Adore Trick of Beauty

Chapter 516: Life is worse than death

Nie Wushuang looked at Xiao Fengqing in the corridor, and for a moment, his heart was filled with desolation.

"Your Highness, listen to me!" She grabbed his hand suddenly and begged bitterly: "Listen to me, only by giving up military power can Xiao Fengming spare you. Your Highness, don't you still have a vassal? ? You go to Beijing to become a vassal, and with your military exploits, he won’t touch you at all..."

She spoke so urgently that hot tears rolled down his clothes and hands without even realizing it. In the shadow, Xiao Fengqing remained motionless, just letting her speak quickly.

Nie Wushuang's urgent words suddenly choked up when she saw the half-smiling look on his face. She slowly let go of his hand and staggered back, despair welling up in her heart: "You... you won't give up your military power, right? You won't leave the capital at all, right..."

A cold wind blew by, blowing his loose hair and thin white clothes, and the familiar and bitter fragrance of Du Ruo brushed the tip of her nose, making her feel slightly in a trance.

"Go?" He laughed softly: "Where to go? To the feudal land? To the Qin land? Or to the Qi country?" He kept laughing, and his whole body trembled with laughter: "The sky is big and the earth is big, where can I go now? ?rich"

Nie Wushuang covered her lips tightly and cried silently.

He looked at her crying eyes and slowly hugged her: "Wushuang, if I leave, I will never see you again."

In his cold embrace, she trembled like an autumn leaf.

She didn't want him to go down this dead end, and she didn't want to see their brothers killing each other with her own eyes...

"Feng Qing..." She finally sobbed: "Go away. Everything was wrong from the beginning. This country is not yours, and this queen is not mine. ..."

Her regret became extremely clear at this moment. She should not have embarked on this path, which was destined to be a lifeless road. She shouldn't get involved with Xiao Fengqing, let alone fall in love with Xiao Fengming. She always imagined that she would get the so-called happiness after revenge, but in the end she realized that apart from being killed, what did she really get? Apart from this shining golden queen's throne, if you ask yourself, everything is false...

Her tears fell on his shoulders, sobering him up a bit.

Xiao Fengqing pushed her away and looked away: "You go. Go back to the palace. He already knows that I am going to rebel, and sooner or later he will be suspicious of you. You have to know that he is a good brother and a good husband. But he is an emperor in the end!"

"Brother can forgive his younger brother for his occasional mistakes, but the emperor does not allow his ministers to betray him. Wushuang, don't you still understand him?"

"And you, he doesn't mind that you are married for the second time, how can he still tolerate your repeated betrayals? You have long been unable to protect yourself, why do you care about me?!"

Nie Wushuang opened his mouth and said sadly: "Feng Qing, why are you doing this? As long as you give up military power, there is still a glimmer of hope..."

"A glimmer of life?" Xiao Fengqing turned her head coldly and arrogantly: "Do you think a glimmer of life is something worth celebrating for this king? That's not called life, that's called life worse than death! You want me to wait for his pardon, his forgiveness? I'm waiting to become an idle prince imprisoned in a cage of wealth in my next life, so it's better to kill me with one knife! What's more, I didn't lose at all! This game has just begun!"

Nie Wushuang looked at his proud profile and felt like her heart was twisting in a knife. He is too proud, he will not give up, and he will not leave Yingjing. He has worked hard to manage and plan everything for so many years!

This is true for Xiao Fengqing, and so is Xiao Fengming!

She also wanted to say something, but someone had grabbed her clothes and legs. Yang Zhi pulled her and his expression changed drastically: "My queen, come back to the palace quickly! It's been too long since I left the palace!"

Nie Wushuang looked at him and then at Xiao Fengqing in the corridor. She was filled with sorrow and didn't know what to do.

"Go ahead. I have no control over my fate. If it is God's will, then it is my fate. No one can blame me." Xiao Fengqing said coldly. After speaking, she turned around and returned to the pavilion, continuing to drink cup after cup. Drink.

The sight of him drinking alone in a pavilion dressed in white entered her heart from that moment on, dripping with blood every stroke.

Nie Wushuang half-hided his face and hurriedly left the courtyard with Yang Zhi.

Along the way, the carriage was galloping and rumbling so hard that it almost fell apart. Nie Wushuang just stared at the violently shaking car curtain, his mind going blank.

Yang Zhi's face was tense. The redness and swelling had subsided slightly, but his face became more solemn due to the tension.

"What on earth is going on?" Nie Wushuang finally asked.

Yang Zhi stared blankly at the rapidly retreating houses on both sides, and opened his mouth: "I don't know. The person who brought the news only said two words: Come back quickly! So I'd better go back quickly."

Nie Wushuang closed his eyes, and the wheels rolled. Finally, the palace arrived. Yang Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, and helped Nie Wushuang hurriedly enter through the side door of Leng Palace. The night is still so cold, and the cold wind carries the chill of the end of winter, which makes people feel vaguely afraid.

The master and the servant hurried towards Chenghua Hall along the way they came. Yang Zhi walked in such a hurry that she almost tripped and fell to the ground.

Nie Wushuang looked at him and was about to ask. Suddenly, Yang Zhi took a few steps back and subconsciously blocked her. He breathed out: "Mother, it's too late!"

Nie Wushuang looked up and saw a palace lantern lighting up on the only way to Chenghua Palace, illuminating Nahou's dragon in front of the palace gate.

Xiao Fengming was sitting among the dragons, his handsome face was bright and dark, and he couldn't tell clearly. He looked at Nie Wushuang, who was rushing back in the starry night, and slowly walked down Longhu.

Nie Wushuang blinked, and when she really saw his face clearly, he was already standing in front of her. Still the familiar ambergris. Nie Wushuang's heart

Feeling a little dazed, he held her hand and asked lightly: "It's late at night, where did Zi Tong go? I've been waiting for a long time, and I thought you wouldn't come back."

His hands were warm and dry as always, with a slight itch from the calluses. Nie Wushuang couldn't find his voice, his eyes were dry and his heart was in chaos. The sound of guards tying up Yang Zhi was heard behind him. Chill ran through my body at that moment.

Nie Wushuang's hands were getting colder, and the nightmare finally came. Sooner or later, she broke away from his hand and slowly walked towards Chenghua Palace: "I'm tired, I'm going back to the palace to rest."

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