Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 513: State of the Xia Dynasty

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Wild world, over Peiping.

Lin Xuan and Zhu Mingmei stood high in the sky, looking through the space to see the whole view of the northern land. People were harvesting spiritual rice and rice. Although it was hard work, they were very happy. Those elderly people no longer had to work in the wind and snow. One night in the season, I walked alone towards the dark return road.

In the history of the wild world, human beings have never had an era when they were fully fed and clothed. They have always been ants under the hands of the gods, and the flesh and life dedicated to the gods is a matter of course.

Although there are powerful envoys of beasts, priests of gods, and beast blood, but they are even more hateful. After becoming strong, they help gods manage these incompetent ants, and they also become vested interests in the past!

"The Northland has been completely cleaned up, and the Royal Beast Association and the Beast Blood Association have been established. All extraordinary people must come here to register, not only extraordinary people, but even ordinary people have to register and make ID cards, it's just time. It's still short, and we haven't been able to do this yet."

Lin Xuan rubbed Qingming's acupoint in anguish. These chores are not important, but if you don't do them, Xia Chao will fall into a hectic situation. Now he can only stop and sort out these chores patiently.

"It's already very good. When Taixia Chuli was established, it was like this, and it was not even as good as the Xia Dynasty."

Zhu Mingmei said with a sigh, she is not only the eldest princess of the previous dynasty, but also a legend of the Taixia generation. She has seen too many scenery, and now she sees the prosperity of a feudal monarchy, and she is inexplicably emotional. .

"The emperor should give more advice to the emperor!"

Lin Xuan grabbed her hand and wanted to comfort her a few words, but after thinking about it, with Zhu Mingmei's character, she didn't need comfort at all, and instead started to tease.

Zhu Mingmei rolled her eyes at Lin Xuan, "The harem is not allowed to interfere in politics!"

"Hahaha, then the Empress will help this Emperor manage the huge harem!"

"Huh? You still think about the seventy-two concubine of the Three Palaces and Sixth Courtyard. Do you know who brought up Taixia's bigamy crime back then? Haha, it's me!"


Lin Xuan: You are truly a sinner through the ages!

Heck, let's get down to business.

The day of the autumn harvest has come, the emperor and the emperor return to their thrones!

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Lin Xuan was sitting on it in a red five-clawed golden dragon robe, and Zhu Mingmei was sitting under Lin Xuan in a black and white phoenix. The officials of the three provinces and six ministries were already in place. , all the ministers and ministers above the third rank have the power of the earth rank, the sixth rank and above have the power of the mysterious rank, and the ninth rank is just entering the transcendent realm.

Don't think that the magistrate of the 9th grade is only a low-level Huang-level strength, but in fact, this is an opportunity to give ordinary people a chance to become a capable person, and then they can start to practice other paths. This is just an opportunity, an extraordinary opportunity!

"The Minister of the Household, what is the result of the autumn harvest?"

Lin Xuan's dull voice resounded in the hall, but in everyone's ears, the sound of rolling thunder roared, if it wasn't for the support of the Dragon Luck power, Lin Xuan would be directly roared to death!

"Lord Human Emperor," the Minister of the Household bowed and walked out, "In the Beiping area, 3 million mu of Lingmi rice has been planted, and 60% of the rice has been harvested. The Lingmi rice is hidden in the warehouse, in total..."

Following the statement of the Minister of the Household, Lin Xuan remained silent. He had read these data before the meeting, and now he just wanted to let other officials know. In addition, there were some arrangements, such as Planting competition between villages, population growth competition between county towns, GDP competition between county towns...

The capable ones go up, the weak go down, and where the country was founded, Lin Xuan set the tone for official governance. Even if officials are corrupted in the future, there is still a way to comprehensively clean them up.

Of course, it's still too early to say these things. If after occupying the Northland, you will be in a corner and become the ruler of the defense, then Lin Xuan himself will look down on Therefore, now the Xia Dynasty will not hesitate to Everything seeks development and provides sufficient material support for subsequent cross-regional expeditions.

"The Minister of Industry, can the things on the drawings be made?"

Although Lin Xuan really hopes to seamlessly connect Taixia's modern civilization technology to the Xia Dynasty, but no, don't look at the ordinary electric light, but in fact, it needs electricity, and the storage and conduction of electricity... still come with some technology Technologies with lower content, such as curved plough, papermaking, printing, etc., have already established corresponding factories and started R&D and production.

"Your Majesty," the Minister of Industry bowed and walked out, "Although the structure of the curved plough is ingenious, it is not complicated. It has been built and has begun to be promoted. Papermaking and printing are already being tested..."

Lin Xuan's vision is far-reaching. The current development speed is actually very fast, but the problem is that the time is not waiting. Lin Xuan must conquer the wild world as soon as possible and expand the sphere of influence of the Xia Dynasty to the whole world. The strength has been further enhanced, and he has become a real invincible powerhouse at the national level.

There is not much time left for him.

"The Minister of War, I want a soldier that can fight, I want people to give people, and I want money to give me money. Don't let me down!"

Lin Xuan's eyes lowered, as if he was under the pressure of a thousand jins and a great force.

The Ministry of Rites is in charge of etiquette and imperial examinations. Etiquette is useless for the time being. It is still at the stage of conquering the world. There is no need to engage in vulgar things that cost money and time and effort. But the imperial examinations are different. This is a channel for selecting talents. Lin Xuan

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