Chapter 314 314. He is protecting Lin Wu

 The danger was approaching so quickly that few of them had no time to think too much and directly followed Lin Wu's arrangements.

Lin Wu shot at the snake man, but felt that it was not enough. He glanced at the messy ground, picked up a few random things, and threw them at the snake man.

 Her aim was very good and she almost hit the snake man's head.

However, the snake man's reaction was too sharp, he avoided it instantly and turned around suddenly.

Lin Wu picked up things on the ground and threw them at him, while shooting at him.

This two-pronged move was very effective. The snake man seemed to be a little angry at her. He gave up on Kate and headed towards Lin Wu.

Lin Wu ran away as soon as he saw him coming.

Kate also seized the opportunity to get up from the ground, staggering towards Zhang Shan, who was almost unconscious, and pulled him up and put him on her shoulders.

 He was also seriously injured and it was a bit difficult for him.

Bo Yuting immediately went over, supported Zhang Shan and helped Kate lighten the weight, and the two of them rushed to the door as fast as possible.

At the same time, he was also worried about Lin Wu. Whenever he saw the snake man approaching Lin Wu, he would shoot the snake man.

 The snake man looked over and saw that they were about to run away, so he turned towards them in anger.

Lin Wu jumped over the fallen cabinet, grabbed the snake man's tail and pulled hard.

She didn't forget to use a dagger to see if she could pierce his tail. As a result, the smooth scales on his tail were so hard that she couldn't pierce it at all.

 Fortunately, this success completely attracted the Snake people.

 The snake man was only chasing Lin Wu now.

Lin Wu took the time to touch the tattoo on his shoulder, and was puzzled - the tattoo still hadn't appeared.

This gave her the illusion that the situation she faced was not at the same level of danger as what others were facing.

Just as she was trying her best to attract the snake man, Xiao Yang over there took out two grenades and tied them up. But seeing that the snake man had not fallen down after being shot, he added another grenade and found a suitable place for explosives. place.

 —He couldn’t throw three grenades at the Snake Man.

With the reaction speed of the snake people, the grenade may have been thrown back by the snake's tail before the grenade was thrown, killing them instead!

Thinking like this, Xiao Yang carefully ran against the wall towards the black coffin to avoid being discovered by the snake man.

But his moving target was too big, and the snake man still noticed him, as if he had judged what little trick he wanted to make, and came towards him.

Xiao Yang was so frightened that he ran away.

 Fortunately, Bo Yuting turned back and immediately shot at the snake man.

The snake man hesitated, showing his obvious dislike for Bo Yuting. He gave up on Xiao Yang and attacked him, even ignoring Lin Wu's attack on him.

Bo Yuting originally wanted to distance himself and attack with a gun, but unexpectedly the snake man rushed towards him regardless, swung his snake tail and wanted to kill him, not even caring that he was shot.

 He was forced to fight the snake man in close combat, barely avoiding the snake's tail.

Lin Wu immediately went over to help Bo Yuting, but at this time, Xiao Yang's excited voice sounded.

"Okay! Miss Lin, come here and hide behind the black coffin with me. You won't be easily injured. Be careful when you lure the snake man over. I will light the fuse at the same time. You only have ten seconds..."

As soon as he stood up, Xiao Yang saw Bo Yuting fighting with the snake man, and was obviously at a disadvantage, and his eyes widened.

“Mr. Bo, please get out quickly, there is only enough room for two people to hide here!”

Bo Yuting saw that the snake man was only staring at him and said, "It's too late! I'll lead him over, Lin Wu, you...Lin Wu!"

His sharp eyes caught a glimpse of what Lin Wu was doing, and his voice rose.

—Lin Wu picked up the porcelain piece on the ground and slid it into his palm, causing blood to flow instantly.

 The smell of blood is very effective on snake people.

Bo Yuting saw that the snake man's cloudy eyes suddenly became clear. Without hesitation, he turned his head and headed straight towards Lin Wu, sliding very fast.

"I'm far away from the door. I can't run out, so hurry up!" Lin Wu rushed towards the black coffin at the fastest speed in his life and called Xiao Yang, "Light the fuse!"

Xiao Yang said in a panic that there was not enough time for Lin Wu to run over, but when he saw Lin Wu waving to him again, he had no choice but to do as he was told and lit the fuse in his hand with a lighter with a "click".

 The burning sound of "Cila" was deafening.

Bo Yuting, who was near the door, could only see that he was still ten meters away from the black coffin, and Lin Wu was already approaching the snake man. He had no intention of escaping from the tomb and did not hesitate to use all means to attract the snake man. Come towards him. At the same time, Kate, who had sent Zhang Shan far away to ensure that Zhang Shan would not be affected by the explosion, came back and saw Lin Wu and the snake man close at hand, and the snake man stretched out his sword towards Lin Wu. Hands with sharp nails.


Kate's eyes were about to burst, she drew her gun and hit the snake man, and then rushed in.

Xiao Yang, who was hiding behind the black coffin, saw this scene and shouted dumbfounded: "Don't come in! It's about to explode, it's about to—"


 The crash muffled his words.

He placed the explosive in front of the black coffin four to five meters away from the stone wall, and was pressed tightly by a fallen cabinet.

At this moment, with the explosion, the various funerary objects scattered on the ground and the broken pieces of cabinets and shelves in the entire tomb were also blown away. Both Bo Yuting and Kate who were nearby were thrown out by the shock.

It rolled for several meters and stopped only after hitting the wall, vomiting blood.

But the miraculously was that both of them were just buzzing in their heads and their eyes were black. Although their bodies were in pain, they did not feel any injuries from the explosion, nor were they missing any arms or legs.

 It was as if when the explosion occurred, the source of the explosion was far away from them.

At this moment, time seemed to have been pressed on the pause button, and the whole world fell into silence.

Bo Yuting lay on the ground. It took him a few seconds to recover and realize what the situation was.

 He pushed himself up from the ground, his voice trembling.

 “Lin Wu!”

Not far away, Kate couldn't care less about herself and got up in panic.

"Wu Wu! How are you...where are you, don't be scared..."

Dust was flying and the tomb was in ruins. The two of them tremblingly wanted to go forward to find someone, but they were stunned in the next second.

As the dust slowly dispersed in the distance, a vague figure was revealed.

 Judging from the outline, he is obviously a man, and the strong snake tail on his lower body also proves that he is the snake man.

But what surprised Bo Yuting and Kate was that the snake man recovered quickly after being shot before, with no visible wounds, but now he was covered in blood, and his clothes were in tatters. Even the snake tail was so hard that it was invulnerable. They were all covered in scars and **** black scales were all over the ground.

What made them even more stunned was that the snake man was not simply lying on the ground, but lying on his back. He seemed to be holding something tightly between his arms, showing a protective posture. There were corners of his clothes exposed under him. , they recognized it as Lin Wu’s!

—He is actually protecting Lin Wu? ?

This realization made Bo Yuting and Kate extremely surprised and unbelievable. They looked around subconsciously and found no figure of Lin Wu.

Afraid that they were thinking too much, the two of them looked for Lin Wu eagerly.

 At this moment, the snake man moved.

The two men immediately stopped and stared at him warily, in case the other party got angry.

But the other party just reluctantly raised his body with his arms, revealing that underneath him, it turned out to be Lin Wu!

Compared with the horrific snake man, Lin Wu was not injured. He seemed to be unconscious, with some blood stained on his face.

Bo Yuting trembled all over and groped around his body, trying to hold the gun, but he didn't know where the gun had fallen when it exploded just now. In the end, he just picked up a fragment of the cabinet on the spot, and made up his mind that if the snake man did anything to Lin Wu, he would save the person even if he rushed forward and died together.

 Kate next to her also did the same thing.

 The situation once again exceeded their expectations.

The snake man seemed a little confused. He looked around and found Lin Wu slowly looking down at her.

A few seconds later, he opened his mouth and stuck out his snake-like tongue, licking away the blood on Lin Wu's face little by little. Then he finally couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground.

Even so, his **** tail seemed to have its own consciousness, struggling to wrap around Lin Wu, dragging the person closer to him, and the tip of his tail hooked her little finger.

   became motionless.

Bo Yuting and Kate stayed on the spot, looking at each other blankly.

 Either there is something wrong with their eyes, or there is something wrong with the world.

 (End of this chapter)

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