Age of Collapse

Vol 5 Chapter 433: Federal hero

Luo worried with a look at John's crutches, and said with deep meaning, "Your life is quite big."

"Ha ha ha! What is your name? It is a good man who has a good report!" John said that he was proud of this incident. When he talked about the excitement, he excitedly knocked on the ground with a cane and said, "At that time, Laudia rescued me and went back. The war doctor said that if I was a minute later, I might not be able to keep it! Oh, I am so lucky, I can survive in the Queen! I can blow it forever!"

Obviously, John didn't understand the meaning of Luo Wei, and he never understood the situation at the time.

In fact, John was actually sentenced to death, because even if he had not been attacked by Sercia, Luo worry would kill him for reward. Even if Luo Xiao didn’t have time to start, he would definitely die from the Eagle flag. The follow-up of the army.

Sesiah severely wounded John and forced Claudia to save him. It is not only a threat from now, but it has saved him from the dead.

Luo Wei continued to ask, "How come you come to this meeting together? Aglonso let you come?"

"Yeah, hey, you still don't know! Claudia reported the mission situation. When I heard that I fought bravely, I saved a nun from the cross church and quickly sent an investigation team and the European side. Negotiations, one to two, directly awarded me a medal of honor!" John was full of excitement and pride when he mentioned this, "My medal is still in the Asia-Pacific theater headquarters, personally awarded by the Commander-in-Chief of Aglonso!"

The Federal "Medal of Honor" is equivalent to the "First-Class Hero Model Medal" in the Republic of Hui, specifically for those who risk their lives in battle and who are brave and fearless in their obligations. The farthest trace can be traced back to 1862. During the war, it was a very high military honor in the Federation.

Hearing this, Luo worry can not help but silence, although the federation is an absolute enemy, but have to admit that the republican glory is dwarfed in this respect.

The Federation has been doing very well in the recognition of combat heroes. Whether it was the dawn of offensive and defensive warfare, the 120-member "heroes" who sacrificed to resist the gap in the wall of life, or John, can see them. Respect for the soldiers.

However, the dominance of the dovish is rarely seen in such a thing, not to mention anything else, before the hawks complete the power grab, from the status of the wilderness expeditionary army can be seen.

It is said that the Republican soldiers are wearing military uniforms and dying to cover the red flag. However, for the wilderness expeditionary forces of previous years, even the "dead cover and red flag" can not be done.

Far away, it was said that the Linan Expeditionary Force was attacked by the northern rebels. The old cat went to the military area to discuss the argument, not only was beaten, but the brothers’ medals were not able to come back.

Just as Luo worried about meditation, John continued to say, "Oh, it’s impossible for me to go to the battlefield, but I was taken over by the Secretary of Defense Tyresh as an assistant. Haha, it’s a blessing in disguise!"

Luo snorted, John's luck is really good, it is also a medal of honor, and an assistant to the Secretary of Defense. This is to say, Sersia is still his great benefactor, if not for Tecsia to take him Half-dead, maybe John can only wander in the wilderness with a giant tank.

"Speaking, this meeting, your defense minister did not come?" Luo asked.

John shook his head. "No, the commander-in-chief of Aglonso, the Asia-Pacific theater needs a temporary management, and Mr. Tyres is there. Oh, I heard that he recently worried about a military area on your side."

"Worry about a military region? Which one?"

"The last time I heard it by chance, I can’t remember it. Anyway, I heard that I did something too much."

Luo worried about it. It seems that the nearest to the Federal Asia-Pacific theater headquarters is the Linan Military Region in the southeast. Is it something new to the ink bones?

Luo Yue was too late to think about it. John smiled. "Okay, I am very happy to see you again. I have to sort out the meeting notes and see you next time."


After John left, Luo worry also walked to the rest area of ​​the Arctic base.

The living facilities of this underground base are very sound, not only have a well-functioning air circulation and temperature control system, but also special vegetable gardens, livestock farms, warm water aquatic areas, and ingredients that can be eaten on the mainland. Most of them are here. Can be supplied.

However, due to geographical restrictions, some extremely precious ingredients have not appeared here, but what is interesting is that the senior leaders of the various forces do not seem to pursue the nobleness of the tongue, and can enter the ubiquitous home-cooked meal.

Just to say the luxury of the food, even one-tenth of the Charles Marquis House can not match, but the level of the diners is high, do not know how many grades.

Luo worry came to the dining area. Although it was a special place for the various forces, the diners also had different contacts with each other.

After all, serious things will be said at a formal meeting, there is no need to be so rigorous in private situations.

Luo worried to find a place to sit down, thanks to the status of adjutant, soon there was a waiter waiting for the side to come up, handed a menu, respectfully said, "Hello, Mr. Luo worry, the menu on the menu Let you choose."

Luo worry looked at the menu for a while, and pointed his finger to "this, there is this"

"Well, ok, I am going to prepare for you."

"Wait, it’s not over yet." Luo stunned the waiter and continued to order. "This, this, this is also necessary."

The waiter on the side was a bit dumbfounded. When Luo worried about more than 20 foods, he hesitated and asked, "I will take the Mr. Luo worry, you are here for the guests, help in advance. Do they order?"

"No, I eat it alone." Luo worried handed the menu back and asked, "Is there any problem?"

The waiter has already married her mother. This guy has ordered more than 20 servings of food. It is also a great staple food. Is he ready to eat every bite and throw it away?

The waiter did not say much. He had absolute professionalism and would not refuse any non-principal requirements from the guests. Anyway, he did not pay the bill, and wasted wasted.

However, the facts are beyond the expectations of the waiter.

When a meal comes up, Luo's stomach is like a bottomless pit. No matter how it is filled, it is not enough. The more than 20 foods are not wasted. It is completely without a plate.

After eating more than 20 copies, Luo Wou continued to point. Later, in order to give Luo worry to eat, three waiters were rushed back and forth, in order to be able to supply the speed of Luo worry, the chef of the kitchen cook to cook. All cramped.

In the end, Luo worry became the focus of the audience with the empty plate in front of him.

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