All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 566: I went to the B station together with the professor

"Turn up the voice and make it a little unclear." After all, Professor Jin is old and has some bad ears. When he listens to the mobile phone, he will feel unpleasant and let the hard-working doctor directly turn on the computer. "There are not two next door. A stereo? Go borrow it and pick it up. I want to listen to it. "

"Okay." Dr. Ku Kui panicked and ran to the next door, connected the audio back and plugged it in, and then adjusted the sound to a suitable volume. Professor Jin was so absorbed that Dr. Ku Ku was still confused.

Did n’t hear that Professor Jin likes to listen to songs? Or is it such a rare ancient song? With his knowledge, I am afraid that no matter what kind of old-fashioned songs can't get into his ears?

Dr. Ku Ku finally couldn't bear it, and asked by the intermittent end of the song, "Professor Jin, what kind of path does this song have?" Well, this is definitely not a question of the professor's taste, it is definitely someone who heard what I did not Hear something.

"This is ... this is the official mandarin of the Song Dynasty!" Professor Jin blushed excitedly. "You are not studying this direction, so you can't hear it. I was a little skeptical when I first heard it, so much. Finally, I can be sure that this is definitely the Song Dynasty Mandarin. Singing Song Ci in the Song Dynasty Mandarin, this person is amazing! "

"Song Dynasty Mandarin?" Dr. Ku Ku was stunned when he heard it. Whatever the text, as long as there are classics from the Song Dynasty, it will not be broken down. And since Qin Shihuang unified the six countries and unified the weights and measures, regardless of Tang Song Well, Ming and Qing dynasties, the text is the same, the same, but the future generations will not have much obstacles to reading the articles of the previous life.

But the pronunciation is different. There are some differences in the mandarins of the different dynasties. The Mandarin of the Tang Dynasty was pronounced He Luo, the Mandarin of the Song Dynasty merged with the accent of Kaifeng, and most of the capitals of the Yuan Dynasty were fixed. In the Ming Dynasty, the Jinling dialect became official Mandarin again, and it was not until the mid-Qing Dynasty that the Mandarin became popular today.

If people in the later generations went to the previous life, it would take some effort to understand the official language at that time. After all, there was no recorder in ancient times, and the accent of speech could not be passed down.

Professor Jin is doing research in this area, the main direction is the Song Dynasty mandarin, Shen Long singing Song Ci heard his ears, immediately heard the difference.

"We guys have tried their best to dig out the pronunciation of the Song Dynasty mandarin, but have also figured out some things, but it is just some scattered things, not a system. It seems that he has a deeper understanding of the Song Dynasty mandarin than me." Professor Jin expressed emotion. Wan pointed to the computer, "This is that website? Are there any other videos besides these?"

"This is a video sharing site. As long as you register an account to follow this person, you can often see his video update. In the recent period, he uploaded a new video almost every few days." Dr. Ku Kui introduced.

"Oh, that's pretty good, right. After registering an account, you can still send him a message to contact?" Professor Jin is not ignorant of the Internet. People have their own Weibo accounts, and they have accumulated a lot. Fans, when they started talking about it, they started to register, but they were half depressed when they registered.

What? Do I need to answer questions after registering an account? What are these questions? Why don't I understand any of them? Now I can't register anymore. Professor Jin turned his attention to Dr. Ku, "Will you give me your account?"

"OK, I will help you to change the phone number you bind." What else can Dr. Ku Ku say? The big brother has spoken, can this not be given? Pity my hard-working fifth-grade number. Someone spent 20,000 yuan a while ago but I didn't sell it. Now I want to give it away in vain. I can't bear to think about it.

On Monday, Professor Jin came to the classroom as usual for the students, but today he did not talk about the books, but turned on the projector and connected the sound system in the classroom. After a while, B appeared on the projection screen Picture of the station.

"Yo, what video is the professor going to share with us today? I didn't expect Professor Jin to be so old and still know how to go to the B station?" The students suddenly talked a lot, and they didn't understand what Professor Jin was going to do.

The video opened, and the screen slowly opened. The beautiful screen suddenly shocked the students. "Hey, this UP master level is not low, the screen is cut beautifully."

The sound of music came immediately. When I first started to listen to the accompaniment, the big guy was still normal. But when I started to sing, the big guy was a little stunned. What kind of local dialect can I use to sing, how can I not understand?

The first video ended, and Professor Jin revealed the answer, "This is a song sung in orthodox Song dynasty. The person who made the video is awesome. You should listen carefully."

Immediately, the second video was opened, and many students began to pay attention to the UP master account. Some people took out their phones to open station B and followed Shen Long. Some people took out their phones to start shooting videos to share to vibrato. , Station B and Weibo, and they all thought about the title-"Me and Professor on Station B".

The two words Professor and Station B put together are particularly eye-catching ~ ~ Everyone thinks that people who are professors are generally very old-fashioned, and Station B is a thing for young people, so I saw this title , Clicked in immediately.

At the beginning, they were also confused. After seeing the commentary of the video uploader, I now understand that it is actually the original singing of Song Ci. Is this a bit interesting?

Oh, the account of the original UP master is this, I also go to the station B to look at it? So Shen Long added another wave of fans.

Not only Professor Jin, these videos also quickly attracted the attention of some other bigwigs, as well as those who specialize in the singing of Song Ci. They suddenly found that this man not only used the Mandarin of the Song Dynasty, but also seemed to have studied with himself. Something basically agrees, isn't Song Ci singing lost? Someone can copy successfully?

This is awesome. Not only do I have to do a good research, but I also have to let my students have a good look. Whenever there are new vocabulary singing methods, you have to see them for the first time.

This trend reached its peak when Shen Long successfully reproduced "The Song of Water Melody-When the Moon Comes". The song lyrics before were not as well-known as this one. As long as you have read the book for a few years, you will know this video. Come out, station B directly exploded.

Wait for Shen Long to return home one day after a busy day, open Station B and see, hey? How did I go to the homepage? The editor of Station B also noticed the change of this new account. After seeing his newly uploaded video, he quickly decided to give him a homepage recommendation based on the recent trend set on the Internet.

Shen Long glanced at the number of fans and comments, hey, I did not expect that I would become a celebrity.

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