Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 132: "On How to Create a Shuangwen Protagonist" (Not after this thing...

Zhao Hao rose to the top. At this moment, time seemed to stop. The top of his head was endless darkness, and his feet were as small as an ant's Di Yi student. At this moment, he was neither sad nor happy, and even closed his eyes, blessed to the soul, he realized!

The ultimate meaning of the earth, fall!

Mount Taishan pressing the top + the extreme meaning of the earth·Meteor = ultimate move·Taishan pressing the top·Meteorite!

Start falling, speed up, speed up, speed up!

In just an instant, as if a meteor streaked across the sky, Zhao Hao's whole body ignited a raging fire. Fortunately, there was a layer of rock armor covering him to protect himself.

Zhu Yuan looked at the "meteorite" that was smashed down in the arena, his face was extremely ugly. He had just fought Zhao Hao, he did have a trump card, but only this trump card was left, which was originally intended to be dealt with. Lin Xuan's killer move.

But Zhao Hao came with the momentum of victory, and he fought with him 55 to 50. Now it has turned into a meteor and slammed down. Who can stop this falling trend, and who dares to stop it?

But it can't be stopped. The impact is so fierce that the entire arena is completely covered. Unless you admit defeat, you will have to resist a wave.

He is a very decisive person, narrowing his eyes, activating a certain piece of equipment on his body, and shouting: "Shenwu · Domination!"


The dominance that was originally just a phantom gradually solidified, and the dragon's might exuded became more and more intense and terrifying. At this moment, its original godless eyes seemed to have a little look. In short, it was alive!

come alive?

No, but this does not prevent the exclamation of some bigwigs on the high platform.

"Hey, the crown of the Earth King? It's too early to give it to him as soon as the yellow rank!"

"Cultivate in advance, you always have to take some risks. Besides, in Taixia territory, with you and me, will there be danger?"

"It's not enough to be afraid of wild monsters, but I'm afraid some people don't want another Zhu Qing from the Zhu family!"

"Hey hey, how do you know that the small dumplings are not bait?"

"...No, your heart is so dirty?!"


On the field, Zhu Yuan's divine martial art, Ba Xia, was completely solid, completely covering Zhu Yuan. Ba Xia's agile eyes stared at the big fireball that fell from the sky, a little dignified, and a little confident.

In the player's seat, Lin Xuan also came back to his senses, mainly because he felt that the atmosphere at the scene was not right. The scene that had been cheering and cheering had fallen into silence at this time. .

Hey, why is there a turtle in the ring?

Oh, no, this is clearly a dragon head, a turtle shell dragon head, is this a tyrant? By the way, that Guiyuan, it should be Guiyuan... Well, remember it is the bloodline of Baxia, so this is him?

Glancing at the seat next to him where he didn't know when it disappeared and leaving behind only the chair, he sighed indistinctly, a little throbbing, and a little excited. The National High School League was the stage he had been looking forward to for a long time, and now he was finally going to this stage. The first step on the stage, think about...


A terrifying roar directly interrupted Lin Xuan's recollection, pulling his thoughts back to the battlefield.

I saw the smoke billowing from the center of the ring, covering everything in the thick smoke. Countless number one students waited eagerly. They wanted to know whether it was Zhao Hao winning all the way and succeeding in defeating the next, or Zhu Yuan ruthlessly suppressing the next dragon. Tiger, maintain his current status? !

The thick smoke gradually dissipated, and Zhao Hao, whose body was scorched black, had fainted and rolled his eyes, while Zhu Yuan, who used unknown means to summon the phantom entity under Baxia, struggled to get up, although he was trembling and a little out of strength. , but he remained awake.

In this battle, he and Zhu Yuan won!

Although the win is quite reluctant, but no matter what, he is the winner!

He took a complicated look at the "little mouse" beside him who had fallen into a coma. He didn't expect that the little brother who was behind Zeng Jin's **** had grown so much. He was a little gratified, but also had a sense of crisis. If he was really chased by the little brother, This old face of my own can't be guaranteed!

Two rays of healing light fell. Compared with the previous casualness, these two rays of healing light made people feel a little "careful", mainly because the time that enveloped the two of them was not short, more than ten seconds longer than before.

The amiable Huajian Shengci smiled and nodded, two good boys, with very strong physical fitness and good resilience, don't look bad, but there is no injury to the foundation at all, at most it is just because the impact force is too large , causing coma and loss of strength.

"Old sister, my boy is okay, is there any serious injury?"

The participants of the Zhu family smiled and communicated with Huajian Shengci. Although they smiled, their eyes were full of worry and concern. The existence of Zhu Yuan was of great importance and was the key to the game between the Zhu family and several other "hostile" families. if……

"This kid is not bad, he has a solid foundation, and his bloodline and exercises are also very suitable for him. He is a good seedling.

Huajian Shengci shook his head helplessly. There is naturally no hostile relationship between the top families of Taixia, but some people have dug up several volumes of the ancient book "On How to Create a ** Protagonist" from the ruins. The word "**" has been It's vague, but someone in Taixia guessed it was "luck".

Create a fortune protagonist?

Many people are excited about it!

There are a lot of routines written in it, such as divorce, waste material, son-in-law... I have tossed a lot in those years, but none of them have grown up until a certain "expert" suggested that the beginning may not be important, but the important thing is In the process that followed, hostile forces pursued, suppressed, framed, etc. Therefore, Zhu Yuan's sister has been preventing Zhu Yuan from becoming a teammate of the Lin family sisters, so before Zhao Hao was vaguely possible to join Xingyue Squad... All of this is arranged by someone behind, but, after all, Tai Xia is pressing on his head, some things can't be done too much... The most basic thing, can't kill people!

Therefore, this plan can only be modified by magic, and so far the effect is average...

Deliberately persuaded him not to put his own tragedy on his children and grandchildren, but Shengci thought about it, but still didn't say anything. Forget it, let them go. If you don't overdo it, that's someone's private matter. If you overdo it, it's Taixia's Law enforcement agencies are not sloppy either!

Just pity the two babies below!

That's right, not only the selection of Zhu Yuan is the key, but also Zhao Hao, the difference is that Zhao Hao is the villain script that he "received" a few days ago...

With the end of the treatment, Zhu Yuan has fully recovered, and Zhao Hao also opened his eyes in a daze. Although the state has recovered well, the concussion of the brain cannot be cured at once. For the time being, Chaos will It's his state for the next day or two.

Zhu Yuan watched Zhao Hao being carried down, turned his head and looked at Lin Xuan in the player area, "Battle!"

The terrifying roar was mixed with the dragon's roar. Zhu Yuan unscrupulously released his fighting spirit towards Lin Xuan. The shame of last year will be washed away today. Although a little bit of trump card was exposed in the battle just now, it was not completely exposed. The absolute killer is still stayed.

He will win this battle!

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