Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Chapter 45: The group battle begins, the Amethyst Wolf King

In the real copy, a ray of sunshine scatters on the earth, the entire outer city of Dongning City is very quiet, and there are a few birds chirping from time to time in the sky. If it weren't for the ruins everywhere, no one would believe it. This quiet morning is actually the tranquility before the war!

Lin Xuan opened his eyes and patted the clothes that were stained with a little dewdrops. It was covered with blood, but it was good to have clothes on. Although Lin Xuan also wanted to change into clean clothes, he did not have a habit of cleanliness and was dirty. Dirty, it doesn't matter.

He got up and flexed his muscles and bones, his eyes swept nearby, he couldn't help chuckling, the shadowy wolves hiding in the shadows nearby, the cuckoo birds standing side by side on the high-voltage line, the giant python hiding in the green belt , Paipa Bear, who acts as a doll bear at the entrance of the supermarket...

Just a simple scan, I found no less than a thousand wild monsters, and there are many powerful wild monsters that started to move with Lin Xuan, and they couldn't help exuding aura, which was directly captured by Lin Xuan. Eagle, King Kong Ape, Amethyst Wolf King, Kobold Dragon Vein Warlock...

This is really a mess!

It's really hard for them to lurch patiently all night. Many wild monsters are still connected to the food chain, but it seems that there are powerful wild monsters restraining them. There is no infighting, no hunting, just want to kill Lin Xuan and these them Two-legged beast in the eyes!


The basement door opened.

Lin Zhenyue and Lin Zhenxing walked out of the basement cautiously with Yan and Xi. They could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw that Lin Xuan was still alive.

They were so tired last night. Two days passed by guarding Lin Xuan, who had turned into a meat ball. During this time, countless worries and fears tortured their tranquility all the time. But just yesterday, Lin Xuan fought alone. The great king, beheading them all, not only makes them terrified, but also feels a lot of peace of mind, at least they are no longer pessimistic about the future, and they may still be killed!

Even if you think about it carefully, it is still a little difficult to kill them. Even if a hundred thousand wild monsters are pigs waiting to be slaughtered, three people may not kill them for three days, but as long as Lin Xuan is there, as long as Lin Xuan is still alive, they can also Relying on Lin Xuan's constant resurrection and reset, one day, kill him!

Looking at the two women's trusting eyes, Lin Xuan smiled, "Are you ready, the war has begun!"

Lin Xuan stepped heavily and came directly to an open space. A terrifying roar sounded, mixed with ridicule, and for a while, the entire quiet ruins of the city boiled, in the green belt, in the floor, in the ground, in the pool ... Countless wild monsters suddenly poured out, and their bodies involuntarily ran towards Lin Xuan.

The rabbits attacked Lin Xuan in a "fight not afraid of death". The black shadow wolves opened their mouths, jumped up suddenly, and bit at Lin Xuan. A group of cuckoo birds circled above their heads, and then shot down at Lin Xuan. , many snakes and venomous snakes twisted and twisted on the ground, and began to coil around Lin Xuan...

Too much, too much, the two girls stared at this scene in amazement. Lin Xuan had already been overwhelmed by the terrifying tide of wild monsters. If they hadn't seen him show off his power yesterday, the two of them would have already started to think about running away at this time. , swallowed his saliva, Yan began to release the flame of light, baking the earth, Xi also bloomed a large-scale heavenly gift, paving the ground with two-way buff.

The next moment, a strong explosion sounded at the place where Lin Xuan was wrapped, and the python wrapped around Lin Xuan was immediately torn off. Countless prairie rabbits collided and died, and the flock of cuckoo birds in the sky continued. reduce.


The sound of three firings sounded, and on the roof not far away, three powerful kobold dragon warlocks were casting dragon breath fireballs. The terrifying flames covered the entire open space, and countless wild monsters were also covered. Lin Xuan's position is exactly where their three key strikes are.

An elephant chirping sounded, and the terrifying fist pressure directly extinguished the nearby dragon breath flames. Before Lin Xuan could turn his head to find the location of the kobold, a huge black shadow had already appeared in front of Lin Xuan, a violent bear on the earth! No, more than that, there was a powerful wild monster behind him, Lin Xuan rolled on the spot, dodging their attacks.

It turned out to be a vajra ape. Taking advantage of the kobold dragon vein warlock's dragon breath fireball technique, it smashed the sky and covered the earth, obscuring his vision, and quietly touched Lin Xuan's back, preparing for a sneak attack.

Hehe, with a chuckle, Lin Xuan kicked hard, hitting the two huge monsters with a shield punch. The king-level monsters weren't unkilled yesterday, that's all!

However, both of them are worthy of being the king of wild monsters known for their strength and defense. They fought with Lin Xuan, and it was no match. In the end, the two used all their strength to punch and hit Lin Xuan's chest. Lin Xuan vomited blood and collapsed. Fly, and the two of them are silent!

Wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth, Lin Xuan smiled disdainfully, brother's anti-A really thought it was a joke!

Above the sky, Lie Yuying and other sky overlords also launched an attack without fear of death. Lin Xuan used his taunt skills in time to attract their hatred. Now the two women and a few wild monsters with extremely high defenses are fighting. Relying on Yan and Xi's super high racial potential to support and counterattack, there is a certain chance to complete the beheading, but they will never die in a short time!

A punch hit Lie Feather Eagle's and knocked it out. A serrated tiger had already pounced on it and bit it down according to Lin Xuan's head. Lin Xuan was not used to it and grabbed his chin. The fur, swiped violently, the tiger's head fell to the ground, and another whipped leg made up for it, breaking its tiger treasure, it's a pity...

During the battle, Lin Xuan didn't have time to choose where to start. No, maybe it's the place to attack. Many monsters have hard heads and shortened necks, only the back is exposed. In pursuit of efficiency, Lin Xuan can only play according to those "weak points", the wretchedness is a little wretched, but the efficiency has indeed improved a lot, and there are few wild monsters that can resist the full force of the scaled elephant...

As he walked and fought, there were countless corpses of wild monsters along the way. Lin Xuan didn't have time to pick up the spoils, and the next wild monster had already pounced on him.

A purple shadow flashed by, and it was too late to react. Three claw marks were left on Lin Xuan's arm. This is the template of the king, the Amethyst Wolf King!

Looking at the Amethyst Wolf King in front of him, Lin Xuan licked his lips, this thing is very valuable, especially the pure purple hair, without a trace of variegation, beautiful and moving, but this guy is not easy to mess with, fast. Needless to say, and the claws and teeth are surprisingly sharp, it can be seen that Lin Xuan can be broken with a single scratch.

But then, instead of attacking again, it made countless miscellaneous fish and wild monsters continue to slaughter, which seems to be draining Lin Xuan's physical strength.

Lin Xuan was also so happy, relying on his counter-injury to passively kill one after another trash fish without any damage, watching the third skill activation progress on his career template continue to climb, the more and more excited, infinite Physical strength is coming!

Lin Xuan burst into laughter after stunned a giant python with one punch, and then sent it back to the west with another punch.

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