Almighty Alchemist

Chapter 54: Sarahan (Part 2)

The hotel that the little boy Bill found for Huey was quite in line with his taste—it was quiet and elegant, located on a high point in the west of Sarahan City, overlooking most of the city from here, it looked a bit like a leisure villa in later generations.

After paying the deposit for three days, Huey moved into a quiet room on the second floor of the hotel.

After taking a shower, Huey walked out of the bathroom and found that Little Bill was happily tasting the snacks sent by the hotel.

Seeing Xiuyi come out, Little Bill stood up in a panic: "Oh, sir, I didn't mean to steal your food, I just wanted to make sure that the food they sent was hygienic and safe."

Xiu Yi smiled: "It is indeed necessary to confirm, you can continue to confirm."

"Oh, really? Thank you so much." Little Bill's eyes shone with surprise.

He packed all the snacks on the table into his pockets.

Then he said to Huey, "I have a younger sister, and I hope she can taste the food here and feel your generosity at the same time."

"No parents?"

"Father is dead, and mother is sick," Bill replied with his head bowed.

"Then your life must be very difficult." Xiu Yi's expression was very flat. He has heard too many things like this, most of them are false fabrications, and a few of them are true, but that is also a problem that he cannot solve.

No matter how fast the world develops, poor people will always exist.

The greatest benefit of religion is to allow people to live in poverty and pin their hopes after death.

It can be seen that Bill Jr. is a devout believer of the Holy Spirit. He strictly abides by the rules of the Church of the Holy Spirit before eating, and must pray to heaven.

"Tell me about Emmalis, what kind of existence is that? Why does every believer have to respect him so much?"

"Because Emmalis is the spirit of the Church of the Holy Spirit." Bill shouted.

Spirit God is a very special existence in the Church of the Holy Spirit.

To be precise, it exists between the real god and the believers. The Church of the Holy Spirit is a monotheistic church. The biggest feature of the monotheistic church is its serious exclusivity. It believes that there is only one god in the world, that is, the Holy Spirit.

All gods except the Holy Spirit are false gods.

Therefore, for other churches, the Church of the Holy Spirit has always resorted to vicious and cruel methods, sparing no effort to attack them.

But besides the holy god, there are two special gods, that is, the spirit god.

The so-called Church of the Holy Spirit is actually a combination of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit.

Unlike the Holy Spirit, the Spiritual God is served by human beings. He is neither a real god nor a real human being.

Because only the dead can become spirit gods.

According to the doctrine of the Holy Spirit: the Holy Spirit is the supreme being in the universe, and the whole world is created by the Holy Spirit. After the Holy Spirit created the world and the life of all things in the world, he fell asleep for ten thousand years. In order to ensure the orderly development of the world during his slumber, the Holy Spirit selected two people who were most devout to him from among human beings, and bestowed them with magical abilities, and let them accept the worship of living beings on their behalf.

This is the origin of the spirit god.

That is to say, there is only one god in the world, but the only true god created two lesser gods to replace himself. Except for these three gods, no other gods exist.

The spirit gods are rotated every three hundred years.

Three hundred years ago, the Great Bain Empire was in danger of splitting, and even the Church of the Holy Spirit encountered a huge crisis of faith. It was a man named Emaris who turned the tide and made the Church of the Holy Spirit stand on the top of the Northern Continent again.

After his death, a huge radiance appeared on the Altar of the Holy Spirit and shrouded his body.

That means that the sleeping Holy Spirit split a wisp of wisdom and bestowed it on Emmalis, making him the new Spirit God. Since then, the statue of Emmalis has replaced the previous statue in Sarahan, accepting the worship of all peoples.

It is this practice of enshrining gods after death that makes people believe that there will be a heaven after death, and those who abide by the teachings and believe in the true God will have eternal life. Therefore, believers worship and worship every year, making the Church of the Holy Spirit more prosperous.

"Didn't you say that there are two spirit gods?"

"God Emaris is the god of pilgrimage. His duty is to lead the faith, guide the souls of the believers, and control the light. Therefore, he is also called the God of Light. The other spiritual god is the God of Hidden. His duty is to eliminate evil, cleanse uncleanness, and control darkness. Therefore, he is also called the God of Darkness. The God of Hidden does not accept worship from the world. He only issues orders to the Holy See itself, so believers only need to worship the God of Light."

"It sounds like the God of Pilgrimage is very powerful, but in fact the God of Hidden might be even more powerful." Xiu Yi said lightly.

Although there are many believers, they are just scattered sand after all. Those who control the power of the Holy See are the real kings of power.

It's just that the Apotheosis of the Hidden God has never been made public, so no one knows who the Hidden God is.

Xiuyi was not interested in the Church of the Holy Spirit before, so his research on this aspect was not thorough. At this moment, the little boy Bill explained one by one the teachings of the Church of the Holy Spirit, and Xiuyi finally understood many things that he did not understand before.

Next, Huey and Bill Jr. chatted a lot of anecdotes about Sarahan, and Huey knew a lot about the customs here.

But there is always a doubt in my heart, that is, according to Little Bill, although no one has seen the existence of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Church of the Holy Spirit has indeed existed and manifested.

It is said that it requires the Church of the Holy Spirit to perform the most pious sacrifice on the altar and offer tens of thousands of sacrifices to the heavens to obtain the apparition. For some reason, Xiu Yi had a faint feeling of ominousness in his heart from Bill's description.

He couldn't explain where this feeling came from, so he could only stand up and say, "Bill, let's go for a walk."

"Okay sir, where are you going?"

"Let's find a church nearby first."



The rainforest that once plagued the spirit of revenge is now being cut down by the soldiers in pieces. They are like hardworking lumberjacks, constantly cutting down trees and transporting them to the rear.

Raschel and Haley are directing the troops to spread steadily around.

With the military support of the Scourge Church and the Sierra Empire, the work of developing the rainforest has become extremely smooth.

Especially the joining of a large number of magicians has greatly made up for the embarrassment of the lack of magicians in Vengeful Soul.

The dark mage is the best profession to fight in the dark, and the necromancer can use the corpses of some dead animals to find the way for everyone. Destruction mages have powerful attack capabilities, and soul mages also have special effects in detecting unknown hostile soul energy.

The abyssal monsters used to launch several attacks during the logging operation of the Vengeful Spirit, but this time is different. Their surprise attack was met with a powerful counterattack by the Vengeful Spirit. Hundreds of monsters died, and some strange abyss creatures were also killed or captured.

However, what makes the Vengeful Soul feel chilling is that the creatures they encountered were all extremely powerful beings. To defeat these creatures, it often required the joint efforts of dozens of warriors to knock them down.

In particular, some large super ferocious beasts roared and wreaked havoc in the jungle like earth dragons, causing great damage to the Spirit of Vengeance, just like raging wild beasts in the jungle.

Compared with Warcraft, they also have a very strict organizational discipline, which makes these guys significantly more difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, the generals of the Sierra Empire who had expressed their disdain for the invasion of the abyss finally witnessed this fact. They quickly reported the news to Emperor Jenkin.

Knowing that Xiu Yi was not alarmist, Jenkin immediately sent additional human troops to Xiduo through the teleportation array, and joined the ranks of the advance team to conquer the abyss. At the same time, Mi Yeya and Charlie also got the news, and also sent troops to Xiduo.

The formation of the Xiduo United Army made the fighting a one-sided trend. After clearing almost half of the rainforest, the last forest area is far away.

It is impossible for those abyssal monsters to continue hiding in the rainforest.

"Raschel, if you said they really only came here to find their general, why did they keep hiding in this rainforest?" Haley asked suddenly.

"What do you want to say to me?" Raschel asked, squinting.

"I always feel like there's something wrong with it. Or maybe they're here to find their general, but maybe that's the only mission they have. I mean, what if they have other missions? Or..."

"Or have they found their general?"

"Is that how you see it?"

"I think the crux of the problem is not this, but why these abyssal creatures have refused to leave the rainforest until now." Raschel said leisurely, "Ever since you contacted them, they have been staying in this rainforest and not going anywhere. This is not like looking for a general to do."

"you mean……"

"I feel like these guys are guarding something."

"Guard what?"

"I don't know, but I think it's okay to guard anything, as long as it's not... the gate of time and space that can lead to the abyss."

Raschel's words made Haley's face change slightly: "If that's the case, it's really terrible. But I don't think the answer should be like this, otherwise the abyssal monsters should have rushed out to attack humans."

"It has been a thousand years since the Western Continent was destroyed. For a thousand years, they have had the opportunity to come out, but they have never come out. This is a mystery in itself. Maybe for them, it's just that the time has not come."

"When will it be time?"

"I don't know, maybe . . . what are they waiting for. Like the return of Bathgate?"

"I don't believe that the terrible devil has a chance to return."

"Honestly, that's not up to you or me to decide." Raschel sighed.

At this moment, the distant rain forest came out, and a lot of noisy sounds suddenly came.

A large number of warriors ran back from the front one after another, showing panic.

"What's going on?" Haley yelled.

"The devil! The devil has appeared!" shouted a soldier.

A fierce roar shook all directions, shaking the entire rainforest.

Haili looked up, and saw a huge monster with a height of tens of meters suddenly appearing in front of everyone in the middle of the rainforest in the distance.

With the appearance of that behemoth, the entire rainforest was suddenly shaken.

The earth trembled violently, and countless grotesque creatures emerged from the ground, and tens of thousands of strange birds flew out of the sky, with huge flame-like wings and sharp sawtooth beaks. Behind the rainforest, a large number of demon spirits and roaring war beasts rushed out, roaring with majestic momentum.

The whole world seems to have suddenly become the world of abyssal monsters. From the sky to the ground, there are traces of abyssal monsters everywhere.

A particularly huge flame monster raised its head and let out a long, sharp hiss. The roar was like an invisible air wave, killing dozens of warriors in an instant.

"My God! That's..." Raschel murmured.

"It's an attack from the abyss!" Hailey yelled wildly: "It's not a small army hiding here, it's an entire army! Damn it! Retreat! Retreat immediately!" Hailey screamed wildly and let out a trembling roar.

At the same time, the land of divine grace.

Xu finally walked out of the disappearing continent.

He also carried a strange painting scroll on his back, shining dazzlingly in the sunlight.

The sky seemed to be dark because of this, Xu Yangtian looked at it, and then flew towards the foggy castle.

Father, I'm back!

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