Age of Gods: 100 Times the Opening Reward

Chapter 174 The Barbarian Royal Court 【Request a Subscription Ticket】\r

Listening to the jokes of these succubuses, and feeling the situation of this three-eyed little guy, it is also gradually improving.

Returning to God's Domain, because the Primal Chaos Origin Tree can better bless him, Fakulun suddenly feels that his body is much more relaxed!

As the Chaos Origin Tree continued to replenish Fakuren, Nuan Nuan, Succubus and others also felt how serious Fakuren's injury was.

With such a serious injury, he still has to save the person on his back, good guy, this guy Fakuren is going to die!

At this time, Nuan Nuan did not continue to make trouble unreasonably, and directly cast all the light-based healing spells that he knew on Fakuren.

Fakuren also looked at Nuan Nuan kindly, "Nuan Nuan is awesome, Uncle Fakuren will bring you something delicious next time, but compared to Uncle Fakuren, that little guy needs your treatment more! 99

Although the treatment effect of the eighth-order Nuan Nuan is quite good, it can't compare to the succubus treatment with hundreds of thousands of Meizu Disabled Federation!

no way!

The level and quantity talents are there!

Listening to Fakulun's words, Nuan Nuan looked at Fakulun's terrifying injury, and was prepared to treat the little guy vigorously first, and then treat the big dog Fakulun.

The succubuses looked at Fakulun so much for this three-eyed little guy, and they worked even harder.

For Nuan Nuan's treatment, it is better than nothing, after all, Nuan Nuan's current level is really too low.

During this treatment!

The blood energy and skin color of this three-eyed little guy are becoming more and more normal, but the aura on his body gradually becomes more and more chaotic.

547 Suddenly, the three-eyed little guy, the vertical eye between the eyebrows opened directly, and a terrifying beam of light kept flashing in the realm of the gods.

In this beam, there is a chaotic atmosphere.

Fakuruna also hurriedly used his strength to block this beam of light. In the realm of the gods, they were all believers of the Lord.

Injured at will, although I am a saint, it is not a fun thing!

Because the purpose of the Lord is that once you become your own believer, you are an equal identity, and you cannot trample your life at will!

Hundreds of thousands of succubus looked at this incomparably chaotic aura, and their various illusion treatments had no effect at all!

It's not that he didn't treat himself properly. In his hundreds of thousands of treatments, even if it was a main god-level injury, he was able to recover!

But this chaotic breath is not due to the injury of the body, but the strength of the body of the three-eyed little guy, which seems to have some problems in itself!

"Lord Fakulun, we may not be able to solve this problem, I am afraid only the Lord can..."

Hearing each model speak, Fakurunna also knelt directly on the ground!

"Fakulun implore the Lord, save this little guy!"

Listening to Fakulun's prayer, Su Haoran also put his mind from the battlefield and put it into his own domain again.

Seeing that Fakulun was actually kneeling on the ground, there was a little guy beside him.

Especially, (aheg) Fakuren's injury, that's not that serious!

Su Haoran also directly used divine power to heal Fakuren's injuries directly.

Looking at the supreme divine power of his lord, Succubus and Nuan Nuan were quite envious!

Seeing that his body was completely healed, Fakurunna also continued to kneel on the ground!

While talking about his going out, he also asked Su Haoran to save this little guy.

It has to be said that Fakulun in the Land Abandoned by the Gods is quite miserable. Because of the creatures in the gods, it is like a beacon in the Land Abandoned by the Gods, constantly attracting the barbarians and constantly attacking. ?

In the previous battle, relying on the strength of his golden true god, he killed many barbarians, and he was improving in all aspects.

Because of the constant progress, Fakulun was quite excited.

But as the road in the Land Abandoned by the Gods became more and more twisted, and after the battle, Fakurunna had become completely numb!

Bite, devour the blood of the barbarians.

If it weren't for the continuous supply of the cool power of the Chaos Origin Tree, Fa Kulun could always maintain a relatively level of sobriety.

It is estimated that Fakulun will be completely useless. After all, the improvement of the blood of the barbarians is indeed there, but if the body of the blood of the barbarians is used all the time, it can always be in a state of extreme excitement.

In this state of excitement, it is easy to lose yourself directly.

If you lose yourself somewhere else and recover for a while, that's fine.

But where is this place?

The abandoned place of the gods, the place where the gods and the creatures of the gods are treated directly and want to be completely smashed?

Lost, that means death?

Although he remained relatively sober, because he had killed too many barbarians, he still attracted the attention of the barbarian royal court in the land abandoned by the gods.

Some of the chief gods of the barbarian royal court at the chief god level directly began to encircle and suppress themselves.

The name of Lord Dog was not just barked at random. After slaughtering in the Land Abandoned by the Gods for so long, the promotion was quite large.

After counter-killing one or two main gods, Fakuruna also completely fell into escape.

There is no way, it may not be a problem to kill one or two ordinary barbarian lord gods alone, but once these barbarian lord gods join forces.

He is just a golden true god creature.

Although the talent is also very strong, it is definitely not comparable to the Great Sage and Queen Caslant.

The injuries on his body were basically obtained during this escape.

And because he was injured, it was quite difficult to recover. The breath of the land abandoned by the gods was quite unfriendly to the gods or the creatures of the gods.

Fortunately, at this time, he has the support of the Origin Tree of Chaos, so that he can not keep his injuries from getting worse.

He was directly beaten by these barbarian chief gods, with only his last breath left, and he fell into this dangerous barbarian river.

Feeling the breath of Fakuren, it is already like a gossamer, and the power of purgatory clergy and divinity has also been received!

And there are a lot of aquatic beasts in the barbarian river.

Fakulun's corpse will also disappear completely and turn into a pile of fertilizer.

The people of the barbarian royal court also left directly!

After all, the divinity has been absorbed by himself, and the priesthood is broken, which basically means death.

So there is absolutely no need to chase after him. Hearing this, Su Haoran also looked at Fakuren's body.

Although it is still the pinnacle of the true god, the priesthood is indeed broken, and the divinity in the body is basically close to nothing!

Although the body has been greatly improved by killing a large number of barbarians!

Under normal circumstances, if there are no special opportunities in this life, the creatures of the gods will basically be directly stuck in this rank, and will never have the opportunity to be promoted again!

Watching the priesthood of Fakulun shattered and making my saints like this, I, Su Haoran, wrote it down first, and I will smash your barbarian royal court one day.

As for the latter, he met this three-eyed little guy, the life born of a barbarian and a demigod.

This kind of life is not born from combining the various advantages of two races.

For this kind of life, whether it is a barbarian or a god, it is an existence that is extremely despised.

But the reason why this kind of spurned existence was born was because of some animal desires of barbarians and gods.

In the world of gods, there are also barbarian beauties for sale, but the price is quite high.

Some gods just can't stand it for this kind of existence that can't be tamed and become a creature of the god's domain.

Similarly, there are also barbarians.

And just like that, these poor fellows were born!

Because two diametrically opposite lives were conceived, many of these poor beings died before they were born, and even after they were born, they were quite weak.

The body has various deformities, such as this little guy actually has a third eye!

Fortunately, there were no major deformities in other aspects of the body.

Fakulun, who only had his last breath left, turned into a little black dog and was saved by this three-eyed little guy.

Listening to Fakulun's narration, most of the races in the Divine Realm were filled with righteous indignation, and they were ready to go directly to the land of the gods and smash the barbarian royal court.

As for some of the gods, they are thinking about how to help the big boss Fakulun recover his body!

Broken priesthood is no fun.

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