Almighty Alchemist

Chapter 91 Faith

The once glorious Arcane Tower is now in ruins.

When the gunpowder smoke dissipated, all people could see were large expanses of masonry, mud tiles, and debris.

The ruins looked like a mountain of rubbish, and there were people running and shouting everywhere.

Nicolas Cage was walking on the ruins blankly, his eyes were dull and his heart ached.

At this moment, he didn't look like a sanctuary, but more like an old man whose heart was hit hard.

His eyes fell on a ruin, and Nicolas Cage saw something. He staggered and ran over without casting a single spell. He just used his hands to split the bricks and stones, and then dug out half of the badge from under the ruins.

"Master Cage..."

cried a magician.

Nicholas raised his hand and stopped the other party's call.

He wiped the half badge with the wide sleeve of his robe, and said in a calm tone: "My mentor gave it to me thirty years ago. At that time, I just became a formal magician. Holding this badge, I was so excited that I couldn't fall asleep all night."

All the magicians behind him bowed their heads.

Nicholas continued to plan the ruins with both hands: "I remember that I put it together with other important things, as well as the golden robe I wore, the certificates representing our honor, the certificates given by the empire, the chapter, seal and membership information of the Association of Magicians, the promotion assessment, the books left by the past generations, the spar...these were all handed over to me by the previous president. I promised that the Association of Magicians will only be more prosperous in my hands! But where are they now? Where are they?!"

The final question was almost a growl and a shout. But no one was able to answer this question, which was filled with anger like wind and thunder.

Several magicians looked at each other, and finally someone came out.

"My lord...they are all gone." A magician boldly replied: "All of them... completely disappeared."

"Oh!" Nicholas yelled up to the sky.

The sound was like thunder from the nine heavens, and the rumbling explosion in the sky scared everyone back a few steps.

"Bastard!" Nicholas' eyes flashed with lightning.

He raised his hands, and a Thunder Dragon shining with thunderbolts appeared in the air. He shook his head and tail, and then countless thunderbolts in the air crazily smashed down and landed on the ruins.

All the magicians raised their magic shields in fright.

Before Nicolas Cage became sanctuary, he was known as Thor. His attainments in lightning spells have far surpassed those of his predecessors. Even the elemental dragons he summoned have the strength to compete with the top archmages.

Countless bolts of lightning struck the ruins, blasting out large pieces of rubble. Nicholas finally began to vent his anger freely, and the venting was like a catastrophe, which shocked everyone.

The thunder and lightning continued to strike for about half an hour.

The entire northern suburb above Winnington became flickering like a big light bulb with unstable voltage. The ruins that were originally a small hill were cut down by Nicholas's crazy and endless thunder and lightning. If it was bombarded on the flat ground, a large deep pit with a radius of several tens of feet would have appeared.

Nicholas didn't stop until he consumed most of the magic power in his body.

Thunder Dragon disappeared, and Nicholas gasped heavily while resting his left hand on his chest.

This venting finally calmed his mind a lot.

"Where's Raschel?" he said suddenly.

Everyone didn't react at once, and stared at Nicholas blankly.

Nicholas yelled: "I ask you where Raschel is? Why hasn't he found that bastard Xiu Yilaier yet!"

The archmage named Kabuno quickly replied: "Klos just came back, just ask him and it will be clear."

The red-robed archmage Cross quickly stood up: "Raschel told us that the Huiglaers are on the princess' side. Just when we were looking for him, the Arcane Tower collapsed. The situation has changed, so we can only come back and have a look."

"The towers have fallen, what's the use of you coming back? Can you rebuild the tower?" Nicholas yelled angrily, and Cross trembled in fright. He quickly said, "I'll contact Raschel right away."

Hastily took out the crystal ball, Raschel's memory appeared in the crystal ball.

"Raschel, what's going on with you?" Cross asked anxiously.

"Everything is ready, Xiu Yiglaer is coming to me, as long as you arrive, you can catch him." Raschel's voice remained calm as before.

"We'll just go there."

"I'm not on Meteor Avenue right now," Raschel said.

Cross froze: "Then where are you?"

"Hidden Moon Peak."

"Hidden Moon Peak? How did you get there?"

"Because Hugh Igles will be here."

"What exactly is going on?"

"Don't ask so many questions, Cross. If you want to catch Hugh Iglesle, then come here."

Communication lost.

Kloss looked at Nicholas. Nicholas was about to say something when a magician ran over not far away: "President, the Holy Knight of the Holy Spirit Temple is here."

"What are they here for?"

"It seems to be attacking us!" The magician yelled in panic.

Nicholas took a long breath, and he smiled angrily: "Okay, very good. What day is it today, even the Holy Church wants to trouble us? I want to see what qualifications they have to attack us! Call all the magicians and kill those holy knights!"

Cross hurriedly shouted: "Raschel's side..."

Nicholas's eyes flashed with lightning: "You go first, I'll be there soon. Don't worry, won't take too long."


Turning off the communication crystal ball, Raschel let out a long breath.

He is currently located in a dilapidated temple on Yinyue Peak.

It used to be an important place for the Bauhinia Dynasty to worship Harriman, the god of dawn. After the Bauhinia Dynasty died out, the emerging Kingdom of Lance abandoned this holy land. The Dawn Temple, which was once prosperous for a while, gradually became depressed and fell into decline.

Today, the magnificent and spacious temple has been dilapidated, most of the buildings have collapsed due to years of disrepair, and only the central main hall is still intact. It is now the place where the mountain guards here live.

In the center of the main hall, the statue of the God of Dawn was also dilapidated to the point where it couldn't even keep the golden paint, mottled like a rough stone man.

Raschel looked at the statue of Harriman with his hands behind his back, and muttered to himself: "There is nothing eternal in this world. Today's glory is at best a faint stroke left over from history."

His emotion had just begun when he was interrupted.

Avril Lavigne rushed out from the inner hall in full dress: "Raschel, where is Huey? You said he was waiting for me here, why is there no one here?"

Facing Avril Lavigne's questioning, Raschel shrugged: "He is coming, Your Royal Highness...I mean, if he really cares about you."

"What do you mean by that? You'd better explain it to me clearly." Avril put her hands on her hips, her willow eyebrows stood upright, and her bulging cheeks were very cute.

"I'm afraid I can't give you more explanations, but you will understand everything soon, Your Royal Highness. Why don't you go to rest for a while? Maybe you don't know how bad you look now, your face is covered with ashes, I don't think you would like to let Hugh Igles see yourself like this."

When Raschel said this, Avril immediately panicked: "Oh, this place is too dirty and dilapidated, I should tidy it up."

"Don't worry, Your Royal Highness." Rachel said with a smile: "There is a mountain spring behind here, you can go there to wash your face, or even take a bath."

"You..." Avril looked at Raschel cautiously: "You don't want to..."

The little girl's overly active thoughts made Raschel dumbfounded: "Your Highness, I am already a bad old man, so you don't have to worry so much. Please rest assured, I am here, and I am not going anywhere."

Avril bit her lower lip and thought about it, then nodded: "Okay, I'll take a shower, wait for Xiuyi to come over, if you dare to lie to me, I'll take your skin off!"

"Of course, Her Royal Highness, the great omnipotent princess." Raschel bowed.

Avril Lavigne left, and Raschel finally recovered her cleanliness.

He sat quietly on a big rock outside the main hall, looking at the distant mountain scenery, with deep sadness in his eyes.

After sitting like this for a while, Raschel suddenly said, "Are you here?"

Cross's surprised voice came from behind: "How did you find me?"

Raschel didn't look back: "Some little secrets."

"Little secret?" Klose's tall figure turned out, wearing a red robe dazzling in the afterglow of the setting sun: "What secrets can a person like you have?"

Raschel chuckled: "Indeed, a small person shouldn't have any big secrets, so... just you come here alone?"

"Lord Nicholas will come over in person soon, after he has dealt with the mess of the Holy Spirit Cult. If you can't hand over Hugh Igles when he comes, you know the consequences."

"Of course." Raschel replied bluntly: "Don't worry, I will definitely hand over Hugh Iglesel to Lord Nicholas."

Raschel used a peculiar term here. He didn't say it was handed over to you, but he said it was handed over to Nicholas. Cross didn't care about it.

He looked around and frowned: "I don't understand why you chose such a place to attract Xiu Yigleer, and what method did you use? You said you would explain it to me."

"Oh, when it comes to this question, it involves my little secret, are you sure you don't want to know?" Raschel looked at Cross with a smile.

Cross thought for a while, and finally nodded: "Tell me, maybe I'll be interested."

"To talk about this little secret, I have to talk about an event that happened a long time ago. That was when I was twelve years old, almost thirty years ago, and I think you should have heard of a big event that happened at the St. Georgia Law School."

"Inigo Damon?"

"Yes." Raschel nodded seriously: "That evil and terrifying mage attacked the St. Georgia Law School. At that time, many students were victims of his cruel methods, including me."

"I heard something about you. You once aspired to be a warrior, but in the end you had to give up practicing Dou Qi because of that guy's attack, because his attack caused sequelae in your eyes, making you unable to gather Dou Qi."

"That's just one of the side effects." Raschel replied: "To be precise, it's the soul spells that have had a terrible impact on my brain, causing me to often experience disordered thinking. The symptoms are mainly intermittent headaches, but sometimes the attacks are severe, and the whole person is even on the verge of madness. There will be a desire to kill and eat blood, and you may even lose your sanity..."

Cross was taken aback, and he immediately realized what the meaning behind the words was.

Sure enough, Raschel said leisurely: "Did you understand? Yes, I killed someone, an innocent person. That happened more than ten years ago. One day I was walking on the road, and the ecstasy suddenly broke out. The attack was so severe that I couldn't control myself... I don't know what I did at that time, but after I woke up, I found a corpse lying beside me, a corpse of a civilian."

Cross sighed: "That's not your fault."

"That was my fault." Raschel said: "I killed that man, I know it. I told Padgett about it. He is my best friend. I said I was going to surrender, but Padgett was determined not to allow it. He believed that the law should not punish a person who murdered unconsciously. He believed that I was just a patient and should not pay the price. He believed that if he had to pay the price, he should pay the price. I was very depressed during that time, and it was Padgett who kept comforting me and helping me..."

Speaking of this, Raschel's voice became low and deep: "This is Padgett, he always thinks he owes me, and always tries his best to help me."

Cross jumped slightly in his heart: "Then what happened next?"

"Later?" Raschel chuckled. He jumped off the boulder and walked towards the central main hall: "Then one day, I came here and found this temple. Since the God of Dawn is not a deity that the Church of the Holy Spirit believes in, it was abandoned. But for me, it gave my life meaning."

Raschel suddenly turned to look at Raschel: "Did you know that a person especially needs faith to support himself when he is at a low point? The true meaning of religion should not be the unlimited worship of gods and interfering with the secular world in the name of gods, but to satisfy the emptiness in people's hearts so that people's souls will not be lost. The human world does not need powerful gods to guard, that is the responsibility of human beings. We only need to find our own life direction in the devout belief in gods."

Cross was stunned and speechless.

Raschel pointed to the statue of the God of Dawn in the center of the main hall: "So during those depressed years, I came to this temple every day to worship the God of Dawn. There are no believers of the God of Dawn in this world. I feel that the God of Dawn is a character abandoned by this world just like me. The only difference is that I have a good brother who can take care of me and comfort me every day, and the God of Dawn should also have at least one believer to believe in him, worship him, and serve him."

Cross sighed: "Fortunately, I am not a member of the holy religion. Those guys never show mercy to heretics."

Raschel chuckled: "Me too, but please listen patiently, because my story is not finished yet. During my years of worship, a very wonderful thing happened."

"What's up?"

"Power!" Raschel replied very seriously: "I have power."

Cross froze: "Are you joking? Raschel, I'm not belittling you. You are very intelligent and a very capable person. But in terms of strength, you are a waste at all. You can't do anything. You can't even beat a third-level warrior."

"Really? Then how did I catch that sixth-level warrior?" Raschel asked quickly.

Emmanuel Daz, the sixth-level warrior who ran amok the empire seven years ago, was captured by Raschel.

No one knew how he, a second-level warrior, managed to do this. Some people thought that maybe Emmanuel Daz had exhausted his strength during his long escape, so Raschel picked him up as a bargain, but only a few people knew that this was not the case.

At this moment, Raschel slowly raised his hands, and the light suddenly appeared.

"Magic!" Cross exclaimed.

Who would have thought that Raschel knew how to use magic?

"Strange, isn't it?" Raschel chuckled. "In this dilapidated temple, what gave me strength? In fact, it took me a long time to find the answer. It's faith!"

He looked at Cross: "For many years I have been fighting against ecstasy. Inigo Daemon caused serious damage to me, but he also left a seed of soul magic power in my body. This seed is very small, and no one has ever been able to truly dig it out. But during the years of sacrifices, I gradually felt the will of the gods and the meaning of their existence. The God of Dawn gave me pointers, allowing me to find a way to release in the blood of pain and tyranny. So I began to try Control the pain, use the pain. Finally... I succeeded."

Raschel looked at Cross and smiled: "You won't believe it, even I can't believe it, I actually became a soul mage, a very special soul mage. The combat ability is not very powerful, but I have a very unique way of peeping into people's thinking. And in this place, I can even use my belief in the God of Dawn to discover the existence of every soul... That's why I know you are here."

"It turns out to be like this." Cross finally understood: "No wonder you can become the best detective."

"Yes, although most of the time I still rely on my own ability to solve problems, but when I face some problems that cannot be answered by observation alone, I must use my soul magic power. It allows me to get a lot of useful information."

Cross suddenly felt a little uneasy in his heart: "You mean..."

"If a person dies for less than a day, I can see the last scene he saw and the last words he uttered before he died." Raschel said coldly.

Cross fell into the ice cave: "My God!"

"Yes Cross, I know that you killed Padgett, you, Nicolas Cage, and other people in the Arcane Tower, they are all conspiring." Raschel strode towards Cross: "I know everything that happened, from the very beginning!"

Cross snorted angrily: "Raschel, you bastard, you dare to trick us! That's right, we did it, but so what? Do you think you can defeat me with your little soul spell? Or do you think I'm as easy to deal with as a sixth-level warrior? Of course, if you use that ability to sneak attack me, maybe you still have a chance, but you don't. Since you missed the opportunity, you will never be able to deal with the anger of a red-robed mage."

Cross growled and raised his hands. Since Raschel already knew the truth, he was no longer worth using.

Looking at Cross's angry look, Raschel sighed and shook his head: "Do you think my story is for you?"

"What?" Cross froze.

Behind Cross, came the boy's helpless voice: "He told me."

Turning around in astonishment, outside the gate of the temple, Xiu Yiglaer stood there with a helpless expression on his face.


In fact, Xiu Yi has already arrived.

Everything Raschel arranged was only hidden from the Judicial Administration, but not from Xiuyi.

From the very beginning, Raschel was deliberately leaving clues for Huey.

But these clues are not clear, and you also need to work hard to find them, so Xiuyi also spent a lot of effort to find them here.

He couldn't figure out why Raschel wanted to set his home court here, but after hearing Raschel's story, he finally understood.

Everyone has their own source of strength.

Xiuyi's real power actually comes from the mature soul in his body, while Raschel's power comes from his belief and sustenance in the Temple of Dawn during his most painful and confused period.

This is his ideal battlefield.

Huey was almost certain that Raschel must have made sufficient preparations here.

The reason why he didn't appear in a hurry was because he didn't see Avril, so he wanted to wait for a while, but it wasn't until Raschel finished telling the story that he realized that it was here that Raschel's power could actually find every hidden person.

Just like the spiritual exploration in soul magic, you can also feel the existence of the surrounding soul energy. It's just that it just feels the existence of soul energy, but it can't identify a specific target. And Raschel seems to be able to even recognize who the target is, which is a relatively powerful ability.

Who would have thought that this old boy would have such a skill?

At this moment when Cross saw Xiu Yi, he also panicked.

The current Hugh Igles is no longer the Hugh Igles on Purgatory Island. At that time, Cross could overthrow him countless times with a wave of his hand, but now Xiuyi is already very powerful. Klose doesn't think he has the strength to surpass Lieu Bogle.

"Hui..." He made a trembling voice.

Huey said helplessly: "I have three teachers, Lancelot is the first, and then you and Padgett. If possible, I would never want to do anything to you. But when one of my teachers killed another teacher, I don't know how to choose. Lord Cross, what do you say... what should I do?"

Cross took a long breath: "Master Nicholas is coming. I may not be your opponent, but there is absolutely no problem in sustaining it for a while. When he comes, it will be your death."

"Is this what you want to say? Don't repent even if you are dying?" Xiu Yi's eyes showed deep sorrow.

"Dying?" Cross froze.

Xiu Yi said indifferently: "Yes, dying... the red-robed archmage may be very powerful, but if you encounter a surprise attack without preparation, you should be similar to ordinary people, right? Unfortunately, you are not warriors after all, and you don't have their reaction and strong body."

With a sudden warning in his heart, Cross yelled and rushed forward.

However, it was too late.

A sharp dagger went straight into Cross's blood vessels, and because Cross's forward posture was too fierce, it directly cut half of Cross's neck.

Cross's head was weakly spun on his shoulders, making a 360-degree turn.

The last thing he saw was Raschel nonchalantly drawing back the bloody dagger.

"Go all the way, Mr. Cross!" Raschel said, and he kicked Cross's head away.

The first release of this book is from, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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