Admiral in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 338 Solving the Problem (Part 1)

"Tefrey, do you agree to my conditions?" In the elevator, Mezmer nervously asked a white man on a blue grid next to him.

He is the supervisor of Walter's crime analysis department. His name is Trevor. Although he is just an ordinary person, he is an ordinary person who has mastered the fate of Mezmer. Mezmer dare not show any disrespect to him.

"Of course, of course..." Trevor leaned against the elevator wall, feeling a little unhappy. Although the conditions proposed by Mezmer were not difficult, in the eyes of the lackeys of the capitalists, they could not make money and squeeze the surplus value. It is a loss.

That is to say, in this special period, a lot of troubles have happened to Walter, otherwise, how could there be a chance for mezmer to dance?

"Yeah!" Mezmer clenched his fist excitedly and swung it fiercely, realizing the excitement in his heart, returning to Walt was too important for a middle-aged fat man like him.

He can finally reproduce the beautiful life that he once made famous all over the world.

"Uh...why haven't we arrived yet?" Mezmer asked puzzled, "I remember that the crime analysis department is on the 60th floor, right?"

"It's changed, it's the seventy-fourth floor now." Trevor said lightly.

However, at this moment, the lights of the elevator suddenly flickered twice, flickering on and off.

Mezmer looked up suspiciously: "Why is Walter's equipment aging and not replaced?"

"Shit, this elevator was only installed two years ago, so it can't be aging." Trevor said with a displeased expression.

However, at this moment, out of the corner of his eye, a black shadow flashed by. With a crack, the camera burst, the lights went out, and the entire elevator was instantly plunged into darkness.

"Wang Defa..." Trevor was taken aback and cursed angrily.

However, at this moment, an extremely hard and terrifying hand grabbed Trevor's neck, and a cold female voice came out: "Tell me, where is the bearded security guard brought back by you?"

Then there was a faint light above his head, and Trevor saw a person wearing a silver-gray metal mask.

Ask this question, that's the killer who killed the transparent people!

Trevor was shocked, and said with difficulty: "On the seventy-fourth floor...the crime analysis department..."

There is nothing to say, he is just a part-time worker, and it is impossible to dedicate his life to Walt.

"Oh, Xie Te!" After Cao Gui asked clearly about the unknown of the target person, Mezmer realized that he was in danger.

"Shet Shet... Mezmo frantically pressed the elevator button, trying to open the elevator door, but the elevator didn't respond at all.

Cao Gui stretched out one hand, clasped Mezmo's neck with only a slit left, twisted it forcefully, only heard a click, Mezmo's head tilted, and he died immediately.

Cao Gui didn't throw away the corpse, but put it in the [system backpack]. He didn't know if there were any superhumans who could make a fuss about the corpse, so he could only keep it for the sake of safety.

As for this Trevor...he was scared to death, Cao Gui didn't care about him, let alone an ordinary person, even people from the motherland couldn't see through his outfit.


At this time, a long sword slammed through the elevator door, and with a hiss, a huge hole was opened.

Outside the door, Maeve slammed the long sword away viciously, stretched out her hands, shouted, grabbed the elevator door with a sudden force, and completely tore the elevator door open.

"Sangbicchi! You can't run away!" Maeve yelled, but there was only Trevor, who was scared to pee, in the elevator. Not only was there no enemy, even Mezmer or Mezmer's body was gone.

"Shet, what's going on?" Maeve said angrily.

Trevor cautiously stretched out his index finger and pointed to the emergency exit of the elevator above, which had already been opened.

"Damn it!" Maeve's face turned ugly, and she ran up to the seventy-fourth floor while pressing the headset and yelled, "People on the seventy-fourth floor, transfer that security guard immediately, the enemy is going to your side!"

"Motherland! Locomotive! Are the two of you fucking dead? Why haven't you come back yet!?"

Just when the monitoring failed, Maeve immediately contacted the two patrolling people outside, but no matter how fast the locomotive and the people from the motherland were, it would take a certain amount of time.

Their speed is only fast, not teleportation!

"You hang on to him, I'm almost there!" The motherlander replied in a deep voice.

"I'm coming too!" This is the voice of the locomotive.

Seventy-fourth floor.

After receiving Maeve's news, Walter's security guards immediately pulled up the secret security guard brought back by the motherlander and moved towards the safe house.

However, just after five security guards with guns pulled the target out, they saw a figure in a black robe outside the door.

"Xie Te! Enemy attack!" The security guards roared, and the guns in their hands opened fire one after another.

However, the figure in the black robe was shaking slightly, and countless bullets were fired, but it was useless.

The next moment, there was a clang, and the bright knife light suddenly lit up from the black robe, the dazzling light blinded the security guards instantly, and then...

Puff puff!

Five big heads shot up into the sky immediately, and the scarlet blood instantly stained the exquisite interior decoration of Walter's company, and the strong smell of blood instantly surrounded the security guards in the nest.

"Mare Fake..." The security guard of the secret nest was stiff, and a cold air rushed from his heels to Tianling Gai.

In the line of sight, I saw the black robe fluttering lightly, and a flash of knife light flew out in an instant, and the dense nest security guard who hadn't reacted felt a chill in his forehead.

A sharp knife pierced the front and back of his head.

"Fortunately... I didn't die painfully..." Mi Nest Anbao inexplicably had this thought, and the next moment, darkness struck, his consciousness faded, and his world fell into severance.

Cao Gui stretched out his hand and put it in the [System Backpack]. He was slightly relieved that the crisis was temporarily resolved.

At this moment, Cao Gui's heart trembled suddenly, and he subconsciously turned around and raised his knife to block.


A silver light slashed down, and the powerful force slashed on Cao Gui's saber, bringing up a series of sparks.

It is a woman with light red hair, with a beautiful face, a convex figure, and a heroic temperament.

Queen Maeve, if anyone in the Super Seven is the strongest except the motherland, then this woman will do her part.

But at this moment, her face was full of anger. Five security guards died, and the carefully protected target disappeared like Mezmer. Their Super Seven lost miserably this time!

"Damn bastard, you can't run away!" Mei Fu narrowed her almond eyes, clenched her silver teeth, and kept exerting force with the long sword in her hand, trying to force Cao Gui.

However, soon, her face changed, and the strength she was proud of was like a stone sinking into the sea at this moment, and it was useless.

"You..." Maeve's face turned pale, and the next moment, the black-robed figure shook his wrist, and a powerful force suddenly struck from the blade.

Maeve's body trembled, her body rose uncontrollably, her feet thumped and she retreated one after another.

This person is so strong? This power is definitely not inferior to me!

Maeve was horrified, and on the other side, Cao Gui stepped on his foot, with a click, the tiles were broken, and the long knife in his hand was suddenly raised, turning into a black shadow in an instant.

Maeve felt terrified in her heart, and subconsciously raised her long sword to protect her body.


With a crisp sound, the long sword in Maeve's hand broke instantly, and the long knife did not change its direction, and slashed hard on Maeve's forehead.


However, what surprised Cao Gui this time was that the saber in his hand snapped off suddenly, and half of the blade fell to the ground in a whirl.

Maeve backed away again and again, a cut was made on her forehead, and bright red blood kept flowing out.

Cao Gui frowned, this knife was just an ordinary saber, and Cao Gui didn't have domineering, but he was still shocked by the strength of this woman's body, he didn't expect it to be so hard.

Cao Gui waved one hand, and the black arrogance wrapped around the broken knife. If this is the case, then try the arrogance...

At this time, Cao Gui's pupils shrank suddenly, and he was startled suddenly. Two people broke into the range of knowledge, and they were very fast.

The enemy is back!

Cao Gui tapped his feet and floated backwards, his body slowly drifting into the darkness.

The next moment, a scarlet light lit up in front, and two hot eyes came, followed by angry natives.


The people from the motherland smashed through the glass curtain wall outside the Water Tower, and the hot gaze left two scorched black marks on Cao Gui's position just now, but...

"Damn bastard, let him escape!" The motherlander gritted his teeth, resentful.

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