All Realms Start with Python

Chapter 377: Tang Guo crisis

They didn't know about Fang Yun and Tang Guo about the distant meeting, so they didn't know. In fact, the people of Tianhe Empire care more about this beast tide than they do.

Because only the edge of the beast tide will invade here on the battlefield of the Grave Star, but the territory of the Tianhe Empire will suffer a frontal collision.

I don't know how many planets they will have left after this collision.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Fang Yun, and now he also feels that the beast tide is getting closer and closer to them, and that tension and anxiety are breeding in this space.

Tang Guo They are studying that space fortress to see if it can be activated.

The damage of this device is also very serious, but some places are still intact, as long as there is enough energy, it seems that this device can be excited.

Of course, they also need a little time to figure out how to activate this gadget, and the connection routes in some places also need Tang Guo to check them.

Under this tense, depressive atmosphere, ten days finally passed.

On this day, a special energy field appeared in space. This energy field made Tang Guo extremely depressed, as if there was an incomparably huge giant mountain standing in front of them, giving them an unparalleled pressure.

"Beast tide is coming."

Tang Guo couldn't help saying this, when facing the beast tide, people would have a feeling of high mountain rest, and there was a kind of fear similar to lower creatures, which grew from their bones when facing higher creatures The feeling, in short, made Tang Guo extremely uncomfortable.

"The entire fleet immediately sends electromagnetic waves into space."

The fleet of the Tianhe Empire began to give orders, and everyone at this time was awe-inspiring, and then turned on the device that emits electromagnetic waves on their ships.

For a while, over this area, the next time it became a noisy place, and various electromagnetic waves were scattered out around.

Being in such an environment, Fang Yun is also a little uncomfortable. After all, he is extremely sensitive to the electromagnetic field itself. Now this electromagnetic fluctuation makes him feel a little uncomfortable.


From the distant space, there were one after another howling howls, one after another, this was the information they received with the instruments on the ship, and then converted into sound.

The sea turtle looked particularly uneasy. It turned around Fang Yun and seemed to want to escape. It was not enough because Fang Yun was here, so it didn't leave.

Fang Yun calmed it down, and then looked at the opposite space.

"Tang Guo, I'm going out."

Fang Yun greeted Tang Guo, this kind of scene has great benefits for him, and more importantly, if the animal tide is too horrible, he cannot survive the animal tide. If he does, he can also return to the electromagnetic field they constructed.

Thinking like this, he wandered out, and the sea turtle twirled anxiously twice, also followed behind him, and then walked into space.

Because Tang Guo's ship built a special electromagnetic wave field, there were no star beasts nearby, and Fang Yun and the big turtle wanted to hunt and had to go further.

They continued to advance forward, probably speeding out for more than three thousand kilometers, and a giant beast appeared in front of them.

"Star Beast."

Fang Yun's eyes were all bright after he saw the giant beast on the opposite side. Only the star beast on the opposite side had a length of at least five kilometers.

It looks like a thousand-footed centipede. Now when it sees Fang Yun and the big turtle, it immediately roared two times. It is announcing the belonging of this area, warning Fang Yun and the big turtle to roll away. .

This is to treat Fang Yun and the big turtle as the same kind.

Moreover, they are regarded as the same class of the same level, otherwise, it will either have escaped in a panic, or it has come to Fang Yun.

But Fang Yun certainly couldn't make it as he wished. After this guy roared, the big turtle rushed up and bit directly at a part of the other person's tail.


The head of the "millipede centipede" roared again at this time, the body was rolled, and the extremely huge body was prepared to fix the body of the turtle like a python.

But it didn't have this ability at all. Soon, it was killed by the big turtle.

At this time, Fang Yun, Yuzai Youzai swam in the past, and swallowed it into the abdominal cavity in a few bites.

"It's so cool, it's a pity that I can't be too far from the gathering area."

Only in the central part of the beast tide can they devour the star beasts, but unfortunately it is only a remote part. If you go to the central part, let alone the question of whether he can survive, if something happens here He was too late to support.

"Pippi turtle, let's go."

Fang Yun arched the sea turtle with his head, and then swam out in one direction, because Fang Yun itself is also a star beast, so when those star beasts saw Fang Yun and the sea turtle in the first time The first move was not to attack them, but to warn them and leave here quickly.

However, Fang Yun is not comparable to those star beasts, and his purpose of entering the battlefield is not to come over to the family, but to devour those giant creatures.

In these days, he has been eating the star beast in the beast tide.

Sometimes a 35-km-long star beast is encountered. Most of these star beasts sneak alone. There are also smaller star beasts with a length of one or two kilometers.

Star beasts of this level often appear in groups, but these creatures and Fang Yun will be bombarded by him.

As soon as the lightning storm started, he could not die anymore.

Fang Yun's biological energy is also accumulating in a crazy way ~ ~ Now, his biological energy has reached 2 billion points, 8 billion points from the upgrade, and a long distance .

But this is the outburst of beast tide.

Like a star beast with a length of one kilometer, the biological energy provided is at least 1 million.

A 10 km-level star beast can provide more than 10 million biological energy, or even more, because this level of star beast, its strength and a kilometer-long star beast are not just 10 times.

When Fang Yun was eating here, Tang Guo and they were also facing the first crisis of the beast tide.


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