Age of Dreams

Chapter 184 First Arrival in the United States

() April 8th, Friday.

Eastern time of the United States, at noon, after more than ten hours of boring flight, Xiao Qi, who set off alone, finally arrived at the heart of the American Empire - New York.

People who have never been to the United States will feel that the United States is full of super-large cities, and every corner is a super-large urban agglomeration such as the Capital, Dongfang, and Nanwan.

In fact, New York is almost the only super-large city in the United States. Even their capital, Washington, D.C., is not a super-large city. There is no such architecture and density of population as New York, or even the capital East.

The area of ​​the United States is about the same as that of China, but the population is only one-fifth of that of China, and most of them are in plains and hills, so there are many places for them to live in, and there is no need for everyone to fight together in the city.

It's just that New York, the world's financial, cultural and entertainment center, has so many people gathered, and the rest are scattered in various small cities in the United States, with a population of 20,000 to 30,000 everywhere. , A comprehensive urban structure plan is really not a way.

New York is a city with a very tense rhythm. The most famous one is of course the notorious Wall Street in the future. The various financial traps flowing out of here have directly trapped people all over the world so that it is difficult to even get up.

From the bottom of his heart, as a doctoral graduate of engineering, Xiao Qi is a little wary of various fraudulent financial methods. In his opinion, no matter at what time, people can only rely on technology and industry. Progress, those fictitious kinds of finance. Sooner or later, everyone will be cast aside.

For example, now, the elites of Wall Street are already carrying out one conspiracy after another, and the crisis is imminent, but except for a very few people who know it clearly, even these elites themselves are obsessed with the self-developed In the "game", I can't extricate myself.

Xiao Qi is not that great, he will rush to the US government to tell them. What will the global financial crisis that will erupt in the future look like. Because if he did that, his best end would be to be locked up in a psychiatric hospital for research.

Moreover, from the analysis of some experts later, Xiao Qi even knew that behind Wall Street, there was a faint shadow of the US government. In this financial turmoil sweeping the world, if the US government's ass is clean, then I don't even believe in ghosts.

Therefore, Xiao Qi was just passing by.

where he wants to go. There was no direct flight from Huaguo, and it happened that it was not far from New York, so he chose New York to settle down.

In fact, in the seven or eight years in the United States, Xiao Qi has basically never been out of Southern California, let alone New York, which can only be reached across the entire United States.

He didn't even leave the airport, and went directly to the American Airlines counter to check in for a ticket to Washington.

Some people say that America is a country on wheels. Xiao Qi thinks it is good, because almost every household in the United States has a car and likes to travel around in a car.

There are very few tolls on the highways of others. I'm afraid the toll ratio is less than 10%. All the road maintenance costs and so on have been included in the fuel price, so even if Americans' favorite pickups are fuel-guzzling, they can afford it.

But at the same time, it should also be said that the United States is a country that rides on an airplane.

Because almost any American town you know, as long as the population exceeds 50,000, you can reach it by plane. This makes Huaguo, which has almost one airport in each province, feel extremely ashamed.

In addition, there are many domestic airlines in the United States, and the fuel costs are astonishingly cheap. Under the competition, the fares are surprisingly cheap.

It is precisely because their air and land transportation networks are so developed that it is very convenient for Americans to go anywhere, and there will be no delay in time.

Xiao Qi came to the United States mainly for two things. The first thing is naturally the most important thing to get his own closed xingcao system. The second thing is what he is going to do now - go to the Carlisle area of ​​Alexandria, Virginia , find the US Patent and Trademark Office there, and apply for several important patents.

Speaking of the city of Alexandria, you may not be familiar with it. In fact, you only need to remember that it is close to Washington, just a little south of Washington.

Most of the government agencies in the United States are located in Washington, but they are not close together, they are scattered around.

For example, the headquarters of the Patent and Trademark Office under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Commerce has already gone to Virginia, but in fact, it is about an hour's drive from the White House in Washington.

Xiao Qi likes to play with electronic products such as mobile phones and tablet computers, so he also knows that in a few years, the so-called patent disputes will be overwhelming. With this big killer, Apple will sweep Samsung, HTC, Motorola and other companies, among Samsung even gave a compensation of 1.2 billion US dollars with tears in its eyes.

Xiao Qi wanted to make a tablet computer or a mobile phone, but he definitely couldn't get past the numerous patent traps.

In the previous life, foreign high-tech companies have already passed thousands of patents, occupying every aspect of the mobile phone and tablet computer industry, making all the mobile phone and tablet computer manufacturers in Huaguo look like one It's like getting into a wire hole, and I can't break free no matter what.

Just like many Huaguo enterprises do, if you don't strive for something, then you will find that most of the hard-earned money is earned for others.

In order to make his electronic empire smoother, the boy was already preparing for what he was going to do now from the moment he decided to make a tablet computer.

In his suitcase, there were only one or two sets of changed clothes, and there were more than 500 drawings left, involving 120 patents, all of which were prepared for this patent application.

When it comes to applying for a patent, people may think it is very mysterious and high-tech, and you have to be a genius to apply for a patent.

But it is not the case. According to internationally accepted patent laws, patents are usually divided into three categories: invention patents, design patents and plant patents.

Powerful large companies in the electronics category naturally take over the first two items, such as Apple, Nokia, and Motorola, which is what they do.

Xiao Qi is studying precision machinery, which has nothing to do with electronics, so in terms of technology, even if the two geniuses Edison and Tesla are possessed together, he can't keep up with the tens of thousands of other scientific researchers. The precipitation of personnel for decades.

However, the reborn has a huge advantage, and in some aspects, it is forward-looking and absolutely unparalleled in the world.

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