Admiral, Hello

Vol 2 Chapter 82: Why can't you catch shrimp farmers?

   "Admiral, what is it?" Missouri asked with a blank expression looking at her admiral's happy expression.

   For the sake of safety, she took her admiral away from the crevice of the city wall and came to a bench to sit down.

"Missouri, aren't you catching shrimp farmers? You can go to take out the little guy! Anyway, this industry is simpler than the express guy, you just need to deliver the food to others before it gets cold. I want you The technology of catching shrimps should be a piece of cake for this simple electric car, right?" Xiao Yuhang said to Missouri.

   "Takeaway boy? What kind of occupation is that? Is it a food delivery person?" Missouri didn't understand the Eastern culture very clearly, so she asked her admiral in confusion.

   Xiao Yuhang thought for a while, the takeaway boy at Rabbit's house seemed to be the same as the food delivery guy in the West. It's just that one of the two is managed by a unified platform, and the other is the responsibility of the restaurant itself.

So he explained to Missouri: "Well, it's similar to the job of a food delivery guy. It's just not a fixed restaurant, but a company that specializes in this takeaway platform. The takeaway guys only need to take orders on the platform. Then go directly to the store on the platform to pick up the goods, and then deliver it to the customer who placed the order before the hot food is cold."

   "It sounds simple." Missouri nodded to show that she understood her own admiral's explanation.

"It's really simple, but your prawn catchers in Missouri must be careful not to spill the food. Otherwise, you will be complained. Complaints will mean deductions, and deductions mean you will send them this time. The meal is gone." Xiao Yuhang reminded Missouri.

   "Uh... well, I will pay attention to this. Is there anything else I need to pay attention to? Admiral?" Missouri asked her admiral.

   "It should be gone..." Xiao Yuhang frowned and thought for a while, and said to Missouri when he realized that he couldn't think of anything.

However, he just got up and didn't walk a few steps with Missouri, he suddenly remembered something and said to Missouri: "Oh yes! Missouri, I suddenly remembered! You must abide by the traffic rules! Never play. What driving stunts! You have to know that there is a disgusting industry called Pengci. Those are scum that deliberately corrupt people. This kind of people are like toads, they don’t bite and respond. It’s the end of the year, you still Don't do this for now. Let's talk about it after the Chinese New Year. After the Chinese New Year, there will definitely be other ship ladies coming over. Maybe there will be any suitable work for you?"

"Um... Okay, but Admiral, what are you telling me about touching porcelain? What is this? From your look, it seems that this is a very disgusting behavior?" Missouri curiously asked her admiral. Asked.

"Uh... If you are interested in Missouri, just search the Internet after you go back. Anyway, there is so much news about this aspect, I won't tell you. (Actually, I am afraid of being 404. Xiao Yuhang said to Missouri.

   "Well, I will continue to collect these when I go back. But the admiral, before the Chinese New Year, can we only rely on the fifty thousand to sit and eat the sky?" Missouri asked her admiral.

   "Huh? Who said we only have fifty thousand?" Xiao Yuhang said, looking at Missouri strangely.

   "Hehehe, Missouri, do you think I am your admiral?" Xiao Yuhang suddenly asked with a smile.

   "Well, what's the admiral?" Missouri nodded and asked.

   "Look at the last time a tomahawk was sold for 50,000 yuan, don't you have other tomahawks and harpoons on your body in Missouri? Sell another two or three?" Xiao Yuhang asked with his eyes bright.

  "... I said the admiral, are you planning to sell me a bag after selling out my tomahawk and harpoon?" Missouri asked her admiral with a cold face.

"No, no, no! Missouri, you definitely think too much! I mean, you take out one or two more, and I will sell it. Anyway, XX must be reverse-engineered, and one is for sure. It is not enough. In the end, I will definitely buy from us. I think that instead of waiting for XX to take the initiative to buy, we might as well take the initiative to exchange it. This is just a good relationship. If something happens, someone can help, right? Xiao Yuhang pointed to the sky and said.

   "..." Missouri thought about it for a moment, and had to admit that the admiral was right. She finally nodded gently and said, "Okay, but I can only spare two, if there are more, my own reserves will be affected."

"No problem, no problem! Even if XX wants to buy it later, I will not sell it! Anyway, after waiting for the New Year, you can have your own work after your certificates are issued, and there will be no pressure at home then. That's too big." Xiao Yuhang nodded immediately.

   "But the admiral, only this time is allowed! If there is another!" Missouri smiled ‘kindly’ to her admiral.

   "Uh... Absolutely not! Absolutely not!" Xiao Yuhang immediately shook his head.

  What a joke! If it weren't for being nervous now, he wouldn't use his girl's things to sell money!

   "Hmm, alright admiral, then help you this time." Missouri smiled and nodded.

   After getting permission from Missouri, Xiao Yuhang picked up Yu Siqing's cell phone, which he dialed.

   "Hello? Miss Rain?" he asked.

   "Mr. Xiao, what's the matter?" Yu Siqing asked.

   "That's it. I also want to hand in two Tomahawk cruise missiles to XX. How do you think I can give it to you?" Xiao Yuhang asked Yu Siqing.

   "Huh? Is it handed in? Okay, where are you? You send me a location on WeChat, and I will bring someone over." Yu Siqing was taken aback, and then immediately said to Xiao Yuhang.

   Xiao Yuhang posted the location of herself and Missouri on WeChat, and then found a bench near her and sat down and waited.

  . . . . . .

   After a while, a silver Wuling Hongguang stopped in front of the two of them.

   "Mr. Xiao, Miss Missouri, get in the car." Yu Siqing rolled down the car window and said to them.

   Xiao Yuhang took Missouri into the car, and then asked Yu Siqing: "Miss Yu, what's wrong?"

   "I will take you to the last base immediately, and there is already ready to accept it." Yu Siqing said to the two quickly.

"Huh? Going to such a far place? No, no, no! Miss Yu, I think you misunderstood what I mean. I mean I asked Missouri to give you things, and then you take the things and go, so we won’t go. "Xiao Yuhang hurriedly said to Yu Siqing.

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