After Crossing, My Husband and I Were Reborn Together

Chapter 1414 Disputes between the two governments

Fan Luo'er nodded: "Why does my husband ask that?"

Xiao Chenxu's brows were tight. There weren't many cases of people coming to their homes to propose marriage before. He couldn't save them in this peaceful day, but he happened to be a widow, so he had to be a little more defensive, but it wasn't a deliberate game.

But he didn't say it directly: "How did you know that was Duan Pingzhi?"

Fan Luo'er smiled proudly: "You forget, when Duan Pingzhi brought us back that day, Qingyuan's sister-in-law was sending her mother's sister-in-law out. Seeing that we were so wolves, she even went up to ask for love, didn't she thank us for us? After Duan Pingzhi, I would like to help you with his address."

Xiao Chenxu also remembered: ",,, this is indeed the case."

Xiao Chenxu was a little undecided: "Luo, I'll go to the second brother's place. I'd better let the second brother inquire about it."

Fan Luoer thought about it as well: "Husband, you've been on a day off, don't go there today, and I'll go there tomorrow, just to have a private chat with the second sister-in-law."

Xiao Chenxu said a little worriedly: "You're out of shape in your arms, it's better for me to run."

Fan Luoer held him back: "Leave and don't, it'll be alright."

Seeing that his wife insisted on being herself tomorrow, she stopped insisting: "Then you'd better let the eldest sister accompany you, or I will not worry."

In order to reassure him, Fan Luoer naturally nodded in response, but she was thinking: If the eldest sister goes, how can I tell the second sister-in-law about this.

Xiao Chenxu thought, if Duan Pingzhi didn't ask, and if the eldest sister was really tempted, it would be a good marriage.

After all, the eldest sister's love, they all know that there is little hope of having a child. Duan Pingzhi happens to have a pair of children, so even if the eldest sister fails, it will not affect anything.

Duan Pingzhi's pair of sons and daughters, as long as the elder sister is sincere, will change the heart of the heart.

This, he really took it to heart, thinking about going back and looking for someone to ask.

capital of nanjing

The fourth prince, Baili Yixuan, overturned the capital, causing people to panic, but he didn't find any trace of it, just when he was about to explode, he heard his subordinates say: "Lord, there are only a few princes who haven't been found in the palace. ."

How can Baili Yixuan still have reason now: "Why, do you need this prince to do it yourself?"

The subordinate was frightened and cold, and said tremblingly: "This subordinate will take someone for a trip."

I just thought that there would be no knot, but they found the east of the fourth prince's mansion in a side courtyard of the second prince's mansion, and the two parties were dumbfounded.

Originally, the people from the Second Prince's Mansion did not agree to search the mansion. They were all emperors. Maybe the Fourth Prince was more noble than their Second Prince's.

In the end, it was the Second Prince Concubine who didn't want to make it too difficult, so she posted it and let people in, but when such a thing happened, the Second Prince Concubine was also stunned. She didn't even know when these things came in.

The second prince sent it on the spot after receiving the news. First, he was angry that the second prince and concubine did it without authorization, and let the fourth prince's mansion enter. Second, he was angry that this was obviously framed, and the people of the fourth prince's mansion were in the name of catching assassins. Head in, it's really deceiving.

Because of this, the dispute between the two governments did not come to the emperor for a time.

Dang, the incident of the robbery of the Fourth Prince's Mansion can't be concealed, but the emperor kept his mouth shut, and no one is allowed to spread it out.

Chapter 1414 Disputes between the two governments

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