Admiral in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 245: Cunning Beast

New York, northwest of Manhattan.

Claire White stood in front of the screen wall and sighed, the entire large screen wall was covered with snowflakes, and nothing could be seen.

"Hey, Burke, can you hear me? Call me quickly!" Braden yelled through the headset, but there was no response from the other side.

"Damn it, I'm going to complain to Stark, their equipment is so rubbish!" Braden shouted angrily.

"Don't talk about these useless things." Claire rubbed her eyebrows: "Let's think about what to do now."

"Then what should we do now?" Braden scratched his head, looking a little anxious:

"Claire, you should know that the abomination is not over yet. If people know that we created a giant werewolf, we will go to jail!"

"God, I don't want to go to jail."

"Of course, no one wants to go to jail." Claire said lightly.

"Claire, don't be joking, tell me what to do next." Braden said quickly: "That werewolf is our criminal evidence, we must deal with him, or we will die."

"Is there any way to say it quickly."

"Of course, I will always find a way." Claire smiled and said, "Come with me."

With that said, Claire brought her silly brother to the top of the White Building.

"Brother, let me ask you a question." Claire said as he walked, "How do you think we should deal with that wolf monster now?"

"Of course I killed it with a gun." Braden said, that's what they sent the bearded man for. They not only had to deal with the evidence, but also got back the experimental samples that had been applied to the wolf monster.

"But there's a good chance our armed men have already failed, so what?" Brydon said.

"This shows that our guns can't deal with the monsters we created." Claire said: "At least, we can't do it alone."

"So, bring in the army and let them deal with that monster."

"But in that case, won't everyone know? Aren't we going to jail?" Braden asked puzzled.

Claire shook her head: "Whether to go to jail or not is not decided by the victim, as long as we show our value, someone will protect us."

"It's like how those people protected Tokuzo and Japanese poison gas experts after World War II."

"So how do we show our worth?" Brydon asked.

"Of course let the army take a look at our research results." Claire pointed to a huge antenna and said, "This thing can emit low-frequency infrasound waves of a certain frequency."

"When our experimental subjects hear about it, they will desperately rush over to destroy the launcher. At that time, the wolf monster will be killed by the army."

Hearing this, Brydon was full of excitement: "I understand, then the army will see the strength of our project, and then we will have the capital to negotiate."

Claire continued: "It's really not possible, we can also use R19 to reduce the aggressiveness of the wolf monster. By then, he will be just a timid little wolf dog."

"Huh? What is R19?"

"A kind of potion, specially used to eliminate the aggressiveness of the experimental subject... Forget it, you don't understand it."


Boom boom boom!

The sound of heavy footsteps kept echoing in the jungle, and a giant wolf monster with a height of about 20 meters came running quickly in the sense of seeing and hearing.

"Cao, hurry up, let's get out of here!" Gwen opened the door and called.

The spider sense couldn't send the picture to her mind, but it could tell her that this creature was hard to beat.

Especially in this dense forest, they couldn't deal with wolves with a keen sense of smell.

"It's too late, he's very fast, our car can't outrun him..." Cao Gui said in a deep voice.

Before the words were finished, a huge black wolf monster appeared in sight, nearly twenty meters tall, with a wrinkled wolf snout and exposed teeth.

The huge canine teeth were exposed in the air, and the length was fully longer than the height of an adult.

Under the wolf's kiss, there was a dark red liquid dripping, and Cao Gui and Gwen could smell the stench even from a long distance away.

Those wolf eyes that were originally green were now blood red, as if Cao Gui and the others had offended him and vowed to kill him regardless.

"This is a mad wolf." Cao Gui said in a deep voice.

In its eyes, Cao Gui only saw killing and violence, full of aggression, without the spirituality and vitality of normal creatures.

This is more like a living biological weapon!

Gwen tapped her toes, picked up an assault rifle, and pulled the trigger at the running giant wolf.

bang bang bang!

Gwen's marksmanship is very accurate, one shot to the forehead, one shot to the nose, and one shot to the eye.

However, what shocked Cao Gui and the others was that the bullets fired at the forehead and eyes were all blocked by the giant wolf's skin, only splashing a few sparks.

The bullet fired at the nose did go in, but the 5.56mm bullet had no effect on this giant wolf at all.


The giant wolf roared angrily. Although it didn't hurt, Gwen's shooting angered the giant wolf. Hard wolf hairs stood up on its back, and it ran at a faster speed again.

"Damn it, bullets don't work." Gwen couldn't help shouting, this wolf wasn't just an ordinary wolf that had grown bigger.

"Gwen, I'll deal with it. Be careful yourself." Cao Gui snorted softly, tore off his clothes, stomped his feet, and disappeared instantly.

Gwen frowned, and a worried look flashed across her pretty face. She knew Cao Gui's strength, but this wolf was too big, so she was still a little worried.

Boom boom boom!

The giant wolf ran wildly, the pain in the nose and the hunger in the stomach made it restless, wishing to eat all living creatures.

Suddenly, at this moment, the giant wolf that was running felt a gust of wind blowing from its jaw, and its hair seemed to be fluttering.

next second...


There was a loud noise from the jaw bone, and the entire front of the giant wolf raised its front legs high off the ground, while its hind legs were still running.

With a bang, it hit a tree in this weird posture.

Cao Gui stepped on the air, and slowly put down his domineering right foot wrapped around his armor.

This wolf is big, heavy, and fast, but its fighting power is not as terrifying as imagined.

"Gululu... Aw..."

The giant wolf shook its head and got up from the ground. The moment just now was not a good feeling.


The wolf held grudges extremely, and as soon as he stood up, he showed his fangs to Cao Gui, lowered his body, and hooked his tail downward.

Scarlet eyes stared viciously at Cao Gui who started to slide in mid-air, and low growls came from his throat.


The giant wolf roared, but instead of attacking Cao Gui, it turned around abruptly and rushed towards Gwen.

Cao Gui's face darkened, cunning bastard!


The sound of air bursting suddenly sounded, and a huge blue slash roared out.

However, Cao Gui was surprised again, the giant wolf jumped up suddenly, and it did a somersault to avoid Cao Gui's Lan's feet.

"Cao, be careful!"

"It's on you!" Gwen yelled.

Before the words fell, the sound of clattering and clattering sounded rapidly.

On the back of the giant wolf, countless spikes stood upside down, extending from the back of the neck all the way to the tail.

This spike...why does it look like a porcupine?

A question arose in Cao Gui's mind. The next second, the giant wolf flicked its tail, and five or six huge spikes flew towards Cao Gui whistling in the air.

Cao Gui's face was gloomy, he really is... a cunning beast!

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