Altar of the Heavens of Harry Potter

Chapter 161 God's Domain Asgard

Asgard is located at the head of the Nine Realms and is said to be the place where the gods live.

Today, Asgard welcomes a special guest.

In the main hall of the palace located on the holy mountain, heavily armed guards surround both sides.

"Master Bryan, welcome to come." Odin, the king of the gods, sat on the throne and looked at Canaan kindly.

"I'm glad to see you too." Canaan knelt on one knee and said respectfully.

As soon as Gu knew that he was coming to Asgard, she suggested that he use the normal way of visiting. For this reason, she even greeted Odin in advance.

Canaan originally planned to hide in the mirror space, and then "do it big" in Asgard. Hearing Gu Yi's words, he felt that he was a little reckless.

After all, he has never seen Odin's ability. In Loki's memory, strict guards were set up in many places in Asgard.

And hiding in the mirror space is not necessarily safe. It is said that anyone who wants to sneak into Asgard will be discovered by the gatekeeper Heimdall.

"I really should have asked Sol to come back earlier. You know, the Nine Realms have been in chaos recently, and he will use the peace of the Nine Realms to welcome his throne." Odin stood up from the throne while speaking.

Leaning on the golden scepter, he walked down slowly: "I heard from Sol that he recognized a younger brother on Earth, who was a magician. I was still wondering, how could there be other magicians on Earth? You can be the disciple of the Supreme Master. How is it, is your teacher okay now?"

"It's not bad, the body is strong, and it tastes delicious."

"Hahaha!" Odin stroked his beard and laughed loudly: "Interesting child, I know why you are here. The library in Asgard will be completely open to you, so you don't have to worry."

"Thank you for your kindness!"

After being received and approved by Odin, Canaan officially settled in Asgard.

Under the rule of Odin for thousands of years, Asgard has been very prosperous and prosperous, and its architectural style is also particularly interesting.

Canaan chose a comfortable palace not far from the palace to live in. There is a patio in the middle of the palace, where you can look at the starry sky, which is very beautiful.

Through chatting with Odin today, Canaan also learned about the current timeline.

If nothing else, the plot of Thor 2 is about to begin.

The plot of Thor 2 tells that when the Nine Realms are about to return to the front line, the space is chaotic, and the ether particles are attached to Thor's earth girlfriend, Jane Foster.

After Thor brought Jane back to Asgard, the awakened dark elves came to attack Asgard, and this battle also killed Sol's mother.

However, Canaan is not prepared to participate. Gu Yi had warned him not long ago that his arrival has added a lot of variables to Marvel's time, and the future is already somewhat uncontrollable.

In the last battle in New York, if Gu Yi hadn't prevented the superstar from detonating the nuclear bomb, they would have been dead by now.

Moreover, the plot of Marvel is interlocking, and any change may make the future an unpredictable future.

And Canaan has now got what he wants, and has earned enough luck points. Now he just wants to finish studying the books in Asgard and return to the world of Harry Potter early.


The library is located on the largest sacred mountain in Asgard,

There are a lot of soldiers patrolling here, they wear armor and are heavily guarded.

Canaan held the passport given by Odin and came to the library unimpeded.

The space in the library is fairly empty, about the size of a football field.

Canaan is not the only one here, there are also some scattered Asgardians. They are gorgeously dressed and seem to be members of the nobility.

They were not surprised by Canaan's arrival, they just nodded kindly, and then lowered their heads to concentrate on their books, looking very polite.

Before coming, Ancient One once told Canaan that the most famous and well-established magic in Asgard's collection is the witch's secret magic and the black elf's dark magic.

Therefore, Canaan is going to learn these two kinds of magic first in a limited time.

Every bookshelf here has information marked in Asgardian characters, which is convenient for Canaan to find.

"Soul decryption?" Canaan stopped in front of a bookshelf.

After roughly reading a few books.

He found that the books on this shelf were all about the soul, and the research on the spirit body was very in-depth.

One book even suggests healing the body in the same way as healing the soul. Because the soul and the body are inseparable, and the two will nourish each other.

Canaan, who was watching engrossed, suddenly heard slight footsteps coming from beside him.

"Sorry, I seem to have disturbed you." The visitor was a plump and beautiful lady.

"you are?"

"I am Sol's mother, Frigg." The woman smiled.

"Your Highness the Queen!" Canaan bowed slightly. He knew that the Asgardians paid more attention to etiquette.

And the queen herself is a powerful witch, and Loki's mysterious spells are all taught by her.

"Son, don't be so restrained. I heard Sol talking about you, and you helped him a lot." Frigga smiled kindly, and then she looked at the book in Canaan's hand and said, "You like these books very much." book?"

"Oh, these books are very good. I have never seen such detailed soul decryption anywhere else."

"It seems that you are a wise child. I also like reading. It can bring us great help. It would be great if Sol could love reading like you." Frigga said a little worriedly. My own reckless son had a headache.

Sure enough, as long as you are a mother, you can't do without your children in three sentences. Canaan can also understand Frigga's feelings as a mother, after all, his mother Helen is also like this.

"His Royal Highness, I think your worries are unnecessary. Everyone has their own characteristics. Sol has a special charisma. Although he often does things without brains, bravery and firmness are his characteristics."

Looking at Frigga's emerald green pupils, Canaan continued, "What's more, what he lacks can be made up for by his friends. I don't think any king is perfect after all."

Hearing Canaan's words, Frigga couldn't help laughing: "You are a smart child, and Sol is indeed lucky to have a friend like you."

Then she walked forward slowly, and took out a few books from the bookshelf and handed them to Canaan: "These books can help you better understand the mysteries of the soul. If you have any questions, you can ask me anytime."

It seems that Canaan's words really won Frigga's favor.

"Thank you, that would be great!" Canaan said with a smile.



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