Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 274: Ao Qing Prisoner, Luminous Dragon Egg

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Xiao Qinglong: ? ? ?

Are you polite?

What the **** is Xiaobai, I am a dragon, not a snake!

Prosperity is even more excessive, why do you treat me like a dog?

Xiao Qinglong bent on Lin Xuan's hand reluctantly, slapped his arm with his tail, and bit with its teethless gums. It didn't seem like he was resisting, but he was acting like a spoiled child!

"Hehe", Ao Ruqing touched its little head affectionately, "It has been imprisoned in its previous lives, why not name it 'prisoner', the big name is Ao Qing prison, the small name is Qiuqiu or Xiaoqiu, How about it?"

"Ao Qing prisoner? Well, yes."

Lin Xuan was basically a nameless person. Hearing what Ao Ruqing said, plus the name was pretty good, he agreed.

Ao is the surname of the dragon, it should be said to be the surname of the dragon, the dragon family is not like this, as for Qing, it is the racial name, such as Ao Ruqing, because she is of the Yulong family, in fact her full name should be Ao Yuru Love or Ao Yuqing.

This is also to make a simple distinction.

When Xiao Longnv brought a lot of things to Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan could only take out the only ancient gold coins he had. There were nearly 10,000 ancient gold coins. A comparison of the resources given... there is no comparison at all!

In the end, it was Ao Ruqing who paid. For her little rich woman, the things that Lin Xuan bought were not expensive, most of them were of the rank of land, and their value was limited. The Elf Dragon God Tree is the largest.

Nodding to Xiaolongnv, the two left the Dragon's Cornucopia. Xiaolongnv looked at Lin Xuan's leaving figure, her eyes narrowed, a young dragon king in the wild. Another Dragon King!

But in the end, she still shook her head. The level of the Dragon King is too high. If you are not careful, your body will be shattered, and even the true spirit will be smashed. She dare not intervene in it.

Just take it slow!

Following Ao Ruqing, Lin Xuan left the construction area, where there was a mist before, not everyone had the opportunity to enter, only a very few destined people could step into it, in addition to the Dragon Cornucopia, there are other Only a few people are destined to step into the shop.


Unexpectedly, he saw Lin Zhenxing's figure.

"What's wrong?"

Ao Ruqing felt that Lin Xuan was stagnant, looked at the Longshang Pavilion on the side, and then looked at the destined people in the Longshang Pavilion, "Do you know?"

"Well, it's my companion in that world, can you go over and take a look?"


The two walked towards the Dragon Wound Pavilion hand in hand.

Longshang Pavilion is the hospital of the dragon clan. In addition to rescuing sick dragons, it is also a dragon egg base. Except for some dragon eggs in the stalls in the square, only dragon eggs are sold here. Well, it is also the official dragon of the dragon clan. Egg sales place!

Compared with the stalls in the square, the dragon eggs here have higher potential, more and more types, and there will also be corresponding training manuals and initial resource collection.

According to the dragon clan, the dragon eggs of Longshang Pavilion are the vanguards of the middle and high-level dragon clan entering the world of the heavens. No matter whether there are dragons in that world, after someone adopts them, there are dragons in that world, and as pets, imperial beasts enter other worlds. , the hostility between the world and the natives will not be too large, and it is more conducive to the spread of lurking and dragon blood.

It has to be said that this is a mature process of "raiding" the strange world, and the success rate is very high. With this process, the blood of the dragon family has spread in countless worlds of heaven.

Lin Zhenxing is now choosing dragon eggs. She is a destined person, or a descendant of a destined person.

The purple gold dragon of the old principal of the first emperor was also brought out here. Now, Lin Zhenxing held a purple gold dragon scale through the fog and came to the Dragon Wound Pavilion to pick out the dragon eggs.

"Xiao Xing, have you made your choice?"

A gentle voice rang in her ears, and Lin Zhenxing turned around in surprise, only to find that there was a beautiful and outrageous girl beside Lin Xuan, with two small dragon horns on her head, full of alien amorous feelings.

The happy smile suddenly crossed, and he pouted and cursed in a low voice, "Damn radish!"

"Hey, no, how did you come here, did you walk in by yourself?"

The next second, Lin Zhenxing realized that the dragon scales of the Zijin Shenlong could penetrate the fog, but it could only let one person in. Before, her grandfather was still hesitating whether to let her in or her sister in. Thinking of Lin Zhenyue's direct whole sword spirit, now it's good, only she can come in.

As for Lin Xuan... Her grandfather really couldn't care less, and the reason why Lin Xuan came to worship the Dragon Court dungeon was not for pets, but to find a steward race for his heart of the world. The two were different.

"No, I came in with this young lady."

Lin Xuan said with a smile.


The pavilion owner of Longshang Pavilion walked downstairs. He already knew the identity of Lin Xuan's Dragon King, but when he saw that there were still outsiders, he didn't shout, and bowed to Lin Xuan.

Ao Ruqing glanced at Lin Zhenxing a few times, and instantly understood her talent, "Find a top-level support dragon egg for this little girl."

The top here is naturally not the top bloodline, but the top one in this batch, which is also very good.

After thinking for a few seconds, the master of the Dragon Damage Pavilion waved his hand and took a dragon egg from nowhere, "This is a luminous dragon egg, belonging to the Shenlong family. The luminous dragon family is proficient in curses, healing, and stealth. Under the environment, the strength can be improved a lot.”

Ao Ruqing nodded, this is indeed very good, Ye Guanglong is in the same bloodline level as the real dragon nine sons, belongs to the high-level top bloodline, second only to Yulong, Qinglong, the ancestor of the ancestors, has the super-level of Zulong Bloodline, and it is the main support, but it can be cursed, and it can also be sneaky, whether it is life-saving or attacking.

Lin Zhenxing looked at Lin Ao Ruqing and the three masters of Longshang Pavilion. , is also very unhappy, maybe this luminous dragon egg is very suitable for her, but she just has an indescribable discomfort.

"I don't..." She was about to shout that I don't want to, but her sister, her grandfather, and her father flashed in her mind. Finally, she lowered her head and held back her tears, "Thank you, sister."

Raising her head, her expression has recovered, she knows that now, this is not a place for petty tempers, and they are also good to her.

It's not that Lin Xuan didn't see Lin Zhenxing's strange expression, but he didn't understand at all, what happened?

He shook his head and stopped thinking about it. He helped Lin Zhenxing win a good dragon egg, which was considered to have completed the care of her.

"Go to your sister, I still have something to do."

Lin Xuan whispered to Lin Zhenxing, and then left Longshang Pavilion with Ao Ruqing.


Looking at the back of Lin Xuan's departure, holding the dark dragon egg that occasionally flashed with light, Lin Zhenxing replied in a low voice.

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