Alien Knights

Chapter 201 Night Talk by the Campfire

When the explosive bags with burning fuses fell into the formation of the barbarian coalition forces, some soldiers of the enemy army caught these things that looked like cloth bags, and even some brave people wanted to take them apart to find out. But soon, the ignorant and reckless paid a heavy price for their actions.

boom! boom!

A series of incandescent flashes lit up, and groups of compressed flames erupted. The shock wave formed by the huge explosion tore apart the dense formation of the barbarian Silver Ring coalition forces at the gap in the city wall like pieces of paper. The soft flesh and brittle bones in the human body were split into countless tiny pieces, which fell outside the city wall, forming "bloody circles" with a radius of 30 meters.

After a short period of distraction, the Silver Ring Army first collapsed. The soldiers threw down their weapons, shouted, pushed and scolded each other, and fled in the direction of their own camp, triggering an avalanche of the entire army.

Facing the enemy who had lost their will to fight, the successor army effortlessly strangled the enemy who broke into the city wall.

The commander of the cavalry regiment shouted loudly: "The commander orders, the cavalry regiment must assemble! Open the city gate!"

The knights got on their horses, the light cavalry drew out their long swords, and the cavalry archers took out their short bows and prepared their quiver.

As the winch turned slowly, the city gate opened again.

It's just that this time there are no war beasts, but the terrified and helpless eyes and defenseless backs of the enemies.

"God bless the Holy Son! Charge!"

The knights attacked again. The heavy cavalry equipped with heavy armor and holding dragon spears took the lead, rushing through the dense formation of the enemy, knocking down anything in the way; the light cavalry wearing inlaid leather armor followed closely behind the heavy cavalry, harvesting the scattered lives with their long swords;

The successor sniper came to the arrow tower, using the "Eagle Eye" and "Perception" abilities, and sent the iron arrow on the crossbow into the head of the enemy team leader.

A strange scene appeared on the battlefield.

Less than 300 cavalrymen pursued 4,000 infantrymen, without flags, drums, or messengers. They completely used the "hive" parasites to transmit information. At the most appropriate time, from the most fatal weakness, they completed textbook-like interspersed and divided time after time.

Some warriors and veterans of the barbarian tribe just gathered a small group of tribesmen and wanted to fight back, but they were defeated by this "scalpel" attack.

The three-kilometer distance from Beishi Fortress to the coalition camp has become a veritable "blood road". Thousands of soldiers died in the pursuit and trampling, and the howling and howling could be heard clearly by people several kilometers away.

In the evening, as the knights who had been chasing the enemy for four hours returned to camp, the first day of the defense of Beishi Fortress passed. The Muxi Knights lost 7 knights, 49 sergeants, 132 soldiers, and 251 wounded soldiers, including Huggins, the commander of the fortress. As for the number of casualties of the barbarians and the Yinhuan coalition army, it is impossible to give a specific number. Nearly a thousand soldiers died on the battlefield, but more people escaped from this dead place, and the number of soldiers who finally returned to the camp was less than 2,000.

In the next few days, the Knights and the coalition switched their offensive and defensive roles several times, and the war entered a stalemate.


As the sun sets, the afterglow of the setting sun provides the travelers on the earth with the last bit of warmth from the day.

At the foot of the Luoxing Mountain Range, there is such a winding path, which does not appear on any map, but it is affectionately called "Road of Hoarfrost" by countless monks collecting herbs and farmers herding sheep.

Brunhilde was riding on a war horse, looking at the snow-capped mountains in the distance, listening to the cries of the eagle circling on the peak, stretched his waist in a relaxed and happy manner.

Seeing Cumberland who was talking with the tour guide, the Valkyrie clamped her horse's belly, trotted a few steps, and came to the old knight.

"How long before we get there?"

Cumberland stopped talking, looked at Brunhilde, and laughed.

He understands that this woman's nature is such that, coupled with her long-term isolation from the secular world, she has always been straightforward in her words and deeds.

Cumberland looked at the widening road ahead, and said to her, "Turn over the mountain in front of you, and walk along the river for half a day, and you will see Silver Ring City. We may camp on the mountain tonight, so that the North Island Knights can get ready."

Brunhilde nodded and rode away from the old knight.

That night, the Knights of the North Island set up a bonfire under a leeward mountain wall.

The golden and oily wild boar was strung on wooden sticks and placed on the fire, sizzling.

The poor-quality ale that was frothy was passed to the hands of the North Island soldiers, and there was endless laughter and bragging.

Wrestling, arm wrestling, ax throwing, all kinds of games played by the North Islanders added a lot of heat to this cold night.

Cumberland, who was sitting on the boulder, quietly wiped the armor in his hands, and looked at everything about the North Islanders with a smile.

But his subordinates, the knights of the Muxi Knights, did not have such a good temper. They knelt in front of the Bible, holding the cross in their hands, whispering their prayers silently, and from time to time cast disgusting glances at these "noisy" guys.

Holding the wine glass in his hand, Brunhild walked up to Cumberland, put a glass of wine in front of the old knight, and said to him, "We welcome you to join us."

Cumberland glanced back at his subordinates, then smiled and rejected the kindness of the Valkyrie: "Thank you for the invitation, but today is the fasting day of Advent, and they have something to do."

Brunhilde frowned slightly: "It seems that your god has extremely high requirements for believers, whether it is speaking or even breathing. And the gods I serve pay more attention to results."

He could faintly hear some sarcasm in the other party's words. Cumberland did not refute, but changed the subject: "I heard them call you Brunhilde. As far as I know, this name is the same as the daughter of the gods in the North Island myth. Is this the same name? Or does it have a deeper meaning?"

Brunhild found a clean place and sat down, took off the feather crown on his head and put it on his lap, and said quietly: "The name is a spiritual symbol, and it also represents a responsibility. In my village, once you become the leader of the Valkyries, after the "Winter Fire Ceremony", the original name will be discarded, and the name Brunhild will be given to the new leader by the previous leader."

"It's as if the parents gave their names to their descendants." Cumberland stroked his beard and said thoughtfully.

Brunhilde grabbed a piece of feather with his hand and rubbed it gently: "No, it's not just that simple. As the successor of the sacred name, people will think that the soul of the Valkyrie has also entered my body."

Cumberland froze for a moment, then said with a bitter smile: "That... will be very tiring..."

Brunhilde gave up talking about these things and asked Cumberland: "Master of the Muxi Knights, I also have something to ask you."

The old man sat up straight and signaled himself to listen carefully.

"In the minds of North Islanders, bravery and boundless strength are the criteria for judging heroes and leaders. But in my opinion, Todd does not meet these requirements..." Brunhild tilted his head and said while thinking.

Cumberland interrupted him: "Please call him Your Majesty, no matter how bad it is for King Todd. After all, he personally conferred your knighthood, and the title of the North Island Knights is the same."

Seeing the bewilderment on Brunhilde's face, the old knight sighed. Knowing that the North Island woman didn't understand the meaning of knight at all, he continued helplessly: "Forget it, don't pay attention to what I said, please continue with your question just now."

Brunhilde nodded: "I have seen the warriors of the Muxi Knights, whether it is you, Alfonso or Huggins, your strength is stronger, why..."

Cumberland interrupted her for the second time: "Leader of the Valkyrie, please stop talking, I understand what you mean. Hmm... Immanuel in the Bible witnessed the world full of crime and depravity, and because he could not escape the punishment and control of sin, he led his disciples on the road of redemption..."

Brunhilde's increasingly puzzled expression made the old knight pat his forehead with his right hand helplessly.

"I'm telling a story from the Bible with a North Islander. What am I thinking?" Cumberland pondered for a while, and then said to Brunhilde: "Let me put it another way, the kings and lords I have seen in most of my life combined have more holes than my mail armor. Most of them have the same characteristics-worship of power, obsession with power, and greed. However, I can't blame them. This is the original sin God gave to mankind."

"From the first time I saw King Todd, I thought he was very strange. He knew things that mortals didn't know, but he had a grand vision that we couldn't understand. He firmly believed in the equality of all beings and was committed to building a better world. Maybe he is the holy son in people's rumors. In order to end all this darkness, he willingly fell into the mortal world from the light. Even if he is not, I think he is also a once-in-a-lifetime monarch. He is very likely to open up a new world, a world without war and hunger." Cumberland held the pendant on his chest and said slowly: "I have a stupid son. He is loyal, brave, and skilled in martial arts. As a knight, he is undoubtedly qualified. But after meeting the king, I realized the truth. My son chose the wrong oath object."

After finishing speaking, Cumberland and Brunhilde fell silent at the same time.

After a while, Brunhilde said softly: "Todd...I mean Your Majesty, he is indeed different."

Cumberland patted the dust off his body with his hands, and said to Brunhilde, "Brünhilder of the Knights of the North Island, go to sleep, get a good sleep, we will arrive at Silver Ring City tomorrow."

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