Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Chapter 31: Yunnan Insect Valley tries to form a team

The principal's office of Dongning No. 2 Middle School was originally a quiet office, but now there are many people.

"Uncle Song, where is the classmate you mentioned now? If it is convenient, we can enter the dungeon and try to form a team."

Lin Zhenxing couldn't wait. The feeling that Zhao Hao gave her made her very unhappy. If he could find someone whose talent level was not much different from theirs, and who was more pleasing to the eye than Zhao Hao, then he would be happy to choose him.

Lin Zhenyue smiled, patted Lin Zhenxing's little head, and also turned her attention to Principal Song, um, Zhao Hao also turned to look at Principal Song, are you sending lions to my territory?

"Well~, that's right, I haven't heard him admit his own talent level, but from the perspective of Teacher Lin and me, the bottom line is SS level, and it's not ruled out that it's SS+ level defensive talent."

Zhao Hao sneered and said disdainfully, "You don't even dare to reveal your own talent level. How could such a person be SS level, teacher, you must be wrong?"

Lin Zhenyue also frowned, but she quickly relaxed again. Her grandfather would not lie to her. Besides, even if they were wrong, the initiative was still in their hands.

Lin Zhenxing glared at him, "You think everyone is like you, and you shout when you have an SS-level talent template. I wish everyone knew, huh, just SS-level!"

Zhao Hao smiled complacently, "Hey, I'm only SS-level defensive talent, so what, the entire Taixia has not been able to find a guardian with a higher defensive talent level than me, you two just accept your fate, and I Form a team together, and a year later, the three of us will hit the high school league."

"Humph," Lin Zhenxing snorted, turned his head and ignored him.

Principal Song directly dialed the phone number Lin Xuan left in the school file, and it was quickly connected. From Lin Xuan's tone, he could tell that he was quite happy now, probably because he had made some progress.

"Hey, Lin Xuan, it's me, Principal Song, didn't I tell you last time that there will be two children from the imperial capital coming over, and they just didn't form a team, why don't you try with them?"


"Okay, okay, then where are you now, the Association of the Abilities? Okay, we'll come over here."

It just so happened that there was nothing to do in the school, so Principal Song simply went to the able-bodied guild with them. After all, they had never seen Lin Xuan before. If something went wrong, it would be easier for him to deal with it.

At the training ground, Lin Xuan was practicing with a shield in one hand and a knife in the other.

Seeing this scene, both Lin Zhenyue and Lin Zhenxing's faces were a little ugly, but Zhao Hao was a little surprised. To be honest, Lin Zhenyue's attack strength is indeed enough, but as a man, no matter what he holds in his hand What, I always want to fight something, or that sentence, the assistant also has a heart to output!

It's just that Lin Xuan is different. For Lin Xuan, his current stance is actually prepared to attack the template, and he is indeed invincible in the later stage, but in the early stage, when it is time to go, it is better to go.

"Lin Xuan, this way."

Principal Song shouted, and Lin Xuan, who heard the voice, ran over, "Hey, there are so many people, which two are they?"

"Hello, I'm Lin Zhenyue"

"Hello, I'm Lin Zhenxing"

The two smiled at Lin Xuan and stretched out their hands. Although they were a little dissatisfied with Lin Xuan's lack of business, they didn't say anything. After all, they had nothing to do with each other.

"Dongning No. 2 Middle School, Lin Xuan, nice to meet you."

Two very beautiful twins, clean, simple and pure, one has an inner smile from time to time, and the other has a reserved and intellectual smile. The beauty of different styles is displayed on the same face, even if It was Lin Xuan who couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Imperial Capital No. 1 Middle School, Zhao Hao, nice to meet you."

Taking advantage of Lin Xuan's daze, he directly took Lin Xuan's hand and shook it, "You also like half offense and half defense?"

"Well, I don't know your location?"


Lin Xuan understood in seconds that the two girls' flower protectors were still the kind of possible flower protectors, but looking at the expressions of the two girls, they didn't look alike.

"Well, Principal, so these two are the ones who tried to team up with me?"

Looking at the principal, Lin Xuan gestured to the two sisters and got a positive answer.

"Then which copy are you going to try?"

Lin Xuan is a little indifferent. The Huangjie dungeon is no longer challenging for Lin Xuan. The monsters in it can't defeat him at all. Relying on his bug-level passive of "injuring everything", in Huangjie After traveling in the mountains and waters in the low-level dungeon, he pushed the entire dungeon space horizontally.

Now I have the taunting skill. After entering the dungeon, sit on the ground, turn on the skill, and wait for the dungeon monster to commit suicide. It's too boring, it's really boring, this is just waiting for a rabbit!

Lin Zhenxing was still flipping page by page, trying to find a copy with moderate difficulty, but Lin Zhenyue heard Lin Xuan's randomness, and was fearless because of her confidence.

She glanced at the introduction of Dongning City's dungeons, chose one of the most difficult ones, pointed to one of them and said, "That's it, Yunnan Insect Valley dungeon."

Lin Xuan subconsciously glanced at the dungeon information. Well, it's mainly the name, so that the name will not be mistaken when going to pick up the relevant task later.

"Okay, that's it. Then you prepare. When you're ready, call me."

As soon as Lin Xuan finished speaking, he ran away, went to the task collection counter, and directly received the relevant worm egg collection task. Lin Xuan ate the fried worm eggs produced by that house once. , Although it looks scary, the crispy skin and the thrill of bursting pulp are really hard to extricate!

Without letting Lin Xuan wait for a long time, the two of them ran over after a short while, "It's alright."

"Okay, let's go."

[You have entered the low-level dungeon of the Yellow Order - Yunnan Insect Valley]

【I wish you a safe return】

This is the belly of a dense forest. There are lush trees and many rattans hanging upside down in the air. From time to time, one or two insects fly by. The sounds of birds and insects are endless.

A small stream flows through here, the terrain is steep, the current is fast, the water is clear and the smooth rock bottom can be seen, and there are a few small fish fry wandering freely in the water, where the water is slightly slower from time to time, big fish rush out and pounce on the small fish. .

Lin Xuan stood at the front of the three, glanced at the two women behind him, and moved his body, "Are you ready?"

"Hold on"

The two women recited the spell, and then a summoning circle appeared in front of them, and two angels of different shapes walked out of it.


This time, Lin Xuan was dumbfounded. This is the method of the beastmaster. Are these two angels the beasts? !

Angels are powerful wild monsters on a par with dragons, giants, and phoenixes. The light and flames they control are extremely powerful beings.

"I am the Chi Angels - Flame"

"I am the Hui Angel Clan - Xi"

Can you still speak human words?

It was the first time that Lin Xuan had seen such a wild monster, not to mention it was pretty.

It seems that this buy-two-get-two deal can be done, it's not a loss anyway!

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