Age of Dreams

Chapter 618: Genuine Concept

After dinner, Huangfu Cai went to work on the preparations for the Weibo website. The public beta of the Weibo website will start in a few days, and she has a lot of things to do.

As the first shot on Weibo, a group of celebrities who previously advertised for the dream pad, Zou Runfa, Chen Long, Li Lianjie, Qiao Guoer, Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi, Liu Xiang, Yao Ming, etc., are naturally very important gimmicks.

The chairman of Fairy Company came out to invite him personally, and it was easy to get the invitation. More than 20 top-notch stars all readily agreed within a day.

The endorsement fee of 2 million yuan per year is generally the lowest among the endorsement levels of these super stars. There are very few advertisements at this price. If there are, it is just the easiest way to take a few photos of.

But it also depends on the person, on who is inviting.

At their level, although they still yearn for money, there is something more important than money, and that is - fame!

Especially fame outside the Chinese circle, because they are eager to be recognized by people all over the world, not just Chinese superstars.

Xiao Qi gave them this opportunity to show their faces in front of people all over the world.

In the previous dream pad commercial, a group of more than 20 top-notch Chinese stars became familiar to foreigners after the commercial was played. They were famous before, but became even more famous.

Many of these movie stars have already received Hollywood movie invitations, and they are still number one and number two. Even some European and South American countries have sent people to discuss advertising matters with them, and they are so happy that they can't get along mouth.

Xiao Qi's dream pad gave them such a big help, this group of super stars still know what it means to reciprocate courtesy - if they are the kind of white-eyed wolves who turn their faces and don't recognize anyone. It's not where it is today.

What's more, the magic power of dream pad has spread all over the world, and it will be unstoppable in the future. If you establish a good relationship with Xiao Qi in advance, maybe they will also have a part in the dream pad advertisement in the future. The boost to their reputation back then was ten times better than it is now!

If you don't have good karma at ordinary times, how can someone help you at a critical moment?

If the youth entrepreneurial idol of Huaguo, Yu Zhutongxie, hadn't been a good man, how could it be possible that after fleeing from Nanwan to Jiangnan, all the rich and powerful people donated a lot of money to help him make a comeback?

You know, Yu Zhu children's shoes were not only penniless at the time, but also owed a whole lot of debt!

So celebrities in all circles are the same, those who know how to behave will always live better than those who cannot. The superstars who have survived through countless trials and hardships are all role models who know how to be human.

Although the superstars agreed to Xiao Qi, their team and Weibo team will do the specific communication work together. Huangfu Cai has to work hard on these aspects. Sending people to various places to sign the contract as soon as possible is a top priority .

For this reason, even at night, she will call and direct her subordinates to do things.

Of course. It's not directly commanding the subordinates, but going to the vice presidents of several companies. If Huangfu Cai had to intervene in every specific matter, wouldn't he be exhausted?

Xiao Qi and Shen Wuyan stayed in the living room, discussing about the video website.

The rudiment of, that is, the setting of the home page and sub-pages, Xiao Qi does not interfere, this is just according to Shen Wuyan's preference.

Anyway, according to the previous chat. He has roughly understood that Shen Wuyan's idea is much better than what he originally thought.

What he has to do is to provide several new ideas and operating models for

Shen Wuyan has always been full of expectations for Xiao Qi's whimsical ideas, and this moment is no exception. A pair of big eyes looked at Xiao Qi without blinking, this look of admiration and anticipation made the young man very satisfied.

"Let's talk about the operation model first." Xiao Qi talked eloquently: "Many of the business proposals you just wrote are well written. First of all, we,, can't be as unscrupulous as Youku. We dare to upload any movies and TV shows. Let it go, and not give a penny. I will help you contact Yan Chenglong, the chairman of Hong Kong Silver Emperor, and ask him to help you buy some old movies and TV dramas in Hong Kong and Taiwan at low prices. For people in Hong Kong and Taiwan, it is also waste utilization, and the price can be lowered if you think about it.”

"Well, I thought so too. Let's be more formal from the beginning." Shen Wuyan said while remembering the main points: "However, I watch many variety shows in Taiwan and Hong Kong, and they are more interesting. Is it possible? Buy some back?"

Xiao Qi nodded appreciatively and said: "Xiao Wu, your idea is great! Variety shows will definitely be a big focus in the future, such as those hosted by Wu Tianwang of Baodao, hosted by Zhang Fei, Hugua, etc., are very interesting. Do you think If you want, you can buy it back, and it is even possible to delay the playback for an hour or two after buying it in the current period, or play it the next day."

"What about Hong Kong?" Shen Wuyan noticed that Xiao Qi only talked about Treasure Island, not Hong Kong.

"It's the 21st century. Apart from listening to music, how many people are obsessed with Cantonese?" Xiao Qi shook his head, "Mandarin will be the main popular trend in the future, and there are not many good programs in Hong Kong. In terms of sex, it is far from that of Baodao."

Xiao Qi didn't lie. In the era of Internet explosion in the past few years, Taiwan's variety shows beat Hong Kong's shows, and they couldn't even see their shadows.

In addition to the fact that they don’t speak the same language, they have to read subtitles while watching TV, which is a heinous act, and their creativity is not as good as Taiwan’s. Hong Kong has no bottom line in entertainment, and everyone doesn’t like it.

In contrast, in Treasure Island, which has a more Confucian atmosphere, the entertainment programs are not so crazy, besides being interesting, which naturally suits everyone's appetite.

"I see." Shen Wuyan also agrees with Xiao Qi's views, "But does Silver Emperor have enough influence in Treasure Island? I know that the competition among several TV stations in Treasure Island is also very fierce."

"Look for him first, and if it's not suitable, you can come to me again." Xiao Qi muttered.

He knows a lot of people in Baodao. MediaTek, Chenhong Optoelectronics, and Wintec are all well-known big companies in Baodao. It's just that Xiao Qi didn't go to them immediately because they didn't have a good relationship with entertainment. .

If it's really Yan Chenglong who can't figure it out, then spend some money and let them communicate with Baodao people. There is no difficulty in thinking about it-the delay of online video will not affect their ratings. Advertising revenue is not affected.

People from Taiwan are not as greedy as Hong Kong people. (To be continued..)

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