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new domain name xs novel silu silk road

Lin Xuan wanted to complain about who was who, but he probably knew who Wanfa Tianren was talking about, Zhang Ningtian, the candidate his wife had already decided on.

Of course, in the past, Lin Xuan was not qualified to ask why he was not chosen, but now, he decided to ask him when he was in the bridal chamber for a while, what was wrong with him, and he was not even willing to let him go to Xiaotianguo for the layout ending! ! !

A group of strong people gathered around and said a few words, and then they dispersed. The old fairy went to Sujiang City. He had to be optimistic about Lu Dongfa. is ready to leave.

Halfway through the banquet of the National Wedding Ceremony, Superman and other strong men came over to make a scene, leaving a dragon corpse and fleeing in panic, but it was precisely because of the trouble that everyone lost interest in eating. The ceremony behind the national wedding ceremony has nothing to do with them.

"I wish the two of you a good relationship for a hundred years and give birth to your son early."

"Haha, master, teacher...cough, I'll go back first."

"Happy wedding, good luck!"

"You two, come to Shuangchuan City when you have time."

Lin Xuan and Zhu Mingmei changed their bodies and put on a bright red dress. The strong men came to say goodbye. The only one who was a little awkward was Wanfa Tianren. He was Zhu Mingmei's disciple. Youth is better than blue, but the relationship between master and apprentice is still there, and Wanfa Tianren was raised as a son by Zhu Mingmei. In addition to the relationship between master and apprentice, there is also the relationship between mother and son... Lin Xuan is more embarrassed.

But it doesn't matter much. With the talents of the three people, it is very likely that they will enter the heavenly rank in the future. At that time, three hundred years may be the same as three months, three days, and three hours, so there is no need to care.

After all the guests have left, the sky and the earth are gradually dimming, the sun on the horizon slowly falls below the horizon, the night comes, the husband and wife hold hands and send the last guest away, and for a while, they fall into silence.

"Suddenly quieted down, still a little uncomfortable, and felt a sense of loneliness inexplicably."

Lin Xuan looked up at the sky with some inexplicable emotion.

Zhu Mingmei turned to look at him. She knew about Lin Xuan's past. She knew why Lin Xuan felt inexplicably lonely, because she also felt this way, but after three hundred years, she got used to it.

She clenched Lin Xuan's palm tightly, "And me, I'll accompany you!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan turned his head and saw that Zhu Mingmei was wearing a bright red dress, with a hint of shyness and ruddy flashing on her pretty face. A fiery red lips, kissed fiercely.

After a while, the two of them were gasping for breath to separate. At this time, both of them forgot to breathe through their noses and their skins, and even forgot that they didn't need to breathe at all.

"Little Phoenix, let's go to the bridal chamber!"

Holding Zhu Mingmei in his arms, Lin Xuan leaned down slightly and said in Zhu Mingmei's ear.


The indiscernible answer was a reply. If it wasn't for Lin Xuan's Five Senses Superman, he would not have heard this sound at all, and it was this sound that suddenly ignited the flame of desire in his body, plucked his heartstrings, and stopped pretending. With a gentle appearance and slightly rough movements, he grabbed Zhu Mingmei's frost-like wrist and flew straight towards the wedding room presented by Dongning City.

In the festive wedding room, the decoration is very warm.

Zhu Mingmei turned around and threw herself into Lin Xuan's arms. He didn't say anything, but he seemed to have said everything.

Lin Xuan is not a fool, of course, he can fully feel the beauty's affection.

Immediately, Zhu Mingmei was about to be picked up by the waist and looked at her Do you like our home? "

"Well, I like it a lot."

Lin Xuan smiled, "As long as you like it, now it's time for me to do something I like to do."

Zhu Mingmei: "..."

The curtains in the living room have been drawn, and the energy-saving lamps on the top are shining brightly, and on the large sofa in the center of the living room, there seems to be a story happening.

Zhu Mingmei's slender thighs slowly stretched out.

The delicate toes are sometimes hooked up, sometimes separated...

She belongs to the kind of goddess most people think of, with a delicate face and a hot body, but these are just her bonus points. What makes Lin Xuan most addicted is her identity, from Taixia three hundred years ago. The last female emperor, the peerless Minghuang who oppressed the Blue Star, the patron saint of the Western Capital who has guarded the Western Capital for hundreds of years, the master of the ghost king in the ghost realm...

Conquering such a goddess is more refreshing than the usual school flowers, department flowers, and class flowers.

"Mad, who bought the sofa? They said they don't want mahogany! This thing is a bit annoying, it hurts..."

Zhu Mingmei blushed and pointed to the bedroom.

"Go inside..."

"it is good"

Taixia's current comprehensive national strength is indeed higher than that of other countries, and its strength is firmly ranked first in Blue Star, but not everything can be the first. but!

The stockings made by Ying Jianguo are extremely silky and supple. When the light shines on them, they are full of brilliance, which really opened Lin Xuan's eyes.

Lin Xuan reached out his hand, but he didn't dare to use force, for fear that it would be torn and not touched.

The beauty of being emotional and the joy of owning her own house is a moment of happiness that Lin Xuan has never experienced in his two lifetimes.

Zhu Mingmei blooms with all her enthusiasm and enjoys it

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new domain name xs novel silu silk road

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