Just when Lin Wu stopped and reached out to the snake man, the snake man was already approaching her, and the distance between the two sides was very close.

To be honest, with the snake man's fierce and vicious appearance, covered in blood, anyone who sees it will not doubt that he wants to tear everything in front of him to death!

 The fact is that the snake man stopped suddenly at that moment!

With the thick and long snake tail as support, even if he leaned forward, he was still tall, and the pressure spreading around his body was extremely strong and suffocating; Lin Wu in front of him was thin and thin, as if the snake man only needed a moment. A flick of the tail can kill her in an instant.

 But the snake man did nothing. He only stared at Lin Wu.

Within a few seconds, he suddenly leaned down, opened his mouth and licked Lin Wu's palm.

Lin Wu stagnated for a moment.

 By coincidence, the hand she stretched out was the one she had scratched earlier in order to attract the snake man's attention.

The wound on the palm of the hand is a bit deep. Although it is no longer bleeding, it is still hideous and covered with **** scabs.

There were actually barbs on the snake man's tongue. He licked it and directly removed part of the blood scab. Lin Wu took a breath of cold air in pain, and the place where the blood scab was missing started to bleed again.

 The snake man stared.

Lin Wu was worried that the snake man would be driven crazy by the smell of blood, but was shocked to see him continue to lick the palm of her hand.

I don’t know if it was her imagination, but the place where he licked her didn’t hurt much anymore, and it didn’t bleed anymore.

 No, this is not an illusion.

 There is really no more bleeding!

Lin Wu’s expression was blank.

Bo Yuting and Kate looked at each other in confusion, wondering what to do.

At this time, the snake man stopped, straightened up and looked at Lin Wu.

Lin Wu tentatively stepped back, and the snake man immediately stepped forward and got closer to her.

She could only stop and think about what was going on.

 The next moment, the snake man gave her the answer.

In the tense atmosphere, the snake man circled Lin Wu, seeming to be checking something. When he stopped, he suddenly wrapped his tail around Lin Wu's waist and dragged her behind him.

Lin Wu was caught off guard and staggered.

Bo Yuting and Kate became anxious when they saw this. They left Xiao Yang and wanted to step forward to pull Lin Wu back.

The snake man turned around suddenly, hissing and baring his teeth at them, as if he was furious and really wanted to kill them.

The two of them felt their hearts skip a beat, but seeing Lin Wu being dragged over, they were so anxious that they decided to take action regardless.

 The battle of life and death is imminent!

Lin Wu caught a glimpse of him from the corner of his eye and grabbed the snake man's arm without even thinking about standing still. Many possible situations flashed through his mind.

If the snake man wanted to attack Bo Yuting and Kate, she would have to stop him to gain a chance of survival and create a chance for them to kill him, despite the possibility that the snake man would break her into two pieces with his snake tail!

These ideas ultimately went nowhere.

 The snake man was pulled by her, but he stopped and looked back at her!

Bo Yuting and Kate on the opposite side will seize the opportunity and take action first!

When Lin Wu met the snake man's cold gaze, he was startled for no reason and blurted out: "Wait!"

 Bo Yuting and Kate stopped suddenly.

Lin Wu realized a certain possibility, his throat tightened, and he motioned for the two of them to step back.

 The two of them were surprised and puzzled, with worried faces on their faces.

Seeing Lin Wu insisting, they had no choice but to do as he was told, still paying careful attention to the snake man's every move.

The snake man tilted his head slightly when he saw Lin Wu holding on to him and not letting go. He seemed to understand what Lin Wu meant, and turned back to threaten Bo Yuting and Kate with bared teeth.

Possibly because the two of them kept retreating and did not try to step forward, the snake man finally gave up and used his snake tail to drag Lin Wu in with him.

Lin Wu followed staggeringly, and at the same time waved to Bo Yuting and Kate not to follow. She was taken to the innermost black coffin.

Seeing that the black coffin had been torn into pieces, the snake figure seemed to be stunned for a moment, looked around, finally let go of Lin Wu, and used its snake tail to roll up the remains of the nearby black coffin and pile them together.

Lin Wu tried to run lightly.

 As soon as she moved, the snake man immediately noticed her, dragged her back, and continued to search for the remains of the black coffin.

Lin Wu ran away again, and the snake man dragged her back again.

After repeating this several times, Lin Wu became numb. She gestured to the two people not far away who were looking at her worriedly that she was fine, and asked them to take Xiao Yang out first.

The two of them looked at Xiao Yang, then at Lin Wu, and finally decided to listen to Lin Wu and take Xiao Yang out before coming back.

 There is no need to worry if you do it this way.

 After thinking about this, the two acted quickly.

Their movements aroused the idea of ​​the snake man. He probably thought that they were threatening his safety again. The snake man threatened him with all his teeth and claws. He stopped after they dragged Xiao Yang out and disappeared from sight, and continued to look for the remains of his black coffin. .

 At this moment, Lin Wu had actually determined that she was safe with the Snake Man.

 Although I don’t know why.

 She suddenly became leisurely and wanted to see what the snake man was going to do.

The snake man searched around, dragged back a pile of stones, rolled up one with his tail, but stopped.

Lin Wu thought, **** it, she actually saw a hint of confusion and confusion on his face.

Does he want to put the broken black coffin back together?

  It’s true!

The snake man held up the stone with his tail and gestured to it on top of the black coffin. He must have realized that he couldn't put it back. He was silent for a while, and finally gave up his plan. He just piled the rocks together and turned to stare at Lin Wu.

Lin Wu just took half a step back when he dragged him over with his tail and placed him on the remaining bottom of the black coffin.

 Then he came closer, wrapped his tail around her, and fell down with a crash.

His upper body fell on her lap, and his head rested against hers.

Lin Wu froze.

 The snake man turned over with difficulty, stared at her, and then closed his eyes weakly, as if he wanted to rest.

So when Bo Yuting and Kate hurried back, what they saw was such an outrageous scene. They were stunned, obviously unable to accept the shock that this scene brought to them.

Lin Wu saw them and opened his mouth not knowing what to say.

With all the previous events flashing through his mind, Lin Wu realized that it seemed that the snake man had shown interest in her from the very beginning and had not really done any harm to her. Otherwise, he could have done what he did to Zhang Shan, where she would be seriously injured even if she didn't die, and it would be a trivial matter to use his hands against the snake man.

 He did not, but had a truly hostile attitude towards the four people in Bo Yu Ting.

 Could it be that...he has some kind of relationship with her? ? ?

Is it because of this that the tattoo never appeared to remind her of danger?

At this time, Lin Wu accidentally caught a glimpse that the wound on his hand had healed!

  She looked again and again to make sure she had read it correctly, and her mind went blank for a moment.

Looking at the snake man again, Lin Wu made a decision by accident.

 “I...want to save him.”

Lin Wu looked up at Bo Yuting and Kate, "His self-healing speed is quite amazing, but the explosion injury exceeded his self-healing ability. He can't heal himself now. I want to treat his wounds."

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