The news of the resumption of the college entrance examination has been confirmed, and there is only two months of review time. How can the educated youth still be in the mood to go back to work?

They all began to look for middle school and high school textbooks to review.

 The captain knows how important this news is to the educated youth, and it is even more important to be admitted to college, which is a turning point that can change their lives.

 So when the educated youths went to review one after another instead of working, he also chose to understand and support.

The more educated youths or other children in the production team who can go to college, the better.

 After all, he manages the Qinghe production team.

The more people who pass the exam, the more it means that he, as a captain, has made a difference and has more dignity.

And Xu Changyi also knows the value of a college student. He also hopes that more people will be admitted to college and then come back to build the Qinghe Production Team and build the Qinghe Production Team better and better. That is what he wants to see most.

 It’s not just the Qinghe production team, today, on this day, people all over the country are excited.

Xu Jinning, Xu Fanghua, Fu Zhixu and others all knew that the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination would be announced today.

Even though they knew it in advance, Xu Fanghua, Cai Shumin, Fu Zhixu and others couldn't help but shed tears when they heard the news from the captain on the radio.

 They have been waiting for this news for how many years.

Now, the wait is finally here.

 They wept with joy.

 Finally saw hope for the future.


 Sun Meiwen even dropped the cream in her hand to the ground when she heard the news on the radio about the resumption of the college entrance examination.

"The college entrance examination has resumed, the college entrance examination has resumed..." she murmured.

Sun Meiwen originally thought that she missed her place at the Workers', Peasants and Soldiers' University more than twenty days ago, and that she might never have the chance to leave the poor place of Qinghe Production Team.

Unexpectedly, it will be just twenty days later, today.

 The college entrance examination has resumed!

 Almost anyone can participate, even those who are married and have children!

 As long as you are admitted to university, you can return to the city!

Aware of this, Sun Meiwen's mood surged like never before, like a pot of boiling hot water. She could not restrain her excitement.

 She wants to take the college entrance examination and she wants to return to the city!

This desire is extremely strong.

 But she needs money to buy high school textbooks to review.

Although Sun Meiwen also graduated from high school, her grades were average, and she had forgotten all her knowledge in the years since she went to the countryside.

At this time, if you go to borrow high school textbooks from others, you won’t be able to borrow them at all, because others also need them and can only buy them.

 She had no money, so she had to ask Zhao Hongxing to buy it.

Moreover, she cannot hide the fact that she is going to take the college entrance examination. Zhao Hongxing will know about it sooner or later.

So, Sun Meiwen planned to tell Zhao Hongxing to give her full support in preparing for the exam.

"You said, you want to take the college entrance examination and go to university?" Zhao Hongxing looked at Sun Meiwen with an unclear look in his eyes.

“Yes, I want to take the college entrance examination. When I get there, I can go back to the city.”

 Zhao Hongxing was a little sensitive to the word "return to the city" that Sun Meiwen said.

As soon as Sun Meiwen's words came out, he immediately guessed her intention.

It turns out that Sun Meiwen still wants to return to the city.

"You have returned to the city, what about me and Niu Niu?"

Niu Niu is the child born to Sun Meiwen. His nickname has not been given yet, but his nickname is Niu Niu. It was given by Zhao’s mother, hoping that he would grow as strong as an ox.

Sun Meiwen's eyes flickered, but she quickly calmed down and said, "Of course I will take you and Niu Niu back to the city with me."

"You are my husband, and Niu Niu is my ten-month-old child. Do you think I will leave you and go back to the city alone?"

Sun Meiwen's voice rose a little higher, "Zhao Hongxing, I am your wife. In your eyes, this is who I am!"

Zhao Hongxing put his hands on his hips and looked unclear. He just looked at Sun Meiwen quietly without saying anything. But there was a sneer in my heart.

He knows better than anyone what kind of person Sun Meiwen is.

Sun Meiwen is selfish, vain, lazy, unfeeling, and likes to play scheming...

At the beginning, I could fall in love with Fu Zhixu, and at the same time, just to avoid being lazy, I would get entangled with several men, including him.

 Hold hands, kiss, touch, even skin to skin.

Sun Meiwen has done all of these.

 Later, even if I married him.

But Zhao Hongxing knew that Sun Meiwen still thought about Fu Zhixu, but as long as Sun Meiwen had no contact with Fu Zhixu, he didn't need to care.

 He knew that in order to marry Sun Meiwen, he had used some coercion and inducement methods.

 But after marrying Sun Meiwen, especially after Sun Meiwen became pregnant, he planned to live a good life with her.

 My attitude towards Sun Meiwen also changed unconsciously and became better than before.

Even his mother.

 He originally thought that even if Sun Meiwen didn't like him, she would stay for the sake of the child, but now it seems...

 He knew that Sun Meiwen was lying.

If Sun Meiwen really gets admitted to university, she will definitely abandon her husband and son.

However, Sun Meiwen, since you have become my Zhao Hongxing’s woman, you will never be able to escape for the rest of your life!

 Zhao Hongxing lowered his head, a hint of unwillingness and fierceness flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly covered up.

 When he looked up again, the emotion in Zhao Hongxing's eyes had not changed.

 Instead, he pretended to believe what Sun Meiwen said.

 “Are you telling the truth?”

“It’s true, of course it’s true.” Seeing that Zhao Hongxing believed her words, Sun Meiwen breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly expressed her sincerity.

 “…Okay, what do you want me to do?”

Sun Meiwen immediately cheered up, "I want you to help me find textbooks. I have to review. There are still two months until the college entrance examination. Don't let anyone disturb me."

 “Whether it’s your mother or a cow.”

 After finishing speaking, Sun Meiwen seemed to feel that it was not a good idea to say this, and hurriedly added: "I don't mean anything else. I'm just afraid that taking care of the children and doing housework will distract me, which will affect my review."

“Hongxing, you have to know that if I go to college and go back to the city, and I take you back to the city, you will become city dwellers from now on.”

 “Red Star, don’t you want to become a city dweller?”

“Of course I want to,” Zhao Hongxing said.

He really wants to be a city dweller, but he is self-aware. He knows how difficult it is to become a city dweller.

Even if there is a chance, in front of him, he, Zhao Hongxing, may not be able to seize it and become a city dweller.

 For example, this is the opportunity of the college entrance examination.

If he can take the college entrance examination and go to university, he can also become a city dweller.

But Zhao Hongxing knows that he, who has only studied in primary school for two years, is equivalent to being mostly illiterate, and he himself does not like reading. Not to mention that he is temporarily cramming for two months now, even if he is given another ten years , he couldn’t pass the exam either.

 Zhao Hongxing knew that he would not pass the exam.

He also knew that it was impossible for Sun Meiwen to pass the exam.

In Zhao Hongxing's eyes, Sun Meiwen is a little smart, but she is stupid.

 How can such a stupid person, such a selfish person, have good learning ability?

He was sure that even if Sun Meiwen was given time to review, she would not be able to get into college!

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