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new domain name xs novel silu silk road

The ultimate move of the Aether Dragon King, Star Casting Strike!

Earth, fire and feng shui create the world. This is the elemental worldview of the western world. At this moment, the etheric dragon king, with his own control over the four elements, easily displayed this great move, highly cohesive power, It turned into a dazzling energy shock wave and attacked Lin Xuan in an instant.

The speed of the shock wave was so fast that Lin Xuan had no time to react. He was hit in an instant. The terrifying elemental particles frantically rubbed against Lin Xuan's body at this moment, feeling that his body was about to be turned into nothingness.

Three emperors rule the world, five emperors determine the relationship!

Lin Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, and the human emperor's bloodline seemed to be stimulated to a deeper level of potential. A golden armor slowly appeared on Lin Xuan's body, and the Son of Heaven Sword was summoned from his personal space. It was not powerful, but the four elemental particles around Lin Xuan were unexpectedly calmed down.

Although the emperor cannot create the world, he is still quite capable in governing the world. The harvest is abundant, the weather is good, and the country is prosperous and the people are safe.

The four elements of earth, fire and feng shui are all subdued by the human emperor's ability. Although earth fire feng shui and gold, wood, water, fire and earth are not the same, their creation essence is the same, and they can also be ruled by the human emperor.

With a punch, the powerful force brought a wind of space, which directly dispelled this wave of Star Casting Strike and completely broke the ultimate move of the Ether Dragon King.

"What kind of freak are you, you are still getting stronger!"

In the face of Lin Xuan's increasing pressure, even a arrogant celestial powerhouse like him had to be extremely afraid, put down his air, and asked Lin Xuan.

"This is a path of fortune, and you are also the beneficiary of this path. As the son of luck in the previous era, you should have discovered that the journey has been smooth and smooth, and your wishes have come true, even if you encounter difficulties and meet desperation. , it can also save danger, or it will be extremely peaceful, and finally reach the goal set by him!"

Lin Xuan stood with his hands behind his back, standing in the void. Taihua gave too much feedback. For a time, he couldn't bear it, so he could only fight with the Ether Dragon King, delay a little time, and give these feedbacks. The power of the country's fortune is all digested.

"Well, yes, that's true, but I have become a heaven-ranked powerhouse, an invincible heaven-ranked dragon king, the world should surrender under my dragon's feet, why, I will be imprisoned by that old hairy in Wudang for dozens of times. year?"

The Tailong King is not in a hurry, although it can sense that Lin Xuan's state is very wrong, but compared to capturing and killing Lin Xuan, he hopes to understand this matter, precisely because he has been imprisoned in Wudang Mountain for decades. It no longer has the ability to do what it once wanted and go smoothly.

"Because, all the time, heaven and earth have the same strength, and transporting heroes is not free. When you become the etheric dragon king, when you become the chairman of the All Blue Star Bloodline Gene Alliance, and when you step into the sky, your historical mission has been completed. In the following history, you have successfully become a background board!"

"This is the power of destiny, and it is also your destiny!"

Lin Xuan sighed and said that although he didn't believe in fate, he was also deeply in awe. As a Taixia native, he firmly believed that "man is destined to conquer the sky", "three points are destined by heaven, seven points are determined by hard work, and only by hard work can you win."

But at this moment, like a magician, he expressed his understanding of destiny in an aria tone, and it was quite reasonable. The Ether Dragon King was silent for a while, and he was thinking about Lin Xuan's words carefully. , I found myself somewhat agreeable.

For a time, there was a problem with its "Dao Xin"!

The rise of the Ether Dragon King was created by the power of science and technology combined with the power of blood. When he was practicing, he did not suffer or suffer. To improve his strength is an injection of blood gene solution, which is relaxed and happy. Entering the Heaven Rank is because the final dragon bloodline he fused for himself is indeed powerful, and it is easy to enter the Heaven Rank threshold.

The reason is that his own control is not strong enough, and he can't suppress the energy boiling of the earth rank breaking through the sky rank. Of course, he has no idea of ​​suppressing, and even thinks about adding fuel to the flames. In the end, with his clever brain, he finally broke the The blockade of all parties has successfully stepped into the sky!

One of the main reasons why he committed crimes in Taixia was because he failed to control his own power, causing his power to run wild, causing casualties to ordinary people in Taixia.

After decades of captivity, the Tailong King has not been idle, and has been refining his control, but at this moment, he suddenly does not want to control. Suddenly, there is no nostalgia for this world, and I feel that my life has been manipulated by an invisible behind-the-scenes manipulator. Maybe the decades of imprisonment are the real him!

The world is not worth it!

Tired, destroy it!

Once someone is not dying in terror, then he will have nothing to fear!

The same goes for dragons.

The Tailong King closed his eyes, and then opened them again. The dragon's eyes were full of indifference and despair. He vowed to feel pain for the world, and it started with Taixia who had imprisoned him for decades.

Two dragon claws swiped and pulled in front of him, and a vast door of space appeared in the different space, and then the ether dragon king probed and drilled his dragon head to the door of space, and on the other side of the door of space, It is an empty Dongning.

Lin Xuan was suddenly startled, he could feel the "mourning" aura emanating from the Ether Dragon King's body, and with his current actions, he clearly lost interest in himself!


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new domain name xs novel silu silk road

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