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new domain name xs novel silu silk road

In the sky above Tokyo Wuhua Town, endless dark clouds gather. It is obviously noon when the sun is hanging high, which should be the most yang time of the day, but at this moment, there is a very serious cold. Fortunately, Wuhua Town has evacuated the crowd, otherwise, everyone living in this area would be sick.

In fact, it is not only Wuhua Town, but even the residents near Wuhua Town received the official notice from Xiaotianguo at this time. Of course, they just announced it. As for whether to do it or not, it depends on the residents themselves. .

The Sword Saint Wei Ming was jumping on the steps of the main entrance, and now all the monsters and monsters appeared, like an overwhelming force.

Just as Juggernaut Reina was about to leave, the door of the Yasukuni Ghost Society suddenly opened. Abe Seimei walked out of the main entrance, glanced at Juggernaut Reina with a fierce and violent face, shook his head slightly, and then looked towards There seems to be an endless black cloud of demons, and the eyes are full of caution.

Even he didn't expect that there were already so many demons and ghosts in the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk. Now that he thinks about it, he may not have enough backhands. It seems that he can only wait for the battlefield on the side of the eight-headed snake.

"I gotta go."

The Sword Saint Abe supported the famous sword at his waist, and made a formal request to leave. He naturally knew that Abe Seimei would not agree, but he would not agree to stay here and die in vain.

"Yeah," Abe Seimei replied absentmindedly, and then seemed to remember something, and said inadvertently, "A live broadcast is arranged here, and then, the heroic appearance of fighting ghosts..."

"Don't say it, I'll stay, and I will swear to protect the glory of Kendo's swordsmanship!"

Suddenly, Sword Saint Wei Ming's eyes widened, and he raised his head and raised his chest in high spirits. If he had to choose between life and fame, he would definitely choose fame!


Fantian seal!

Lin Xuan held the treasure seal like a **** who opened the sky, and a seal directly knocked it down at the Baqi Orochi, but the Orochi Baqi Orochi didn't stand it at all. Go, when Xinli was not born, a snake wagging its tail directly knocked it out.

Today's Orochi is not ordinary. Its mind is high above the sea of ​​consciousness, and the sea of ​​consciousness below is filled with countless pure white rays of light. These are the appearance of believers transformed by the power of faith, and the consciousness of believers temporarily descends here. , at this time they are fighting side by side with the eight-headed snake.

So **** up!

With the blessings of tens of millions of people in Xiaotianguo, Lin Xuan could hardly compete with it for a while. Its state at this time is very strange. It is said that it has entered the level of invincibility. , but he was able to crush Lin Xuan and rub against the ground.

However, Lin Xuan can be considered to see it, its movements at this time are not very coordinated, there must be some unspeakable secrets inside, unfortunately, Lin Xuan has no way of knowing.

Li Rui quietly hid to the side, he was not as thick-skinned as Lin Xuan, and he was hit by the tail, not to mention being seriously injured and dying, but his condition would not be much better.

He couldn't help but scolded secretly, it was really outrageous, since he was promoted to the ground, the battle he encountered was the first time that his life was at risk.

The Great Supernatural Power of Tiangang · Calling the Wind and Calling the Rain!

Tiangang Great Supernatural Powers: Flying through the clouds and driving the fog!

Tiangang Great Supernatural Power Control the Five Thunders!

Lin Xuan was no longer hiding at this moment. The three great supernatural powers of Tiangang shot at the same time, and competed with the eight-headed snake for the prestige of heaven and earth. For a time, the thick dark clouds near Beihaiwan seemed to disperse.

Naturally, the eight-headed snake will not answer. It borrows the power of infinite faith and prays to God that everything will come true.

Mind interferes with reality!

This is the essence of the omnipotence of the At this moment, the eight-headed snake has also achieved this, in fact, it is also worthy of the gods of the small days.

Lin Xuan let go of his palm weakly, the corners of his eyes twitched. He really didn't expect that the three great supernatural powers of the heavens would lose to ordinary people... tens of millions of ordinary people led by a top-ranked person.

But Lin Xuan did not give up. He directly found a small island to stand on it to restore his state, and then mobilized his own unparalleled power to seize control of the heavenly phenomena with the Orochi Baqi, and the Orochi Baqi naturally refused to give in. Desperately grab it back.

During this process, it felt that something was wrong, but it couldn't tell, it just felt very strange.

And Lin Xuan was about to laugh. As expected, the Orochi is not a real **** after all. Even a **** must handle the prayers of countless believers through the godhead. Therefore, Orochi can only temporarily shut down its main consciousness. Let go of your subconscious mind and the consciousness of tens of millions of ordinary people.

Just before, they naturally wanted to deal with Lin Xuan, but when Lin Xuan decided to seize the control of the celestial phenomena, two choices appeared, "fight with Lin Xuan", "and Lin Xuan seize control of the celestial phenomena", And once there are multiple choices, tens of millions of ordinary people will naturally have differences, which is basically a situation of five to five, and the subconscious of the eight-headed snake naturally wants to regain control.

Therefore, the situation has changed. The Eight-Hearted Orochi just wants to regain control and no longer fight against Lin Xuan.

And Lin Xuan is also happy to relax, he is waiting, waiting for the current state of the eight-headed snake to pass.

The power of faith is not generated out of thin air, it is generated by the prayers of many ordinary people, and before, the Orochimaru was not without it.

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new domain name xs novel silu silk road

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