The destination is almost at the top of the mountain. Zhu Sui put down Song Zhen and looked down with the tree on the side of the road. The mountain road was winding around the mountain, like a dragon wrapped around the mountain spiraling upwards. The location is remote and there are not many traces of human activities. , There is a layer of mist in the mountains, ethereal, like a fairy daughter's silk cloth.

"Can you drive up here, right?" Zhu Sui asked.

"Yes, but you have to get used to it, otherwise the road is steep and accidents are easy."


Zhu Sui nodded, retracted his gaze, and said nothing.

But I made up my mind, and later or the day after tomorrow, I or the people following me in five places, drive to get acquainted.

They came directly from the military department, and the car they drove was also a military vehicle. The parameters of the military vehicle are high.

However, there is no need to talk to their gentle teacher Song.

Looking into the distance, the green hills were layered on top of each other like ink paintings. Zhu Sui smiled and said: "It's good here, and the clean air is good. Mom should like it very much."

Speaking of Zhuang Qing, Father Song also smiled at the thought of the past.

"Yes, she used to like to crawl here."

He raised his finger and pointed to the distance. Father Song said, "There are a lot of alpine rhododendrons growing naturally on this mountain. After discussing with the village chief, I buried her under one of her favorite trees. It's already summer here, maybe. Can see the flowers."

With that said, I walked to the ground, and the monument was standing under the tree. Between the rugged branches of the tree, the big flowers were blooming with soft alpine rhododendrons, and the golden sunlight from the top of the mountain was like a dream. Fantastic, Zhu Sui didn't realize that it was the location of the tombstone.

The monument is wide, and the surrounding roads are covered with bluestone slabs, and the moss on it is flat, carrying the changes of the years. Zhu Sui subconsciously reached out and embraced Song Zhen, fearing that she would slip.

Father Song was under the sign on the side, and didn't know how to find it. He took out the broom and dustpan, and skillfully cleaned it up in front of the tombstone.

Song Zhen explained to Zhu Sui: "Everyone in the village knows my mother, and found that the basic stabilizer has brought the mountain to fire. At first, all the primitive plants were picked from this mountain. Now they are being cultivated on a large scale. No one will come here anymore."

"It can be regarded as showing the village a way to get rich. Everyone misses her, so if they go up the mountain to play, the uncles and aunts in the village will help her sweep the grave and go to the scent."

Sure enough, Zhu Sui saw traces of incense sticks that had been burned in front of the tombstone. The incense had been burned, and there were only a few wooden sticks left, which were cleaned up by Song's father. Song's father was swift, and Zhu Sui and Song Zhen didn't catch it. Three under five divided by two is fine.

After cleaning up, Father Song burned three incense sticks that he had brought and inserted them in front of Zhuang Qing's stele.

Song Zhen stepped forward and placed the flowers. Zhu Sui followed, and put the flowers he had picked in front of Zhuang Qing's tomb.

"Qingqing, I'm back to see you."

Father Song stroked the ceramic photo on the stele, and uttered such a sentence for a long time. This sentence seemed to have crossed the length of time and space, causing Song's father to feel sour for an instant.

As if he was still young, Father Song subconsciously arranged his shirt, fearing that it would get dirty during the cleaning.

After confirming that the whole body is clean and tidy, he continued to face Zhuang Qing.

"Me and Zhenzhen are very good."

"The results of your heart and soul have also been released."

Father Song wants to talk to Zhuang Qing for a while. Song Zhen and Zhu Sui have worshipped, and it is not necessary for Song Father to take the initiative to speak. Zhu Sui has a special wink, saying that the scenery on the mountain is good. Let Song Zhen lead him around. Father Song thought Don't want to wave their hands, let them go.

On the road on the board, Song Zhen walked with emotion.

"I've been here when I was young, but I wouldn't be so high. My mother likes it so high."

"Why, the air is good. It is said that there are many unimaginable model data. When the mind is clear, there will be inspiration."

"Well, she likes to tinker with data. I can't understand, nor can my dad. She often puts a pile on the table. My dad is a little bit clean and dare not accept it for her. "

"She likes to watch the sunrise. When the day is still dark, she drags me up the mountain. She has improved physical strength and often laughs at me in front of me, saying that I am a child and can't walk at all."

"Yes, except when I'm at work, I often tease me, I don't dare to cry in front of her, she is fine."

"Once I wanted something, I just kept crying, and then she looked at me quietly for a while and cried with me, making me cry. When my dad came, she said it was too troublesome to bring a child. , I'm sad, and I don't want it anymore. My dad beat me to coax her. In the end she stopped crying. My throat became hoarse, and my dad also hurt her."

"I don't dare to haunt her after being shameless. She has a way to deal with me, and then it becomes, we both haunt my dad."

As he walked, Song Zhen whispered to Zhu Sui some things from his childhood, which was very interesting.

Zhu Sui did not expect that the well-known teacher Zhuang had such a lively and cheerful personality in private.

It’s a bit unruly to say that genius is weird, but it’s more like Song Zhen’s sister. If Song Zhen is four or five years old, Teacher Zhuang is at most one year older than Song Zhen, and she’s making trouble with Song Zhen. He keeps Song's father secrets, plays tricks on Song Zhen, and likes to play tricks on Song's father.

Zhu Sui sighed, "I'm afraid I can't live without your dad in this configuration of your home."

Among the three, there must be a good-tempered person who presides over the overall situation and is angry.

Father Song is undoubtedly this candidate.

"My mother often said that, she can’t cook. When I was young, I watched online tutorials and she was greedy, but she took measuring spoons, measuring cups and weighing devices from the laboratory and went home for me. Red snacks."

Measuring cup? Measuring spoon? Scales? !

" it delicious?"

"What are you eating? The weighing was right, the heat was wrong, and the kitchen was almost blown up."

"..." Although it's outrageous, thinking about Mr. Zhuang's personality, I think it's quite normal.

"I called my dad next door and said that he suspected that my house was on fire. My dad hurried back from my school and rushed back to see what looked beyond me in the house..."

"Are you angry?"

"No, my mother said that the hand was burnt, red, and her skin hurts. My dad hurriedly took her to the hospital."


Zhu Sui is really a bit sluggish, I don't know where to start to praise. After thinking about it for a few seconds, Zhu Sui said, "Your parents have such a good relationship."

Not true love, must not be so accommodating!

"Yeah. When they came back from the hospital, they found out that I was in the living room. My dad came to ask me if I was scared."

Bamboo Sui: "..."

Zhu Sui dryly repeated: "The feelings are really good."

After thinking about it, Zhu Sui was a little envious, "Ms. Zhuang should always take you to play."

"Yeah, Outing took me to pick fruits and catch the dolls together. When I was a child, he took me to find someone to comb my hair. We took a magazine and said that the little girl’s toe cap is beautiful, so let me and her a mother. Female head."

A smile appeared on Song Zhen's face.

She remembered very clearly that day, combing her hair for a long time, and then Zhuang Qing took her to the amusement park. Two people, one large and one small, discussed seriously in front of the amusement park panel, what they could play together and what was the danger. I couldn’t play the project. In the end, Song Zhen played one less project and tricked Zhuang Qing into buying a big balloon. When she returned home, she put it in her room. When she went to bed at night, Song Zhen seemed to be still on the merry-go-round. Turn in circles.

After laughing, Song Zhen was surprised to find Zhu Sui's gaze on his face for a moment, "What's the matter?"

Zhu Sui looked at her deeply, shook his head slightly, and said softly, "It's nothing, I know why your sister has such a good temper."

Gentleness, gentleness, everyone likes it.

It is a child who grew up in love.

Song Zhen has never lacked love. Even if Zhuang Qing is gone, she still has Father Song. Because she was nurtured and tolerated when she grew up, she has a kind of generosity and warmth towards anyone, which is intriguing.

Zhu Sui's gaze slipped and fell to Song Zhen's lower abdomen, and suddenly said, "I don't know what character he is."

"If it's a girl, it's better to do it with you."

Little sweetheart, everyone likes it.

"What if it's a boy?" Song Zhen asked rhetorically.

Zhu Sui blinked, and narrowly said, "That's the only place to give the old man, who has grown up by training in physical boxing since he was a child."

Alpha followed her words and sent it to the old man, so as not to irritate people at home and get tired of seeing each other!

"I originally thought it was a difficult road. I don't want Xiaozhen to leave if I see you, but she has a strong temper, so she can go to a district for scientific research as you wish."

"Now...Although there are some surprises in the middle, it's generally not bad."

"Oh, by the way, she and Cheng Lang divorced. This time, this one is called Zhu Sui. Just call Sui Sui. It's very reliable."

"She has been liked since she was a child, and Zhu Sui also loved her very much. The second time I watched it, it is considered to be the right person."

"I watched Cheng Lang grow up, and I always think it's good. Who would have thought..."

"But we can't worry about their young people. The younger generation has their own way, right? You used to tell me before."

"Xiaozhen is pregnant. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl. I'm afraid it won't work next year. I should be able to bring my grandson back to see you the next year."

Father Song sat on the edge of the tombstone, chattering.

I talked about things that happened in everyday life. I didn't pay attention to it. The sun I said was all over the angle, and I was shocked that I had talked about the most subtle things in life.

The sun sinks and the wind becomes gentle.

Father Song had touched the stone tombstone. The words on it were handwritten by him back then, and he was asked to engrave it on it.

"Hello, I said earlier that I want to be buried in this mountain in a hundred years. I will watch the sunrise every day and listen to the birds. After so many years, I don’t know if you are still satisfied with this place. Look, your favorite mountain. Rhododendron, the branches have grown thick and thick."

The rhododendron blossomed in the sun with a tender color, and the wind was quiet.

"If you are satisfied, tell me in your dream..."

Father Song choked in his voice, raised his hand to wipe the corner of his eyes, avoiding his head, his voice was still smiling, and said bitterly: "Hazard, the wind on the mountain is strong, and the sand has entered the eyes."

"By the way, Team You gave a call yesterday." On the way back, Zhu Sui said suddenly, thinking of business.

"Dad is on the side, I can't say, I just want to find a chance alone."

As for this call, the first point is the old saying, urging Zhu Sui to return to work at the National Security Bureau.

There is no need for Zhusui for Adenosine, and You Chenxing needs people under his hands, and Zhusui's military merits are enough for his wife. One second class, one first class, and one special class are enough for her to be in her unit until she is in her early forties. NS.

The second point is about the Tong family.

Three investigations about them are ending.

"The line involving the political commissar is almost over."

"Tong's problem, You team has already figured it out, but—"


Zhu Sui took a deep breath and said truthfully, "This is the case. This investigation started from the leak of information two years ago. Therefore, the investigation was also the leak of the third court's secrets and some improper transactions with foreign laboratories. You are also aware of this. Right?"

Song Zhen nodded.

"So from this perspective, if it happens, the sentence is also the crime of leaking secrets. Teacher Zhuang's matter is too old, I am afraid it will not be covered."

In other words, if the Tong's family were to be sent to the bureau for detailed investigation now, the things that happened back then, because there was no evidence, would probably be annihilated.

Zhu Sui said sternly, "Although it may not have much to do with Tong Rou, but during the mediation, she specifically mentioned such a sentence. My sixth sense always feels that she can't get rid of the relationship in the middle."

Even if it is not the person who directly replaces the data.

Once this behavior occurs, at least it proves that she knows about data replacement.

Conversely, if you even know the secret of data replacement, it's hard to say, she doesn't know all the specific details.

Song Zhen was silent for a moment, "Are the three places to arrest Tong's family now?"

"You team means that if we need to, we can be arrested, but once the arrest occurs, the people who support the Tong family will definitely try to destroy many possible evidences. The forces behind will try to conceal what they have done. ."

Speaking of the arrest, it was You Team who was selling her face. According to the previous plan, all three were planned and then moved. It happened rashly before the end. It was not You Chenxing's style.

Zhu Sui: "We know the problem with the Alpha experiment data for the time being. We were afraid of irritating Dad back then, so I didn't talk to Dad, so..."

So, who were suspicious persons who were not in the central laboratory, who could enter and leave the central laboratory, have not yet begun to investigate.

And these time-honored events must be recollected by many people involved, and a little bit of detail can be restored to what happened in the past, just follow the vine...

According to the old people they are in contact with now, this matter is bound to be told to Father Song. Through Song Father's memory, they can find possible contacts and start to investigate.

This is not the first time Zhu Sui has told Song Zhen.

Song Zhen knew in his heart.

However, Tong Rou had been appealing some time ago, and Song Zhen hesitated about the release of the results. The problem with the alpha experimental data was not immediately told to Father Song, and Song Zhen suppressed it.

Now that the previous resolution has been resolved, the Supreme Law has to listen to Song Zhen’s reasons for reversing the case in person...

It's time to tell Father Song.

Song Zhen is not a procrastinator. After thinking about the cause and effect, he decided: "I will find time tonight and talk to Dad."

The exchange of Alpha experimental data is of great concern.

Father Song suddenly heard that, I am afraid there will be great ups and downs in his emotions.

From Song Zhen as a daughter, it is the best.

Zhu Sui nodded: "Okay."

After speaking, he walked a few steps forward and watched Father Song sitting in front of Zhuang Qing's monument, wiping his eyes, his eyes were red.

Before dark, a group of people came down from the mountain.

Song's father Song Zhen and Zhu Sui will live in the village tonight, staying for almost two or three days before returning to Beijing.

Father Song looked at the few alphas who were accompanying him, thinking that they were all protecting Song Zhen's safety, and said warmly: "If you don't dislike it, just live in the guest room at home."

The alphas looked at each other a few times, and one of them asked, "Can you... stay?"

The four of them need at least four rooms. Does the house in the mountain village have so many rooms? !

"Yes, no problem." Father Song promised with a big wave of his hand. "The houses in the village have been renovated. Qingqing liked to come back before. Our home was overthrown and rebuilt."

Ah this...

A few alphas didn't look down on Zhusui, and immediately said that if I could live, that would be great.

Saying that, everyone still has no idea about the scene to be seen.

I don’t know the conditions of the mountain village. What will it look like after the renovation? !

With this doubt, a group of people went down the mountain.

Walking near the village, a sports car drove over, and an Alpha whispered: "How do I feel like the latest model released by Mei, millions?"

Companion: "You must be mistaken, why are there such expensive cars in this kind of place."

As he said, a lengthened Lincoln slowly approached.

The speed of this car is low, and the yellow card of the lengthened car is very eye-catching.

The Alpha: "This should be millions."


It's not so good.

More than a million, two or three million may not be able to beat.

My companion thought for a while, and found a reasonable explanation, "Isn't this neighborhood engaged in the cultivation of basic stabilizer extraction plants, maybe it is the owner of the nursery."

"Oh," he answered, but the Alpha look didn't believe it very much.

After these two sounds, another black car slowly drove towards them. This time the license plate was clear, but all the car-loving Alphas were silent.

This car is familiar. It is said that there are no more than 50 cars in the country. It is a high-end series line. It has been speculated for a while when it was released.

Just when they thought the car was going to pass, they suddenly braked and stopped.

The window of the car was rolled down, and a young man inside came out and looked at Father Song and said in surprise, "Uncle Song?"

"Is the one behind Xiaozhen?"

Father Song also laughed and nodded, "Yes, we will come back for two days."

"Hua, it's daring to be good. I haven't seen you in the past few years. Good to come back. I have been looking for someone to clean you up at home, and I can live in at any time. I will tell my dad about your return. I will give it to you at night. Send an order."

The young man finished speaking warmly, stepped on the accelerator and ran away in a hurry.

Father Song turned around and said to Zhu Sui, "I am a distant relative of my hometown, the youngest son of the village chief and their family."

"Oh oh."

Several Alphas: "..."

The standard of living in Teacher Zhuang’s hometown is a bit far from what they imagined!

The captain gave a light cough and asked politely, "Where did he drive?"

"Go to the nursery. The basic stabilizer extracts the plants. The climate here is the most suitable. The people in the village are doing breeding."

Song Zhen answered.


The nursery owner turned out to be a villager in the village.

"Here, that's it." Father Song pointed in a direction.

Looking from a distance, the Alpha that made the first sound couldn't help but rub his eyes. Is this, a self-built house in a mountain village?

When they got closer, a group of Alpha stood in front of Song Zhen's home house, all silent.

No one told them that Mr. Zhuang’s house in the mountain village was a three-story villa!

Moreover, I didn't just build it indiscriminately. The design is full of sense. I found someone who had done the design before.

Do basic stabilizers make money like this? !

Now that they have switched careers and have invited themselves to grow plants in the village, is there still time? ! !

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