Admiral, Hello

Vol 2 Chapter 260: Mention car

"What the Persian cat said, she said that Governor Demiwind let her be my personal training instructor. Roughly speaking, the medicine that Governor Demiwind gave me is not a one-time medicine. It requires constant exercise to stimulate the effect of the medicine. So when the time comes, the Persian cat will train me, so I will ask you if you can help find the troop field and borrow it at that time. After all, the troop training facilities are complete!” Xiao Yuhang briefly said to Yu Si Qing asked after explaining.

"Training... Isn't it okay to go to the gym?" Yu Siqing asked subconsciously.

"Oh no, Bismarck's white hair and red pupils, which are very different from ordinary people, are too easy to attract attention. It is better for the troops. Closed occasions can greatly reduce the exposure." Then she shook her head and rejected her idea.

"Those things in the gym are definitely not as good as the training venues and project equipment in the army. Also, you must take a bath and replenish nutrition after you exercise. Instead of running a long way home, you might as well just get everything done in the army temporarily. Yeah!" Xiao Yuhang expressed his thoughts to Yu Siqing.

"But Xiao Yuhang, you have to know, if it used to be okay, now it is...something is not easy to handle!" Yu Siqing raised his finger and pointed to the vague reminder.

"Well, that's what you said. Anyway, you should discuss with the Persian cat!" Xiao Yuhang said to Yu Siqing.

"But Xiao Yuhang, aren't you an nerd? The nerd actually wants to take the initiative to exercise? This is really a rare occurrence from the west of the sun!" Yu Siqing joked to him.

"No way! Who will let sister Li and the others raise their belly for three or four months? If you don't lose weight and exercise, it is estimated that you will have a general belly and become a middle-aged greasy uncle before 30. "Xiao Yuhang said helplessly.

"Ha? You have a small belly? No? Why can't I see it?" Yu Siqing looked back at Xiao Yuhang in surprise and said.

"...Because I'm good at it. Drive well, don't be caught by the traffic police again." Xiao Yuhang said to her angrily.

"Uh..." Yu Siqing just wanted to continue teasing, but when Xiao Yuhang said that, she suddenly lost her mood.

The last time the ticket made her laughed by Sister Na for a whole afternoon, it made her the group leader very faceless, and this time she can't make another ticket.

So the atmosphere in the car suddenly fell silent.

. . . . . .

The car drove all the way to Kirby's garage, and Kirby had stood at the door of the garage and waited.

"Mr. Xiao, Miss Yu, and two beautiful young ladies, hello!" Kirby greeted the four enthusiastically.

"Hello, Mr. Card, should the matter about the balance payment be settled?" Xiao Yuhang stretched out his hand and shook Kabixu, then asked.

"Solved, settled! Mr. Xiao, your Pajero 3.8 and the first generation of Hummer military vehicles. The procedures and insurance are all legal and complete, and they can definitely withstand any inspection!" Kabi patted his chest and packed the ticket to Xiao Yuhang. The car keys and a stack of documents were handed over to him.


Yu Siqing's complexion suddenly became uncomfortable when she heard Kabi's words.

"Miss Yu, don't worry, they are all legal means, legal means... There is absolutely no illegal means." Kabi quickly added.

"I hope so." Yu Siqing sternly left a word to Kirby and went to check the car.

Kabi didn’t bother Yu Siqing’s attitude. He shrugged and said to Xiao Yuhang: “Mr. Xiao, this is my business card. According to the country’s laws and regulations, including three guarantees, any future questions about these two cars Just call the number above to find me."

"Yeah." Xiao Yuhang took the business card and put it in his pocket.

"Mr. Xiao, would you like to try the car yourself? Don't worry, the quality of the cars sold in our shop is the quality of the genuine products of the Eagle Jiangjia military industry! There will never be an oil leak in Anxi even before the shop goes out. "Kabi said to Xiao Yuhang.

"Then Mr. Kabi, do you mean that the oil will leak when you leave the store?" Yu Siqing didn't know when the inspection would be done. She asked Kabi casually when she heard this.

It's not that she is holding up the bar, but that as a Guoan agent, she is naturally disgusted with people who are likely to be related to smuggling.

"No, Miss Yu, you laughed. How could this happen? Even if you can't believe me, you can trust the military quality of the Yingjiang family!" Kabi quickly laughed to Yu Siqing.

"Forget it, Yu Siqing. President Ka is willing to sell us the car at a loss, so don't pursue it so fine!" Xiao Yuhang stretched out his hand and patted Yu Siqing on the shoulder.

"The car is okay, which one are you going to drive?" Yu Siqing asked Xiao Yuhang.

"Me? I don't drive any car. Isn't it you and Sister Li? You two will drive, anyway, I will definitely not drive." Xiao Yuhang was stunned, then said to her.

"Is there not enough manpower? Mr. Xiao, this shop provides a driving service, do I need to hire a driving master for you?" Kabi interjected No need, thank you Mr. Card for giving me Offers. If I still want to buy a car, I will definitely buy it from your car dealership again. "Xiao Yuhang politely rejected Kabi.

"It's okay, Mr. Xiao is welcome to visit our car dealership again in the future. There is still something in the car dealership, then I won't disturb you and Miss Yu." After being declined by Xiao Yuhang, Kabi took the opportunity to leave the two of them.

After he returned to the car dealership, Xiao Yuhang couldn't help but shook his head to Yu Siqing repeatedly: "Yu Siqing, don't ask me to drive! I haven't touched the car for almost four years since I got my driver's license. If you let me drive on the road, I am afraid of accidents myself. Don’t drive, resolutely don’t drive! I don’t want to have an accident with the car I just bought.

Yu Siqing knew what Xiao Yuhang was talking about. After thinking about it, she asked Xiao Yuhang: "It's you and Richelieu who have a driver's license, but we have three cars here. What do you think?"

"Isn't it easy? Just call someone in your group to take a taxi!" Xiao Yuhang looked at Yu Siqing with a ‘how stupid you’ expression on his face.

"...Yes, I almost forgot them." Yu Siqing patted her forehead, then took out her mobile phone and dialed a call.

"Hello? Lin Lu, you immediately take a taxi to the XXX car dealership here in Olympic Sports, and bring your driver's license." She said to Lin Lu.

"Group leader, didn't you drive out? What happened?" Lin Lu asked puzzled.

"Our Admiral Xiao's driver's license is a decoration. He himself has forgotten how to drive! Now there is no way but to temporarily grab the bag!" Yu Siqing sighed helplessly.

"Okay, team leader, be there on time within 45 minutes." Lin Lu hung up the phone after finishing speaking.


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