All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2930: More enemies

"Tony, it's not the time to relax!" Strange Doctor Strange reminded, "The Tyrant will definitely not accept failure so easily!"

"Yes, he has a large number of subordinates, and his strength is much stronger than these guys! Sol and I... and Hulk are not his opponents, he only defeated us by physical ability. That's it!" Dr. Banner said immediately, "We must be prepared to resist the Thanos army!"

"Maybe he has already got the remaining infinity gems elsewhere, and this will definitely continue to enhance his strength!" Dr. Strange added, "Although I have not seen other infinity gems, it can be judged by time gems. The abilities of gems, reality gems, soul gems and space gems are absolutely beyond our imagination."

"Okay, okay, on Friday, tell Pepper for me that now the enemy has been resolved, but I still have something to discuss with them, maybe we can have supper together!" Tony Stark shrugged. Then his eyes fell on the spaceship ahead, "What about this?"

"This spaceship belongs to you! As long as you can drive back!" Shen Long said while looking at the spacecraft left by General Deadblade and Proxima Dark Night. This one is the same as the one that came to Earth by Black Dwarf and Ebony Throat. There is already one, too lazy to ask for a second one.

"Let me take a look!" Tony Stark flew over. Unlike Shen Long, he can shrink the spacecraft, so he can only enter the spacecraft and see if he can start it.

Fortunately, the spaceship of the Dark Order was not difficult to operate. Coupled with Tony Stark's super-high IQ, he quickly figured out how to operate the spacecraft and drove the spacecraft to New York.

"This time the enemy is stronger than all the enemies we have encountered before. We must unite all the helpers who can unite; Hawkeye, War Machine, Falcon, Ant-Man... Tony, we even need Bucky's help!" Taking this opportunity, Captain America wants to redeem the relationship between the Avengers.

"Tony, you know very well that Bucky was brainwashed by Hydra at the time. Your enemy should be Hydra. You can't blame this knife because it killed someone. The real murderer should be holding it. The man with the knife!"

"But I will definitely destroy that knife!" Tony Stark is still in his heart. The video that Ivan Vanke gave him back then has become his knot? Every time he sees Pakistan Kee thought of the scene in the video where he killed his parents.

"Tony, our enemy is stronger than ever this time? Even if... even if you let Ultron recover, it is not his opponent? So you should listen to Steve!" Dr. Banner continued.

Doctor Strange there also helped persuade, and the vision lying on the ground receiving treatment also used the reminder of the soul gem to explain the terrible crisis? In the end, Shen Long gave a final word, "Tony? Think of Pepper? If you let Thanos If it succeeded, I'm afraid Little Chili..." In fact, Chili was lucky and survived after snapping his fingers.

"Only this time, after defeating Thanos? I will still track down my parents!" Tony Stark finally succumbed? Captain America immediately began to contact Bucky, Stark also asked Nick Fury to contact on Friday, let He released Hawkeye, Ant-Man, Falcon and others, and asked them to join SHIELD headquarters.

"I think we can also contact other helpers, such as King Colmanger of Wakanda? Natasha of Bear Shield, Ivan Vanke, Bronsky, etc.!" Shen Long suggested, plus As the representative of the Spear Bureau? Now the representatives of every extraordinary organization in the world are all here.

"I have already contacted Natasha and Kolmanger, in front of the common enemy of mankind? They are willing to help!" These are all old acquaintances, and it is naturally easy for Shen Long to persuade them.

Tony Stark scolded a bunch of words starting with F and S? The name Ivan Vanke evoked bad memories for him? And Natasha who defected from S.H.I.E.L.D. also made him unfavorable? As for Wa Kanda King Kolmanger, behind the various sports in the United States over the years, there is always his shadow.

All in all, these people are very annoying guys in Tony Stark's eyes. If it weren't for the trouble this time, he would definitely not cooperate with them.

Nick Fury's face also appeared in the three-dimensional projection in front of him. He was also full of doubts about this time. Does he really need the help of those people?

Tony Stark explained to him, and Shen Long then said, "This is the official opinion of S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau. If S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau disagrees, then we will contact all the superheroes that can be contacted on the planet. To face this crisis together."

"Mind gems belong to the members of the Avengers, and Dr. Strange is also an American, so this matter must be led by SHIELD. They can enter the United States, but they must accept the constraints of SHIELD!" In the face of the facts, Nick -Fury still gave in, he touched the BB machine in his pocket.

This is his secret at the bottom of the box. In his opinion, even if these people have any conspiracy, as long as they call Captain Marvel, they can still win.

However, he did not expect that Shen Long would immediately reveal his trump card, "Director Fury, please let Ms. Carol Danfoss return to Earth. As I just said, we must do a good job in the face of enemies like Thanos. Everything is ready!"

Nick Fury was immediately This is his biggest secret. Even within S.H.I.E.L.D., only a few people such as Coleson knew about the existence of Captain Marvel. How did he know? Do we not only have Hydra people in S.H.I.E.L.D., but also S.H.I.E.L.D. people?

"Carol Danfoss, who is she?" Tony Stark was depressed. How many secrets are there in the world that I don't know?

"The code-named Captain Marvel was born in the 1990s. At that time, because of the Skrew people and space gems, she gained superpowers! After the crisis was resolved, Captain Marvel decided to leave the earth, but she gave him Director Rui left the contact tool, and she will return to the earth when needed."

"She has super power, energy emission, super-light speed and other abilities, she is a good helper!" Shen Long is a little envious of the last ability, he still doesn't.

"Mr. Shen, we must have a good talk after you come back!" Nick Fury was depressed, but he still pressed the button on the BB machine, and the Captain Marvel logo appeared on the screen of the BB machine.

At the same time, other superheroes on earth also rushed to New York.

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