All Realms Start with Python

Chapter 368: Favored race

Fang Yun traveled quietly in space. He used his previous information to lock in his direction. This time his goal was to show his face in front of people and brush a sense of presence.

After obtaining new blood this time, he left the galaxy and went to the center of the universe to make himself stronger.

The center of the universe is rich in various energy sources, and he can use this to upgrade madly. At the same time, the numerous intelligent creatures there can also provide him with a huge reputation.

After he is strong enough, he can find his way home.

This journey spent another ten days. During these ten days, Fang Yun devoured a lot of meteorites and got a lot of biological energy.

But this time he wanted to upgrade, requiring 9 billion bio-energy, just swallowing a few meteorites for the upgrade is nothing short of paying.

However, the more precious meteorites, the more energy they provide, but Fang Yun has not seen any special meteorites yet.

He can also devour the source stone to upgrade, and the source stone provides a lot of biological energy, but this kind of thing is not common.

So he thought that after this bloodline upgrade, he entered the center of the universe. Presumably in that kind of place, all kinds of energy must be very rich.

Another point to mention is that after this upgrade, he once again added the "cell distortion" skill once, and the coverage of this skill can already cover an asteroid.

If he meets "Great Will" again this time, his skill will definitely have a good effect on the other party.

As Fang Yun and the sea turtle swim towards the front, on the other end, the central continent's discussion of the newly emerging folding space has reached a point of enthusiasm.

There are a lot of teams gathering, not only the central continent, but also some of the nearby strongholds are preparing to go to that space to see if they can get any benefits.

After about three days, the assembled team started off.

Tang Guo's base is very far away from the central continent and belongs to a relatively remote place. This base was named "Red Sun" base.

It is particularly quiet here because it belongs to a remote location on the grave star battlefield.

The nest in the base area is a huge planet with a volume more than ten times that of the earth. That is to say, their physical qualities have changed a lot. Otherwise, survival on this planet alone is a problem.

There are three satellites in the orbit of this planet, and all three satellites have wormhole space doors, which are used for running at any time.

In addition, there are also some planets nearby, and wormhole space gates are also built on these planets, some are used to connect the earth stars, and some are connected to the area near the central continent.

Now that the "Red Sun" base has a population of more than 100,000, many elites have developed new technologies here.

After all, there are occasional wreckages of starships that can be used for first-hand research, and some high-tech technologies may also be circulating on the central continent.

The researchers here are not just studying weapons and equipment, like some daily high technology is also in their research.

This time, there was a folding space near the central continent. For Tang Guo, they also regarded it as an opportunity.

"This time it's not easy to go too many people. We didn't occupy that folding space in the past."

Tang Guo is now the chief commander of the "Red Sun" base. It is her responsibility to make decisions like this.

"For warplanes, it is best to choose Warlord 2B."

The second generation of the war owl has come out. The attack power of this fighter has become stronger. It is equipped with four laser cannons. The energy device can allow these four laser cannons to perform fifteen rounds of fire.

But this is an ordinary second-generation fighter.

Now there are two models, 2A and 2B.

The former is more fierce. The four laser guns can carry 20 rounds of bombing. The latter has the same firepower as the conventional second-generation fighters, but it is more sensitive and equipped with the latest technology and partial shield.

However, due to the small size of the fighter and the limited energy it carries, this results in limited power to the partial shield generator. Therefore, the partial shield on the Warlord 2B can only cover part of the fighter.

This time they went to the folding space to look for opportunities. The firepower may not be so important, the important thing is to escape.

After the decision was made, Tang Guo led 20 warplanes and a cargo ship towards the folding space.

The war fighter has a length of 65 meters, which looks special and pocket-sized, but it is actually too big, and the fighter is not the bigger the better, the pursuit of small, fast, high attack, strong defense, four characteristics.

Smaller size, less likely to be hit.

As Tang Guo learned during this time on the central continent, the Tianhe Empire has a particularly powerful fighter, only more than nine meters in length, and it is still fast and sub-light speed. At the same time, this fighter also has super firepower.

A-wing interplanetary fighter.

This is the name of that fighter, known as the fastest spaceship in the galaxy.

They first made a space traversal on a planet, then came near the central continent, and then proceeded toward the folded space.

There is also a space cargo ship in the team. The cargo ship has a full length of 10 kilometers. It can accommodate all 20 warship spaceships, and it can ensure that the space inside is very spacious.

If they gain something in the folding space, they can also put it in the cargo ship.

This cargo ship is equipped with a hyperspace engine that allows them to perform space jumps.

However, only short-distance jumps are possible. Long-distance jumps are prone to problems. You cannot have large stars on the route, but now there is no time to investigate.

If it encounters a large star, it is easy to be pulled out of the hyperspace state, which will damage some performances of the spacecraft.

After several space jumps, Tang Guo's cargo ship came into a star field. This is the space where the folding space is located.

Instead of rushing past, she dispatched all the fighters and protected the space cargo ship in the middle.

Tang Guo was standing in the command room, and the electromagnetic wave receiver kept making noises. This space was very lively, with many spaceships nearby.

She immediately ordered specific electromagnetic waves to be sent out all around. This is to tell the other party that there are people on this route, don't get close to this side.

"I hope our luck is better this time and we can get a better wreck of the starship."

Now they have an intact space cargo ship in their hands. On this space cargo ship, they have a hyperspace engine and a partial guide shield. They have sharpened the threshold of these two technologies and have produced corresponding works.

However, the supercharged laser cannon is still not made.

And now they are not only lacking supercharged laser guns, they also lack a lot of high-attack weapons, but those things are not available if you want them.

And let them study slowly, not knowing how long it will take.

The fastest speed is to get a finished product, dismantle and analyze it slowly, and then use some of the theoretical knowledge they obtained to copy it.

It is worth mentioning that the creatures on the earth star affected by the great will ~ ~ These creatures can enhance the blue star people's physique and wisdom.

But this kind of creature is actually very rare in the universe.

Even other organisms affected by pathogens do not have this characteristic.

This also makes the Blue Star people's physique and wisdom continue to increase rapidly, which is an extremely rare thing in the entire universe.

A civilization has developed to a certain level of race, and as a result, physique and wisdom are rising at a considerable rate, which is really terrifying.

This also led to a lot of talents from the Blue Star people. Otherwise, even if they got those weapons and equipment, they could not reproduce them.

Of course, even so, copying those weapons and equipment is a very difficult thing.

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