The description of Murong Jing in the book says that Murong Jing is a very purposeful person.

 Only if it is useful and beneficial to her, she will put her mind on it. Otherwise, even if that person dies in front of her, she can remain indifferent.

 Now, Murong Jing is extremely enthusiastic about her.

Xu Jinning had to consider the possibility that Murong Jing planned to attack her.

 Just what does Murong Jing want in her?

 It is written in the book that the things Murong Jing wanted from others were life span and luck.

 Lifespan, it seems possible.

 And luck…

Xu Jinning frowned, luck seemed more likely.

Xu Jinning thought about the fact that his luck got better after traveling through time.

 Luck has gotten better, to a certain extent, it also means that luck has gotten better.

 In other words, her luck is relatively good.

  【So, Murong Jing is eyeing my luck? Is she planning to harm me and steal my luck? ! 】

 The matter was deduced by Xu Jinning.

 Xu Xiangdong, who had been paying attention to Xu Jinning, finally heard what his little sister was saying.

 Just as soon as this voice came out, Xu Xiangdong was instantly frightened.

The younger sister said, Murong Jing wants to harm her? Steal luck? !

 Murong Jing... is the woman just now!

  Does luck mean luck? Xu Xiangdong thought of his little sister's great luck.

 Stealing, does it mean to steal?

That woman wants to steal my little sister’s luck? And he plans to harm my little sister!

Xu Xiangdong immediately paid attention to it and kept that woman in his heart. He could not let that woman get close to his younger sister under any circumstances.

By the way, that woman is from Jingshi University. She actually goes to the same school as my younger sister.

Then there will be more opportunities to harm my little sister.

No, when I see my eldest sister and brother-in-law, I must tell them about this and let them stay vigilant. They must protect my little sister and stay away from that woman!

Xu Xiangdong did not doubt Xu Jinning's intentions at all, nor did he think it was ridiculous to steal luck.

 Because, they can hear Xu Jinning's voice and see the image of his heart. Even Xu Jinning himself is magical and incredible, something that cannot be deduced using common sense.

 So, it’s not surprising that there are other people with other abilities in this world.

Here, Xu Jinning had already determined that Murong Jing approached her to steal her luck.

  【 was not easy for Murong Jing to steal her lifespan or luck at the beginning. 】

  【Must go through the hands of that person's closest relatives. 】

  【But I believe that my parents, brothers and sisters will never harm me. 】

Xu Jinning was very confident. Because he believed in his family, his originally tense heart relaxed a little.

Yes, it is written in the book that at the beginning of time traveling, it was not easy for Murong Jing to steal someone else's lifespan and luck. She had to frame her through the hands of that person's close relatives.

  【As long as my family doesn't give me anything from Murong Jing. 】

 In the early stage, Murong Jing harmed people in this way.

 As for the later stage, when Murong Jing becomes stronger, there is no need for such an approach.

Xu Jinning felt that she had to "get rid of" Murong Jing before she became stronger.

Murong Jing can only harm others. If she is left here, Murong Jing will be killed, and many others will be killed as well. The people killed by the epidemic are enough to set back a country that could have progressed.

 So, Murong Jing must not stay!

Xu Jinning did not kill Murong Jing because Murong Jing wanted to harm her, but because Murong Jing was not a good person and she did not belong to this world. It was best to let the original Murong Jing come back.

 Just how does Murong Jing solve it?

Xu Jinning fell into deep thought.

 In fact, it is best to hand over Murong Jing to the state and let the state handle it.

 Long March Dad…

Xu Jinning thought of Zhang Changzheng.

 After all, among the people she came into contact with, only Zhang Changzheng might have access to higher-level national people. By the way, there was also her brother-in-law Song Yi. He was in the army before and might also have people he knew.


 Tell Changzheng’s father? But for no reason, will Changzheng’s father believe her words? Will her brother-in-law believe her?

Xu Jinning felt that the matter of Murong Jing should be solved sooner rather than later. If she was allowed to go on, more and more people would be killed.

 Dad and brother-in-law on the Long March…

Xu Jinning was thinking about what to do next.

Here, Xu Xiangdong also heard what Xu Jinning was saying just now.

 Inflict harm through the hands of close relatives?

Xu Xiangdong's face darkened, this method was really cruel.

However, Xu Xiangdong is as confident as Xu Jinning. None of his family members will ever harm Ning Ning.

 Even if it hurts themselves, they will not hurt Ning Ning.

However, Xu Xiangdong felt that he must tell his family about this matter so that they could be more careful about this woman Murong Jing.

Here, Xu Jinning decided to wait until she got to school and ask her brother-in-law if he knew anyone in this field. If not, she could only write to Chang Zheng's father and ask him tactfully if he knew anyone in this field.

 Actually, making a phone call is more convenient and faster, and you can also speak more clearly, but it is still not a good idea because the phone call may be monitored.

 So, if necessary, write a letter.


Here, Murong Jing returned to her seat, which was also a berth, but at a distance, but her eyes still fell in the direction of Xu Jinning, even though she could no longer see Xu Jinning.

 However, Xu Jinning could not be seen, but it was difficult for Murong Jing not to notice the strong purple-gold luck lingering around Xu Jinning.

It can be said that Murong Jing noticed this purple-gold luck as soon as she got in the car.

Originally, she was still thinking about how there were so many darlings of heaven in this small place, but when she saw them, she realized it was Xu Jinning.

 Murong Jing was very happy to see Xu Jinning.

 In fact, if she could get luck from Xu Jinning, she wouldn't even need to go to the capital to find others to "borrow" her life span and luck.

 Because Xu Jinning’s luck is enough for her.

However, Murong Jing also knew that people like Xu Jinning, who have purple-gold luck, are the proud women of heaven, and they can be said to be blessed by heaven.

She can't just "borrow" it, otherwise she will be the only one who is completely shaken.

Even using Xu Jinning’s family to “borrow” Xu Jinning’s luck is not feasible and very risky. ,

 So, when Murong Jing went to Beijing this time, she did not intend to give up on Xu Jinning.

 But she must first strengthen herself. Only then will she have the opportunity to "borrow" Xu Jinning's luck, even if she will suffer backlash, the damage will be less.

From the moment she discovered Xu Jinning, Murong Jing never gave up the idea of ​​"borrowing" Xu Jinning's luck.

Xu Jinning, this big fat piece of meat, is the most delicious, so of course it has to be placed at the end to enjoy it.

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