Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 144: The main player of the school team, Xingyue (read more, eat less and sleep more.

"Lin Xuan, come back soon, they stole the house!"

He turned his head sharply, but saw that the people who had besieged Lin Xuan before did not chase after Lin Xuan, but planned to surround Wei to save Zhao, er, unfortunately, before they surrounded Wei, Zhao was destroyed...

The two angels entangled the two dragons and tigers respectively, but there is no way to limit the others, and the number of people is suppressed!

I saw that this group of shameless things started to output at the base stone of the Xingyue team. Fortunately, it was not a mobile base stone, otherwise the durability has been cleared now, and the fixed base stone can still hold on.

Team Skill - Shift, Lin Xuan and Lin Zhenyue's positions are instantly swapped, Dragon's Contempt!

All the attacks were interrupted, Lin Xuan took eight steps to catch the cicada, stepping on the elements of wind and light, and his speed broke through the sky.

A fist hit the air, and the terrifying firelight and vibration instantly forced the crowd back.

At this moment, Lin Xuan's old strength was gone, but his new strength was not yet born. A black figure came out of the crowd with extremely fast speed, holding a sharp blade, and facing Lin Xuan's back, it was a violent output!

This is a mysterious assassin, with a fighter (non-professional card transfer) class of agility, and the instantaneous burst of damage is extremely high. They have their own set of training methods, which are inherited from ancient times, but they are also integrated into With the current copy system, it is actively catering to the new era!

Injury-free talent can only weaken damage at this moment and cannot completely avoid damage. The outbreak of this mysterious assassin is high enough, but for Lin Xuan, it is not enough to watch.

The iron body and the liquid copper flesh make Lin Xuan's flesh and blood extremely tough!

The black iron body and the nine bull body make Lin Xuan's body rough and thick!

Yinglong bloodline, giant bloodline, makes Lin Xuan's body stronger than ordinary people, I don't know how much!

Injury-free talent greatly reduces damage!

The original artifact, Leviathan Armor, double resistance increases, and damage is reduced a little!


Under so many defensive conditions, this mysterious assassin was unable to do any damage.

"Are you tickling me?"

Lin Xuan grabbed him with a wicked smile... She tore off her hand, and a refreshing fragrance wafted across his nose, "I shouldn't have hit a woman, but the game is inevitable!"

One punch, two punches, three punches!

With these three punches, such a cute girl will definitely cry!

The second profound rank master temporarily lost his combat power!

The rest of the people looked at each other in dismay, the gap between the two sides was simply visible to the naked eye, as if a towering mountain, towering into the clouds, firmly blocked in front of them.

They shouted with heart: "There are endless descendants!"

I can't stand the mountain's daily increase of rocks (strength) more than they dig (increase in strength)!



Lin Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up, You Long Return to the Sea, it's done!

Outside the arena, in the battle arena of Destiny Island, Zhu Yuan and Zhao Hao stared at the big screen above their heads in despair. Originally, they were half-dead when they first came out, just two flashes of healing light. After that, the state is restored to full in an instant.

But even if they are full of strength in their bodies, full of energy, and full of energy, they can't wait to replace the players in the field, but they are useless.

On the high stage, the old principal glanced at Lin Xuan in the copy, and then looked at the two people in the arena who were not at all energetic. He turned his eyes and communicated with Qin Fen with his mental power.

Qin Fen raised his brows, turned his eyes from the screen to the arena, and finally looked at the old principal. After a little thought, he nodded.

Fight, then have fun!

"Zhu Yuan, Zhao Hao, are you two willing to return as the dungeon of natural disasters and souls, enter the dungeon and bring them disaster?"

In the special seat of the school team, Qin Fen raised his eyelids, and his voice was not loud, but it covered the noise of everyone.

Dungeon Natural Disaster · Return of the Dead?

Enter the copy battle again!

"I do!"*2

For a time, the two of them stood up from the ground, with high fighting spirit and high fighting spirit. They glanced at each other, took down their respective source artifacts, and threw them to each other. In this battle, they wanted to win, and they wanted to see that man. Where is the limit? !

【Scattered · The Return of the Dead! 】

Within the copy, the forecast of natural disaster resounded in everyone's heart.

This time, Lin Xuan is numb, what are you doing, is it really a natural disaster copy to survive?

But there was no shadow soldiers borrowing the way he imagined. Hundreds of strange nights, tens of thousands of skeleton warriors rampage, endless undead crawling out of the ground, only two human-shaped lights appeared, Zhu Yuan and Zhao Hao.

Zhu Yuan held the Pantianyin in one hand, and his talent like a mountain was faintly linked with the Pantianyin.

Zhao Hao wears the crown of the earth king, and the treasure body of the earth king echoes with it.

The two of them were in full bloom. No, they were a little stronger than before. Now they are standing in front of Lin Xuan with a solemn face. With the help of the power of the source artifact, they faintly felt that there was a dragon in Lin Xuan's body, alive. !

"It's okay, it's okay, I didn't have the two of you originally, so I have to fight back. Since you guys are here, then I'm welcome!"

You Long Angelica sea, the sea does not welcome me, I will come!

Lin Xuan's body was slightly ups and downs, and he had sensed the flow of water, which unexpectedly matched the strength of his body.

Water has no permanent shape, and it follows the trend and does what it wants without fighting for it.

With the spine as the dragon, the body is like the sea, the spine dragon entering the sea of ​​the body is the dragon returning to the sea.

Of course, Lin Xuan just took a shortcut with the help of Elemental Desire, which does not mean that he has really reached this point, but one thing, even if it is a shortcut, the end point has not changed, that is to say, Lin Xuan can still play. Out of the body's complete control of the combat power!

"This punch is a punch from the peak of my Huangjie. If you can catch it...then I will give you another punch!"

With Zhenquan as the core, it combines the power of giants, the power of dragons, the extreme meaning of wind, sharpness, the extreme meaning of light, scattered, the extreme meaning of wind, scattered, the extreme meaning of earth, shock, the extreme meaning of water, and the flow , and then matched with the flame of the fire crow, the stun of the shield strike, the implosion skill of the implosion fist, and the final BGM (Tianlong Zen singing) can not be missing!

"This fist is called 'Zhenlong'!"

On the high stage, the old principal was smiling, the young man was amazed, and the others couldn't believe it, but in the special seat for the school team, Qin Fen nodded slightly, not in vain for his "bad idea" of cooperating with the old principal!

Lin Xuan punched out a punch, and a phantom of the dragon appeared, roaring out from his fist, and the wind of the fist brought a whistling sound. The space was shaking endlessly, pointing directly at a dozen people on the opposite side!

"Stop it!"

"Can't stop it, we all have to be eliminated!"

"Shenwu·Yanwang Dijun! Yanwang's heavy blow will break me!"

"The ultimate meaning of the earth, town, the seal of Fantian Town, block me!"

"Assassin Qin!"

"Five tigers break their souls!"

"Spear Skill · Phoenix Prisoner!"


Six strong people on the Dragon Tiger plus a few capable people who are also good players, the top of the Dragon Tiger List alone! 【Voiceover】

Who can win this blow! 【Voiceover】

Let's... my God, it's "Dragon Heads Up"! 【Voiceover】

Zhu Yuan tried his best to smash a seal, but in the face of the wanton roaring Zhenlong, he had no effect at all, and his body gradually dissipated in the terrifying shock.

Zhao Hao, relying on the super defensive power of the Shenwu·Yanwang Dijun, stubbornly resisted in front, but he couldn't hold on after a few moments. The powerful shock energy directly separated the Yanwang Dijun in the Shenwu state defense. Fatally wound him!

Profound rank assassins have no resistance at all...


In the end, when the dust settled, Lin Xuan held his hands and became independent, and there was no one on the other side!

The main force of the school team was born, the Xingyue team!

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