Age of Gods: 100 Times the Opening Reward

Chapter 387 is rare... [Subscribe]\r

He just felt that if some situations arise, he should consider some issues carefully, consider some reasons, and should not be too impulsive.

Of course, Zixuan Lingtong understood all of this. He also knew about Su Haoran, but he didn't know much about Su Haoran's identity, so now all of this made him look special.

He felt weird in his heart, but since some things appeared, he still hoped to face them properly. He didn't think about too many problems at all. Thinking too much would only make himself more troubled, so Lingtong Zi Xuan felt it was unnecessary.

Zi Xuan Lingtong finally turned into his own appearance, he was also very happy, and the spell he used just now turned into a monster.

He also felt that it was really uncomfortable, but after hearing Su Haoran's words, he finally didn't have to worry so much, he just turned into his original appearance.

He also felt calm in his heart, and he was in such a state that he felt that he had nothing to worry about. He looked at Su Haoran at the moment and felt finally magnanimous, and Su Haoran didn't look like a villain, but he didn't want him to enter that place. A supernatural space-time.

I hope that he will stay away from the supernatural time and space, and there will be no more situation, let alone any danger, so Zi Xuan Lingtong also has some thoughts in his heart.

It's just that if some ideas appear, he certainly hopes to solve the problem perfectly. If anything really happens again, this is not the result that Su Haoran wants to see, he said to Zi Xuan~ Lingtong .

"Young man, there's really no way to take you, how is it now that I've become what I am, so you can feel at ease, so I think you are really hypocritical, but what did I become? What's the difference? But if you say that, I don't want anything to change, and I don't want-

"So I can only become my original appearance. I think it's okay to do so. Why should I worry so much when I come out? Why should I have more entanglements? I understand it in my heart, and I understand it in my heart. I don’t think about too many things anymore, so at this moment, I can also solve things in my heart.”

0...・・ Flowers・

"I can also think of things perfectly, so I don't have too much concern in my heart, I just feel that some problems have really changed, and I hope that all these things will be faced normally, and I don't want to have any more problems at all. Something else happened, so I knew it in my heart."

Su Haoran was still stunned when he saw the transformation of Zi Xuan's soul boy. Zi Xuan's soul boy had thought that he was a white-bearded grandfather of his age.

But I didn't expect him to be so young and look so handsome. Not only did this outfit look very clean and fresh, but this person was really good looking. Su Haoran was indeed a little dumbfounded.

It's just that he feels that he shouldn't think about it so much, and let him finally become his own appearance, which looks more comfortable.

So Su Haoran finally calmed down at this moment, he felt that Zi Xuan's soul boy was more real.

Then even if Su Haoran enters this supernatural time and space, nothing will happen to him, but he just feels that he doesn't want to destroy all of this for the time being.

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