and it is no longer the end that the high-level wants to The gods and people below, the blood feud of ordinary people has affected the power of faith, and the gods have absorbed the power of faith to practice, and they have inadvertently been Influenced by the will of the gods, unconsciously, they were blinded by hatred.

In the beginning, the gods of the Eastern Wilderness fabricated the conflict with Nanman in order to divert internal conflicts. The gods were high above the ground and weaved a set of lies to tell everyone to listen to. Those gods and people believed and passed it on from generation to generation. They prayed The power of faith that was exuded at that time brought hatred on the side unintentionally.

It is not reflected in normal time, and this influence is only a subtle change, but until this moment, the occurrence of the southeast battle, the thick **** and terrifying scene stimulated the gods of the East Wilderness, the changes in their souls. , and finally accumulated from quantitative change to qualitative change.

Curse of Faith · Enemy of Nanman!

This is the first time that the gods have been changed by the gods.

The gods of the Eastern Wilderness, headed by the Lord of Glory, are now opening a meeting for the actions after the Southeast Battle.

The Southeast Campaign was that the southern barbarians had to fight, but the East Wilderness did not want to fight. Although the reason was that the "South Barbarian" killed the gods sacrifice with a spear, and many of the southern barbarians predicted the predictions of the Eastern Wilderness and took the lead in war.

Now, after a war, the South barbarians have been fighting, so they have sent people to discuss peace. Well, when they want to come, the little cubs of the East Wilderness are afraid of death, and they will definitely agree.

But what they didn't expect was that this group of desolate beast gods had undergone great changes.

[Skill]: Curse of Faith, Enemy of Nanman

[Type]: Curse · Faith Variation

[Effect]: Affects the mind of the subject, causing disgust towards a specific group; after beheading a specific group, self-satisfaction makes oneself gain

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