Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 102: Endless Aquaman

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Through the two skill card exchange rights given by the old principal, Lin Xuan successfully obtained the training qualifications for "Eternal Indestructible Infinite Calamity" and "Unforgettable Yin Spirit Entering the Holy Calamity", mainly with Emperor 1 points to buy, the price is too exaggerated Now, one copy costs fifteen thousand, and two thousand points can't buy two copies.

In addition to these two copies, Lin Xuan also took a fancy to the light-based concealment technique "Harmony" and the light-based exploration technique "Sky Vision". These two are not marked as extremely high prices like Double Calamity. The two spells only cost one thousand and two points, which was still within Lin Xuan's tolerance.

[Card]: Wako

[Type]: Skill

[Equal Rank]: Low Profound Rank

[Introduction]: Use the light to hide yourself in it, but please note that it can only hide the body type.


[Card]: Sky Vision

[Type]: Skill

[Equal Rank]: Low Profound Rank

[Introduction]: Condense a little light with spiritual power, and there is nothing to hide from the touch of light.

The two sisters were puzzled by Lin Xuan's choice of these two skills. The "Harmony" skill was really good for hiding his figure, but there were also some special skills for smell and breath that could easily find the location of his figure.

The same is true for the skill of Sky Vision. The speed of light is very fast and the spread is very wide, but it cannot be denied that it will be blocked when encountering obstacles. If it cannot penetrate, the effect of exploration will be limited.

Lin Xuan was looking at the introduction of these two cards. He was blessed with his heart, and suddenly thought of two supernatural powers, "Being in the dust with the light", "Heavenly Sight Listening", um, there is also a skill "Listening" that he pressed into the bottom of the box.


Don't everyone here know that the combination of skills can form magical powers?

Or is there any special reason?

"Lin Xuan, I suggest you buy another copy of Turtle Breath, and use it with the Heguang skill, which can effectively reduce the sense of existence! This is also the best combination that Master Wanfa Tianren has experimented with through countless combinations of spells. "

Lin Zhenyue said with a serious face.

Lin Xuan: ...

"I really like the skill with the dust, it reduces the sense of existence, and it is also cheap."

Lin Xuan couldn't say it outright, but he could make a side-by-side attack.

"What's the use of being cheap? When combined with the effects of light skills and dust skills, it does not weaken breathing and reduce the effect of breath. It is easy to be discovered by enemies with developed hearing and sensitive airflow, and it can't achieve the effect of concealment at all. Moreover, they A mysterious rank, a yellow rank, the ranks are different, how could there be a match!"


It turns out that the real supernatural power was not available because of your "equal-order prejudice"!

With a swipe of your finger, add Huangjie's "Tongchen" skill to the shopping cart, and exit the Diyi Treasure app directly.

"Okay, okay, my skills are finished, what else is there, let's chat while eating, and chatting while eating."

Lin Xuan warmly greeted the two sisters to eat fruit. Lin Zhenyue couldn't help but shut her mouth. Forget it, Lin Xuan can choose whatever skills he wants. After all, Lin Xuan is the strongest in the team, so he needs to add The other means should not be him, but they should be.

"Brother Xuan, what is your Xuanhuang promotion mission? In which world copy do you survive for a few days, you should be the most difficult seven days for being so powerful!"

Lin Xuan: ? ? ?

The poses you don't understand have increased again!

"World dungeon? You know, I haven't attended the classes for the past few days, um, I just came back and haven't made up for it..."

"Hey, Brother Xuan, then you haven't started the Xuanhuang promotion task?"


Lin Zhenxing suddenly became interested, and began to organize the language, a bang!

Standing on the sofa in the living room for a while, he waved his right arm, as if he was on the sea, commanding countless gunboats to kill the sea beasts of cholera!

Lin Xuan: "Hey~, bull wow, wow!"

After a while, Lin Zhenxing stood on the armrest of the sofa, holding his hands behind his back, like a peerless emperor standing on the red soil continent, staring at countless sea kings.

Lin Xuan quack: "It's amazing, it's amazing!"

After a while, Lin Zhenxing took a leisurely walk in the courtyard, walking lightly, walking around Lin Xuan and Lin Zhenyue twice, closing his eyes like the emperor's deputy.

Lin Xuan exclaimed: "My God, this is also possible!"

At the end, Lin Zhenxing remembered the rhinoceros looking at the moon, pointed at himself with his thumb, squinted his eyes, and said, "You are not talented, the copy of the evil ghost world will survive for ten days!"

"Oh!" Lin Xuan didn't react for a while, and said, "Strong, too strong, I admire it."

Lin Zhenyue quietly looked at these two living treasures, and couldn't help laughing, but she immediately put away her smile.

"Hey, that's not right!" Lin Xuan recalled: "Why are you ten days, and then you say I'm seven days, I'm worse than you? It doesn't make sense!"

"It's not like that." Lin Zhenyue on the side looked at Lin Zhenxing, who was starving after a sudden meal, was frantically cooking, and when she heard Lin Xuan's question, she said directly: "Actually, for entering the world For dungeon people, it is not difficult to live for a few days, but the difficulty is to improve your dungeon evaluation.”

"The lower the task time, the more urgent your time in the dungeon, and the less chance you have to improve your dungeon's evaluation. Therefore, the correspondingly, the greater the difficulty."

Lin Xuan nodded, understood, the difficulty is not in the survival time, but in improving the evaluation.

"Quick, look at which dungeon your Xuanhuang rank-up mission is. If we can work together, the difficulty will be reduced."

Lin Zhenxing urged.

Helpless, Lin Xuan surged his own strength and chose to advance directly.

[It is detected that your strength has been promoted, but there is still a little power that has not been sublimated. Please go to the world copy of "Endless Sea King", survive for seven days, and realize the true meaning of power! 】

"Endless Sea King" world copy?

Listen to Xiaoxing this This dungeon is in Guangzhou, not only the dungeon is located near the sea, but the entire dungeon is basically the sea, plus the devil fruit that looks strange but can give people extraordinary abilities , the tall and sturdy last fortress "Red Continent"...

Pirate King Luffy, yes, it's you!

But the situation inside was completely different from what Lin Xuan thought.

Originally, Lin Xuan wondered whether the Blue Stars would collude with the indigenous forces when they entered the pirate world, but now, there is no need to think about it.

The world government and Tianlong people who dominated the world "eight hundred years N" have disappeared without a trace.

There is no legend of "Wang Fusi" in the world.

Today, it has been confirmed that there are still indigenous humans living. One is the Red Earth Continent occupied by Taixia, the other is the Upside Down Mountain guarded by the Eagle Sauce Country, and the other is the Windmill Village of the Small Life Country.

There are only endless sea beasts ravaging the whole world, the sea kings, sea emperors, sea dragons, and the three sea beasts almost slaughtered all the indigenous humans.

It was not until the people from all countries on the Blue Star entered the world copy of "Endless Sea King" that they barely resisted the crazy attack of the sea beasts.

Of course, these are not the main points. The main point is that the world copy of "Endless Sea King" has mutated. After eating the devil fruit, he is no longer afraid of the sea. The Blue Star people are not clear about this, and the indigenous people are also cut off because of knowledge inheritance. I don't know.

Of course, no one might think it was a bad thing at that time, until "Sea King Destroyed the World" happened!

Endless sea kings wake up from the deep sea, eat devil fruits, and destroy the world.

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