Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 477: 3 treasures are missing 1, heaven and earth will be overturned

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The sense of crisis, the danger of life, the danger of death! When the Ether Dragon King saw Lin Xuan turned into a "little man" several feet tall, the funny "toothpick" also rose in the wind and turned into a giant sword about twenty meters long. It was transforming like crazy, a power that he couldn't understand was pouring into it, and the sword was transforming rapidly. But soon, a crack appeared on the hilt and sword body, and its material could no longer support it to continue to transform. Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes, took out a piece of oregano essence from his personal space, and threw it straight at the Son of Heaven Sword. These mountain coppers were discovered in Jiyan Volcano. There is a super-large mountain copper vein in Jiyan volcano, and these are the most elite mountain copper mothers in the whole vein that Lin Xuan took, also known as The essence of mountain copper. By the way, Jiyan Volcano is the name changed after Jiyanlong occupied this volcano. Before that, it was called Shoushan, Beidi Shoushan, and it was known as the majestic first mountain in Beidi! Therefore, the essence of these mountain bronzes can also be called the bronze of the first mountain! Tianzijian quickly absorbed the essence of copper in the copper of the first mountain, and the whole body burst into a bright yellow light. With the help of the copper of the first mountain, Tianzijian stepped into the threshold of the advanced level in one fell swoop, and the length of the rank was finally The lifting is complete, and finally it is time to start to expand the depth. Lin Xuan held the Emperor's Sword in one hand, and used the personality of a human emperor to enhance the growth limit of the Emperor's Sword. You must know that nine or five parties are called the emperor, and only nine can be called the emperor! When Lin Xuan held the sword of the Son of Heaven, the huge power of national fortune in his body suddenly rioted, causing the rest of the power of national fortune to turn into the original power, manifesting on the sword of the Son of Heaven, the sun, moon, stars, mountains and rivers, vegetation, farming and animal husbandry. , the strategy of unifying the four seas! clang~! The sword of the emperor is out, and the sword of the four seas is convinced! At this moment, there seemed to be a sound of sword chirping between heaven and earth. It was clear and loud. Every person who used a sword, whether it was an ordinary person or a capable person, whether it was a beginner swordsman, or a swordsman who was about to take charge of the swordsmanship. The above existence, the swords in their hands, when the sword sounded, trembled slightly to show respect. On Wudang Mountain, the Qingping ancient sword placed on the cross knees by Wang Wudao who was watching the world suddenly trembled at this moment. good! He looked around, but saw that Lin Xuan was holding the sword of the emperor, standing in front of the Tailong King. At this time, the Tailong King was severely punched by Lin Xuan, and he is still in a daze. The main reason is that the transformation of the Human Sovereign Sword is too fast. The Human Sovereign Sword, which has undergone many transformations, has also been strengthened many times in its power of absorption, which is many times stronger than when it started. Therefore, as soon as the Tailong King opened his eyes and saw Lin Xuan standing in front of him holding a magic weapon, he already felt an indescribable sense of crisis emanating from Lin Xuan. He would die, he would really die. ! "Are you going to kill me, do you really dare to kill me?" The Tailong King didn't seem to be afraid of death, the dragon's body rose into the air, a pair of indifferent dragon eyes looked at Lin Xuan fiercely, and the two dragon wings stretched out. , like a cloud in the sky, "If I die, then the war between Yingjiang Kingdom and Taixia will break out, can you afford this responsibility, if I die, the entire Blue Star's blood gene technology will be destroyed. You will go back thirty years, do you take up this responsibility?" Lin Xuan was silent, at this moment he didn't know what to say, he could only tighten the Human Sovereign Sword in his hand, it seemed that only in this way could he give He was a little warm. This giant dragon has been out of society for too long, so long that it has regarded bloodline gene technology as a treasure! The next moment, Lin Xuan suddenly opened his golden eyes, and the strong majesty of the Holy Dao bloomed. The emperor's coercion gave the etheric dragon king's heart a severe blow. "I can't bear the responsibility you said, but have you ever thought that the Eagle sauce country will really go to war with Taixia because of you?" "The current patron saint of the Eagle sauce country is not you, but The superman known as the **** of the world, the strong man who rescued you, why do you think he fought for you, to fight for your corpse?" "Have you ever thought that the blood gene technology is no longer available. It is so important that many countries have even listed it as a forbidden technique!" "Let's not say that this technology has gone backward for 30 years, even if it is 300 years backward, no one will come to trouble me!" "You old man The remnants of the era, the new era has long been unable to carry your ship, starting today, say goodbye to this era!" My Emperor Sword still lacks a powerful dragon soul as a tool spirit! With the last sentence, Lin Xuan roared in his Then, with the heart of lore, holding the Human Emperor Sword, he slashed, slashed, and slashed again! A sword to break the dragon's head! At this moment, a shrill dragon roar resounded through the domain of Dongning, and the powerhouses fighting here were in shock for a while. Is this the winner? No, no, it's life and death! Listen to this voice, the etheric dragon king... is dead? ! The world was mourning, the sky rained blood, and suddenly there was a dull air in the world, which made it difficult to concentrate and made people very uncomfortable. Lin Xuan took the dragon corpse and stepped out of the different space in one step. Outside, Superman and other strong people were already there. They saw the ethereal dragon king who was headed by the owl, and the human emperor sword that showed the terrifying power. For a second, it was even more shocking. Lin Xuan unexpectedly stepped into the invincible level? ! What the **** is this! When Superman and the others saw the body of the Ether Dragon King, their eyes narrowed, but they sensed a certain aura, which made them extremely fearful. A figure suddenly appeared beside Lin Xuan. It was Li Erdao, not Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Wu, but Li Er, Li Er, who was in a state of sanity. His deity has not left for nearly a hundred years. Wudang Mountain. "Well done, but you shouldn't kill the Tailong King." Li Er shook his head with a wry smile. "Well, what does the old fairy have to say?" Lin Xuan was a little puzzled. "There are three treasures in the dungeon space, occupations, exercises, and bloodlines. You occupy the first treasure of the bloodline, and the Ether Dragon King is also the first treasure of the bloodline." "But unlike you, he came into being to stabilize this world. , and you are trying to open up the heavenly path of Taixia, and now he is beheaded by you, the world has lost a treasure, the time and space are no longer stable, the passage like the abyss and **** can't be blocked, and the blue star is in danger!" Lin Xuan: ...the result is so

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