Age of Dreams

Chapter 620 My ambition is...

It's no wonder she was so angry, what Xiao Qi prepared for her were several major livelihood issues that would erupt in Huaguo in the next few years.

Before it was revealed, not many people knew about it, but once it was revealed, the effect was simply sensational, and it also prompted several crackdowns one after another, which really purified the air in the industry.

After thinking for a long time, the girl who frowned her eyebrows became a little nervous again: "Xiao Qi, do you think we will be banned by the government if we expose these things, or even shut down our little bird net?"

"No, because no government of any country is willing to see such a bad thing happen, at least the central government will never!" Xiao Qi said solemnly.

The fact is also the same. These things are mostly due to the greedy nature of businessmen and the local government in order to preserve employment, taxation, etc., so they have indulged until now.

Just like the severe crackdown in the 1980s and 1990s, the central government will never condone these crimes, but the people below are still helping to conceal them, so the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and they have not been noticed.

In the 21st century with a well-developed network, as long as the momentum is created and the events hosted are just, then nothing will happen at all, and it will get great praise.

The girl's silver teeth clenched her lips, and after she let go, she clenched again. After a moment of silence, she said, "Yes, no matter what their reaction is, I must expose these heinous crimes, even if I You must go to jail!"

"Nonsense, with me here, who can lock you in?" Xiao Qi smiled, and patted her jade hand, "Don't worry, I'll be fine if I say it's fine."

Fight for justice. There are indeed people who still need to be persecuted.

But according to Xiao Qi's background, according to the dream pad is the trend of skyrocketing in the world, as long as he does not do anything wrong, no matter how big the incident is, he will not be harmed.

That being the case. It's just that Xiao Qi is the CEO of a company in his hands, and Shen Wuyan can't be in trouble - touching her is touching Xiao Qi, and it's the same as hitting the faces of Niu Ruzheng and Yu Chengsheng who are behind Xiao Qi.

After a pause, Shen Wuyan's delicate dimple suddenly showed a hint of embarrassment, "Xiao Qi...if your website is shut down...I, I...I will compensate you~~"

Xiao Qi was overjoyed when he heard the words, "Why don't we shut down the website now?"

The smart and delicate girl couldn't help but glared at him fiercely, but her mood improved for some reason.


She cursed softly.

Xiao Qi smiled slightly, "Xiao Wu'er. You said something wrong just now... Although the little bird net is mine, it is also yours... You and I will put all our efforts into it, and we can't separate it. .”

Knowing that Xiao Qi was using the website to talk about embarrassing things, but Shen Wuyan didn't mean to be coquettish or angry towards him, but instead had a sense of affection.

Xiao Qi took out these sensational file folders, which in itself shows that the young man is jealous of evil, and then supports her unreservedly, all of which represent the boy the girl likes. Have a sincere heart and have never been obscured by money and fame. On the contrary, it became more and more clear and bright, just like the stars in the night sky, dazzling.

"Then let's talk about the third one." Taking a deep breath, Shen Wuyan reminded herself that the owner of this villa is called Huangfu Cai, not Shen Wuyan. Nothing can be done here.

"If you want to be a good video website, what do you think is your goal?" Xiao Qi asked.

For Xiao Qi, beauties and girls have long been accustomed to using the form of questions and answers to elicit topics.

Shen Wuyan had thought about this question for a long time, and she immediately answered: "Even if you can't make YouTube, will become the number one video website in China, even Asia!"

Xiao Qi smiled and nodded.

As long as there is a network control system in Huaguo, then Huaguo's video website will never become YouTube. Although Shen Wuyan's goal is big, it is not the kind of fantasy.

However, she still has some limitations of this era.

Only Xiao Qi, who was reincarnated, can solve this mystery and lead her to a higher goal.

"Why is it just a video website?" Xiao Qi asked, "Why can't it be a TV station on the Internet?"

"The...TV station on the Internet?"

Shen Wuyan opened her cute mouth wide in surprise, "How is this possible?"

How complicated a TV station is, its composition structure, program content, various staffing, etc., are completely beyond the control of private individuals.

So far, there is no private TV station in Huaguo. A TV station as good as Phoenix Satellite TV must have a Chinese-funded organization to buy shares in order to broadcast in the mainland.

In later generations, Murdoch was so ambitious to backdoor Qinghai Satellite TV, but it ended in dismay.

"I didn't make it clear just now, it's an online entertainment TV station." Xiao Qi added: "It's impossible for us to do news broadcasts and other programs, but such as music, sports, travel, variety shows, etc., everything is closely related to people. We can produce all kinds of programs on”

"Wait!" Shen Wuyan felt that her head was getting bigger, "I don't have the ability to be a TV station!"

"Hehe, things haven't started yet, and it's not like all the projects will be completed in one step. What are you worried about?" Xiao Qi patted her little hand: "My little lark, after accumulating experience, finally our The little bird’s net will definitely look like what I just said, and only then will our little bird’s net be considered complete!”

Shocked by Xiao Qi's ambition, Shen Wuyan was terribly worried.

But thinking about it again, Xiao Qi even made the world's number one dream pad, and temporarily monopolized the global tablet market. Compared with an entertainment TV station on the Internet, it is much bigger. Here, it is naturally not so earth-shattering.

"Actually, people haven't changed their minds yet." Xiao Qi came to talk about it, "The Internet has become the second world. Even now, young people spend far more time online than they do on TV. It takes a long time to stay next to it. In a few years, tens of millions of people living online will soon emerge. If we dominate this market, the future will be limitless!"

Xiao Qi is not lying.

With the development of the Internet, Taobao, an online shopping platform alone, has more than 10 million people working on it every day.

In addition to people shopping, communicating and entertaining online, the daily time of all of them online is the time Xiao Qi wants to seize.

Television stations look at ratings, while websites look at clicks and visits.

As long as these things are raised, whether it's advertisements, sponsorships, etc., is definitely not inferior to any TV station.

At that time, do you still worry that you are not the number one video website in Huaguo? (To be continued..)

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