All Aspects Are Kneeling and Begging the Villain Heroine To Be a Person

Chapter 3152: Out of the Infinite World: Star River City (33)

  Chapter 3152 Out of the Infinite World: Star River City (33)

  Qianyan opened the mission panel and clicked into the undeveloped copy.

   Almost without hesitation, he set his sights on the dungeon ranked first in difficulty, named Xinghe City.

  The reason why it ranks first in difficulty is not because how many players are lost in it.

   Rather, players who enter this undeveloped copy have not obtained any key information so far.

   There are a lot of introductions about Star River City, but there is not much useful news.

   This is a city with very beautiful architecture. Under the governance of the three city lords, the people live and work in peace and contentment.

  There is a small river outside the city of Xinghe City. Under the moonlight at night, the stones in the clear river will glow like stars, which is very beautiful.

   There is also a circle of locust trees planted outside the city. I don't know who planted them.

  A player once tried to inquire about this news with the people in the city, but as soon as he asked this question, he was driven out of the city by the guards in the city.

   Moreover, this player was notified by posting portraits throughout the process. This is a suspicious person and cannot be placed in the city. Forcibly breaking in will trigger a murderous intent. The player can only use props to change his appearance and enter again.

   Fortunately, these npcs can't see through.

   In addition, there are countless monsters outside the city.

   It is uncertain when they will appear, but these monsters will not attack Star River City. Regarding this point, countless players have not figured out why.

   Anyway, they were attacked.

  The strength of these monsters is not low. If they didn't have the props to evacuate at any time, it would not be easy to get out of them alive.

   Fortunately, players who dare to enter this dungeon have basically completed countless dungeons in the infinite world, and there is no shortage of props and points in their hands.

  As long as you don't want to die, you can't die.

   So far, one of the most useful pieces of information the players have found out is that anyone who sneaks in without being checked by the city gate guards, or breaks in by force, will be executed.

  The second news is that in Star River City, players can no longer use props, nor can they use points to buy props. It should be said that in Star River City, the player's task panel cannot be opened.

   This is the most difficult point of this undeveloped copy.

   Fortunately, the props that have been used, such as changing the appearance, will not disappear after entering the city.

   Otherwise, those players who were kicked out would have no chance to go in again.

  The experience the players have summed up is that if you want to enter the city, you should line up obediently. It is basically no problem to find a better excuse.

  After entering the city, don't ask for information, or you will be kicked out easily.

   You can wander around during the day, but don't act sneaky.

   At night, be sure not to wander around.

   Players who wandered around were thrown out, and they would be notified by posting portraits throughout the city. There is also no evidence to prove that they did bad things. Some players think that if people in the city catch them doing bad things, it will not be as easy to drive them out.

   It is definitely a direct execution.

   So far, none of the players who have offended Star River City's killing intent has survived.

  Qianyan retracted her gaze. Judging from these introductions, this dungeon is easy to trigger killing intent, and it is also the most difficult. At least if you don't take the initiative to trigger those things, the player will not be in danger.

   I don't know what the obsession of this undeveloped copy is.

  As long as you find your obsession, you are basically done.

  Of course, even if she found the obsession, she would not tell Ling about it. She never thought of helping Ling develop a dungeon, and when the other party eats meat, she will drink soup.

  She wants soup and meat.

  (end of this chapter)

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