Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 695: Gain knowledge

But this time, although mental energy was consumed a lot, but this result also made Lu Shan quite satisfied!

Anyway, for the first time using Tianyantong here, I have harvested a piece of jade that is not low in value. This is a good start!

In fact, he had already made the worst plan before coming, even if a few days later, a valuable emerald wool was not found, that is not impossible. And in order to make his Tianyantong more available several times, he specially purchased so many wildflowers in the ancient village of the Mosuo people. In this way ... if his frequent use of Tianyantong's ability leads to lack of mental strength, You can use your mental potions at any time to resurrect yourself with blood!

After returning from the bar last night, he made seven consecutive mental potions in one breath. The resulting mental potions have reached 210 ml, and they are all the highest level of mental potions he can prepare now. , A maximum of 20 ml at a time can restore his mental strength to complete, so ... 210 ml is enough for him to use ten times!

He really wanted to make more mental potions, but ... this upgrade box has a limited number of uses, one time and one less, and it doesn't matter whether he made low-level or intermediate-level potions, the same Will consume the number of times to upgrade the treasure box once.

And as his strength continues to grow, the low-level potions have become very tasteless for him, and there is no one like them ... such as the first potion he formulated, which can only increase the health of a dozen points ...... For a person whose life limit is as high as 1,500, what good is it to add a dozen points of life?

Therefore, Lu Shan has realized that ... it is better for him not to prepare too many medicines of low and medium grades. Otherwise, once the quality of the medicine cannot keep up with the speed of his strength growth, it will be wasted.

Now he has been able to formulate junior and intermediate medicaments, and if he can prepare advanced medicaments, if these junior and intermediate medicaments have a lot of useless left, wouldn't he be blind? Therefore, even if he urgently needs a lot of mental potions, he still dare not make too much at once.

After raising his hand slightly, Lu Shan turned his head and looked at the clerk aside, saying, "I have bought this woolen cloth ... Can you calcite it here?"


The shop clerk stopped for a moment when he heard the words, and he couldn't believe his ears.

It ’s really that Lu Shan ’s behavior and tone are too casual, as if this is not a jade wool worth more than 100,000, but just buying a watermelon on the street, and then asking if the melon seller can help give the watermelon to Cut the same!

Speaking of it ... Lu Shan's manners are not as good as those of a prodigal who has money to burn and feel uncomfortable. He looks like an ordinary foreign tourist, and foreign tourists ... There are so many people who buy jadeite wool. ?

So the clerk couldn't help but seriously wonder if Lu Shan didn't find out how many zeros there were on the price tag, and he kindly reminded him, "Oh ... sir, do you want to gamble on stones? Um ... this The price of a piece of wool is 188,000 yuan. Are you sure you want to buy it? "

When Lu Shan heard the words, he immediately understood the clerk's meaning, and he couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, I know the price is 188,000 yuan. Isn't it all written? Of course ... if there is a discount Then, I don't mind enjoying the discount. "

"Uh ... no discount!"

The clerk reluctantly said with a bitter smile: "Under normal circumstances, the gambling stones in our shop cost more than 100,000 yuan, and there is a 10% discount, but ... except for this piece of wool, if you want to buy ... then only Paying at this price, there is no penny discount. If you feel you are losing ... then you might as well look at other wool! We have a new batch of wool in our shop, all of which are newly mined in Myanmar this year. New goods are guaranteed to be fresh! But unlike other shops, the wool they put out are basically mined and not known how much! "

Lu Shan couldn't help but feel a little aggressive when he heard this ... Can't help but ask: "No ... you don't seem to be selling fruit or food? Is it related to the new mining this year? Why? Is the difference between new goods and sinking goods? Is it fresh that is worth more than sinking goods? But how do I listen to them ... This jadeite wool is still good from the old pit? And the wool from the new mine is not so good? "

The shop clerk smiled and said, "Sir, you don't understand now ... saying that the wool in Laokeng is good, this is not nonsense, but this is mainly because the veins in Laokeng are rich, and the emerald wool out there, out The probability of jadeite is higher than some new mines developed later. But this only refers to the location of the mine, but it does not mean that the jadeite wool mined in earlier years is better than the new mine this year. "

"Don't you know ... this jadeite wool has been mined repeatedly after being mined in Myanmar. In fact, the best-looking wool must have been left by the mine owner, or It was untied by itself, or it was stored in its own library, and slowly waited for the appreciation of the jade market. The first class was mostly delivered to the Myanmar government, ready to be used for storage. The auction is held every four years on the Emerald Jade Plate. Once again, some ... will be obtained by some distributors and delivered to the Mainland through various channels ... "

"And these jadeite wools sent to the mainland will not appear directly on the jade market, and they will definitely have to go through layers of screening ... Those that are more anti-genuine products are stopped by layers. This way After layer-by-layer screening, in fact, the wool that has actually flowed into the ordinary market was mined a few years ago, and it is unlikely that these wools that have been screened will be able to bet up! The wool in the store is not the same ... It has not been sold and screened by so many hands. It is a new product that was only mined from Myanmar this year. In this way, the probability of a bet going up will naturally be greater for wool that has not been screened in layers. If you're lucky, you might bet on a high-end jade, and you'll make a lot of money! "

"So this is ah!"

Lu Shan nodded as he heard the words, feeling that he had gained a lot of knowledge. These things could not be learned on the Internet and books, but ... the clerk said what was true, and he could n’t confirm it, only I can just listen to it for now!

The shop clerk nodded in satisfaction when he saw Lu Shan's appearance, and then pointed his fingers at the batch of half-gambled wool, saying, "How about ... sir, don't you look at these wools again, look at you Which one I won, I promise to give you the biggest discount! "

"Oh, thank you! I'll see those woolen fabrics later. I look good on this one. Buy it first and untie it!"

Lu Shan showed a look of oil and salt, and said, "If you don't discount, you don't discount. Anyway, I don't have that little money. Invoice and collect it!"

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