After the Marriage, I Hid Commander Gao Leng Privately

Chapter 164 What a pitiful little girl

Genetically modified people have generally referred to some research institutes and extreme scientists who conduct illegal experiments in private. This phenomenon has been severely cracked down by the interstellar human regime, but it has been repeatedly banned, and has even developed into a mature industrial chain.

Genetically modified people have various defects, and the mortality rate is extremely high. Ninety percent of them cannot survive the first test, and those who survive have a very short lifespan.

Thinking that Lin Fu is also a genetically modified person, Fu Xing could hardly maintain his superficial indifference, and his heart throbbed inexplicably, making him bend down subconsciously, trying to relieve the pain in his heart.

Ji Mian's expression was serious, and her voice was suppressed, "Hmm! Madame's genes have been modified and rearranged, and even her current appearance is not her original appearance, and she has no previous memory."

"Memories, looks are gone?" Fu Xing muttered to himself, lowering his eyes, the thick eyelashes trembling slightly.

That's why she didn't know anything, didn't understand, so she carefully tested him in front of her, and pitifully flattered him.

It was Horace who let his guard down, deceived by her performance.

Because of the loss of memory, the current her is the most real side.

It turned out that she was just a pawn of the person behind it.

What a poor little one.

But... so what about chess pieces!

It was she who appeared in front of him holding the purple wish sign.

He only recognizes her.

"Has genetic modification technology reached this point?"

"Madam's situation is special. I guess the person who made the move must be a giant in the scientific world."

"Who is capable? Can you find out?"

"I can try, but there are too many low-key scientific lunatics, and even more than one scientist can make Madam's operation successful. It will be difficult!"

"I know."

Fu Xing's words let Ji Mian quietly breathe a sigh of relief.

"So, how long can you live?" Fu Xing asked calmly.

"..." Ji Mian hesitated for a moment, then cleared his throat dryly and said, "I can't predict the life expectancy. This requires more careful and long-term observation." In fact, he secretly hoped that he would have the opportunity to observe his wife.

The question of Mrs. is irresistible to every scientist.

"It's okay to be unpredictable."

"What's the flaw?"

Ji Mian thought for a while, frowned suspiciously, opened his work terminal uncertainly, and took another look for confirmation, "Mental strength and physical fitness have been greatly weakened..."

"Heh!" Fu Xing snorted coldly, "Are you joking? Lin Fu's mental power is at level 2S, and there is even room for growth. Although his physical fitness is not high, it is still at level B at the beginning. If this statistic is greatly weakened , then how high is her original level?"

"God level!" Ji Mian looked directly into Fu Xing's eyes.

Fu Xing was stunned, and then sighed calmly, "The legendary god level has actually been achieved by someone."

Ji Mian also looked distressed, wishing to drag out the scientist who operated on Lin Fu and beat him to death.

The god level has always been a conception of the scientific community. Since human beings have a talent level of 3S, is 3S the highest limit?

The pioneers who were the first to measure the level of mental power two thousand years ago only detected S level.

After two thousand years of development, the natural potential of human beings has been tapped more and more.

In this case, what about 3S and above?

Is it the legendary demigod level? God level?

Many scientists are trying to prove where the next limit of human beings is.

Now one finally appeared, but before it grew up, it died young due to genetic modification.

How not heartbreaking.

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