Chapter 1477

After Baili Yihong woke up, he originally advocated mobilizing troops and horses to fight again. Even if other cities could be lost, the capital must not be lost.

But the courtiers kneeling on the ground below were stunned, and no one agreed. They knew that no matter how many soldiers and horses they mobilized, it would be useless.

After all, Beimo's army has the trump card of soil bombs to help out, no matter how many people go, what's the use, there are not enough people to bomb them.

Baili Yihong, who had just recovered, vomited blood again.

For a while, the room became a mess.

And after those neighboring countries got the exact news, they were completely dead. Especially in Dongning, from the royal family to the common people, they all broke into a sweat. Fortunately, they were wise at the time, or the country would perish I'm afraid it's them.

But no, if they don't raise the white flag, don't negotiate peace, and don't pay compensation, I'm afraid Beimo will be able to attack the capital in a fit of anger. If that's the case, Nanjun will definitely learn a lesson and won't seek death.

In this battle, the momentum and the dragon's prestige were displayed. It is estimated that the neighboring countries will not dare to have delusions in a hundred years.

What Jing Rui wanted was the same effect. As for the other half of Nanjun, that was his son's business.

He didn't want to force several countries to join forces to deal with Beimo.

Soon, a temporary checkpoint was set up eighty miles away from Los Angeles.

Jingrui ordered the recruitment of laborers, but like Beimo before, it was not a corvee, and all the wages were settled by the court, and it was specifically stated that the wages were paid every half a month.

At the beginning, some people didn't believe it: "There is such a good thing, but it is just to confuse people's hearts. After the construction is completed, I am afraid that I will have to change my face."

But it is too tempting to manage three meals a day, and there are still many people from poor families who try to sign up.

Everyone can eat three meals a day. Naturally, those who have benefited from the benefits will inevitably publicize it. After that, more and more common people joined in.

When half a month came, those people got their wages as scheduled. Although the expressions on their faces were still dull, they still felt comforted in their hearts.

The reason why Jing Rui did this is that this is now the territory of Beimo, and these people are the people of Beimo. With this matter, they can quickly regain the hearts of the people.

Although for a while they felt that Beimo invaded their land, but this is an era when imperial power is above everything else, not to mention, it won't be long before they will gradually realize the honor of being the people of Beimo.

In the urgent letter Jingrui sent back to the capital, he specifically instructed the crown prince to send uu reading books to recruit people who are willing to live here from various state capitals.

The settlement fee is twenty taels per person, half of which is paid before departure, and the other half is paid when the local households are settled.

To be a human being is to bring the folkways and customs of Beimo here and integrate them with the locals. The amount of work is not small, and of course it is a big expense, but it is still very cost-effective for long-term planning.

It is cruel to be able to assimilate these aborigines in the years to come and let them be the people of Beimo wholeheartedly, but it must be done.

The people from the Ministry of Industry were also in place very quickly. Because of the cement, the checkpoints at the frontier were built at a very fast speed, which can be said to be different every day.

Because of this job, the people on this side of the checkpoint have a much better life than before, but on the other side of the checkpoint, the people are looking at the rising city wall in fear, it is no longer their territory, it is no longer their territory. the capital of the country.

Some people even cried on their knees. After all, they still have a lot of relatives living there, so they became citizens of two countries.

The update is finished today, thank you for your support! good night~~~

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