Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 184: Sycamore Garden

The monk Buddha leaned on the edge of the barrier, raised his head weakly, and looked at Lin Xuan who was lying on the ground, "You are very good, you are qualified to know my name, my name is Aamir Khan Brahman, you can also call me Bibi Buddha...cough."

Falling on his back on the ground, the dizzy Lin Xuan smiled disdainfully, "Labor... Taixia Lin Xuan... Fuck you... Zzz!"

Before the words were finished, Lin Xuan tilted his head and fainted, and Bibi Buddha also showed a bitter smile. This time, he didn't lose face. If he really lost to the Huangjie ability, then he would lose face. Big hair.

Of course, the current situation is not very good. Not only is he seriously injured, it will delay the progress of his own cultivation, but also Taixia's tough and protective style will be forcibly detained for a period of time, whether he picks something up or not. It's miserable.

In terms of his supreme bloodline in the Asan Kingdom and his status as a Buddhist son, his life is definitely worry-free, but it is only worry-free. It is impossible to have a master of the earth to fully recover for him. The longer the serious injury drags on, the more detrimental it will be to practice.

In addition, the length of the detention depends on the negotiation with Asan. The problem is really not big, but I am afraid that my opponents will interfere with it and delay the time again and again. In this way, they can cultivate steadily. And he can only be trapped in the world copy.

This time, Nima lost a lot!

The Buddha, who had regained some strength, raised his head, thinking about the solution after that, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of Lin Xuan who was lifted up by several Taixia capable people who came to support, a flash of inspiration flashed, and the bell had to be tied. , If he can reach a deal with this Tai Tianjiao, it may not be able to solve his current predicament.

More and more Taixia ability people rushed over. The Buddha was supported by the two ability people. He didn't resist. He chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice and went to Minghuang Building with everyone.


As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the white ceiling, the pungent smell of disinfectant filled the surroundings, and the sisters of the Lin family were guarding him from left to right.

I felt the body a little, eh, what's the situation, the body is intact as before, is your recovery ability already so strong?

It's not just the body. At that time, I received the Tathagata's palm from Nabibi Buddha's son. That palm was not only a physical attack, but also a powerful elemental attack and a mental impact. In short, it was a mixed injury. Suffering a serious internal injury, Yuanshen also suffered a lot of impact.

The Tathagata's Palm is worthy of being a samana's secret esoteric skill. This move is simply unparalleled. Lin Xuan's terrifying defensive power cannot be said to be a piece of paper in front of it. The penetrating effect, that palm is indeed the strongest attack Lin Xuan has encountered since he woke's not counting the ground!


Although the injury in the body has completely recovered, there is still some breathlessness. After coughing a few times, I finally feel relaxed and full of energy!

"you're awake!"

"Woo woo, Lin Xuan, woo woo..."

Lin Zhenyue and Lin Zhenxing heard the coughing sound, and immediately looked at Lin Xuan, and found that he was awake, but Lin Zhenyue was fine, and there was no more text after asking, but Lin Zhenxing was different. People rushed up, the tears could not hold back any longer, and they burst into tears.

", why are you crying? I'm fine!"

Lin Xuan sat up with a wry smile, pulled Lin Zhenxing away, and pressed him on the seat, "Okay, don't cry, you little crying bag!"

"I, I, people are just worried about you, it's not a little crying bag!"

Gradually, footsteps sounded outside the door, and Lin Zhenxing stopped crying and looked at the opened ward door, but it was the senior who came in.

"Is your body okay?"

"Senior, is this?"

"Master Minghuang has taken care of it for you. Now you have recovered to the best condition both physically and spiritually."

Hearing the senior's words, Lin Xuan nodded silently. Although the undead Minghuang was dubbed the title of undead, she was also an overlord, a saintly kindness, and she was second to none in terms of attack ability and healing auxiliary ability.

"Oh, by the way, Bibi Buddha said that he wanted to see you. The immortal Lord Minghuang meant that what you did was left to you to decide. After all, it was you who fought with that Buddha to that point. The power of one person!"

"Huh?" Lin Xuan was a little puzzled, and said with a wry smile, "So I don't know what it is."

"At that time, we solved Daxu together, and then the two monks attacked us. If our ability is not enough and they leave us, that's fine, and we will bring people to find a place in the future. One is that it is not in compliance with the rules, and the other is that it involves foreign countries. , However, if they are not able to be detained by us, that is another matter!"

"We take care of this matter. You can ask for some compensation. If the other party doesn't agree, it can only be through the game at the national level. However, whether it is the two monks or Buddhist disciples, their Asan bloodline level is not low. , quite social status, and the other party also intends to negotiate with you."

"Junior, you have to take good care of the degree here!"

The senior's speech was very obscure, but Lin Xuan listened to it in a cloudy and foggy way. How did you explain it? If you don't explain it clearly, how do I know how to fix it.

He smiled meaningfully, then turned to leave.

Lin Xuan and the two sisters looked at each other with a confused look on their faces, but suddenly, a sense of dizziness appeared, pulling Lin Xuan's consciousness into a mysterious and unpredictable situation. Xuan was succeeded, his body was shocked, and he fell straight on the hospital bed.

"Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan..."

"Lin Lin Xuan, wake up, don't scare me... I'm so scared... Lin Xuan..."

In a daze and ignorance, Lin Xuan came to a valley. The creek was gurgling, the bamboo trees were rustling, and a gust of breeze blew past, bringing the fragrance of grass and flowers.

But Lin Xuan looked at everything in front of him and his eyes kept twitching. The ground under his feet, no, it was not the ground, but a black flame of a different species, exuding a thick smell like the ground.

The fragrant and fragrant flowers and plants are not flowers and plants, but all kinds of flames are burning, but strangely, they can emit the color of flowers and plants.

Not only the flowers and plants, the bamboo forest in the distance, and the flowing stream all look very normal, but in fact, they are all different flames. The flames are shaped like bamboo leaves, fluttering with the wind, and the flames are like flowing water in the stream flowing in.

This is a world of fire!

In a trance, a call came from the front, and Lin Xuan couldn't help but follow the call and walked forward, crossed the stream, passed the bamboo forest, and a mountain manor appeared in front of him.

Raising his head and looking at the name of the manor, Lin Xuan was shocked, and he actually came here.

Indus Garden!

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