Admiral, Hello

Chapter 17: Admiral, should I try?

   "Ah? I slept with Chicheng? Surprised! Why didn't I know?" Xiao Yuhang was taken aback by Tirbitz's words, and he asked Tirbitz quickly.

"Eh? Speaking of the admiral, you are also great! At that time Akagi was looking for you to ask for a ring, and the admiral you kept pressing it. Then suddenly one morning Akagi ran out of the admiral's room with a disheveled hair, and everybody said:'I was pushed down by the admiral Now! I was overthrown by the admiral! The admiral is going to give me a ring! The admiral is going to give me a ring!' Then she was taken away by the gendarmerie."

"After she came back from the gendarmerie, we all guessed that she was lying to us, because the admiral, you have never been to the port area, how could you bring her down all at once? But then we asked the gendarmerie, the gendarmerie I was also vague about this question, and then we believed. Then we waited and waited, Akagi also waited and waited, but until I crossed into your world, you never gave Akagi a ring. So everyone privately Li began to guess, you, the admiral, you are actually a very ruthless person! Obviously agreed to Akagi, but after you got it, he didn't even give a ring...hehe, but I know, you are not the admiral! Speaking of it, I only learned this after I crossed into the admiral's world! Otherwise, I'm afraid I will be like other sisters, privately guessing that the admiral you are a ruthless middle-aged uncle!" Tilbitz seems to be I remembered that when I was in the guard house before, everyone got together to discuss in private what kind of person the admiral was like, and laughed.

   "... I can't speak now, really, really can't speak." Xiao Yuhang listened to Tirbitz's revelation in amazement, and his whole body was not well.

  Shen Te, I am a middle-aged uncle, I am obviously only 23! God is cruel and ruthless! I am obviously very loving, OK! Let's not talk about the kittens he owns, but when he sees stray cats nearby, he will prepare a little cat food in a conspicuous place, so that the poor little guys can eat when they are hungry.

   After thinking for a long time, Xiao Yuhang finally came to a conclusion.

   "The devil sister doesn't have Mimi... Beizhai, I think you are actually fed up and have nothing to do! Yes, this is the truth of the matter!" He said to Tirbitz.

   "Hey, admiral, since the admiral says you are very in love, don't you look at what I bought?" Tilbitz asked, raising his face.

   "Hey hey! It's late!"

   Xiao Yuhang gave a strange laugh, and then snatched his mobile phone from Tirbitz in a thunderous manner.

   In fact, with the strength of an ordinary person, how could it be possible to grab something from the ship's mother? It's just that as his ship's mother, let alone a mobile phone, even his own life can be paid for him. Therefore, Tilbitz didn't even have to dodge, and ignored his own admiral's flaws and slow movements.

   Xiao Yuhang turned on the phone, and then did not check what she had bought as Tirbitz thought, but clicked on his mobile phone message and turned to the bank card consumption information notification message.

"Fuck! Beizhai doesn't take you like this!!! What did you buy and bought three hundred and eight in one go?!!! Absolutely! Originally, the supermarket bought a circle today, but only two are left over 500 Hundred-eight, and finally got three hundred yuan in income, but you gave me all the money! Okay, now there are two hundred left in the card. Let's have porridge this month! Qwq!" Xiao Yuhang issued a moment. Howling like a pig.

   "Uh... Admiral, don't do this... I can make money too..." Tirbitz said, looking at his admiral in embarrassment.

   "Absolutely! You don't have an ID card, what do you use to make money? Will you go to the club as a young model? Then let me live on the money of my own woman as a young model?" Xiao Yuhang asked with a retort.

  "...If it's the admiral's wishes...also...not impossible..." Tirbitz lowered his head and whispered.

"I can be a big-headed ghost! You are a fat man! You killed more than 600 in one day when you came to my side. That's my living expenses for one and a half months! If you save it, I can even use it. Two months! You, you, you! You're so good! I don't know how to say you are good!" Xiao Yuhang screamed at Tirbitz as he stretched out his hand on her fat baby face that feels so good. Pinch.

   "Nest... Hmm... Yeah...!" Tirbitz was ravaged by his admiral on his face, unable to speak a complete sentence.

   After rubbing Tirbitz's pretty face flushed, Xiao Yuhang let go of her face.

"In the future, you are not allowed to spend money like this! Let's live by just a little money for a month. You spend it all in one breath. What do we eat and drink? Have you heard?" Xiao Yuhang looked at Tirbitz, who was holding his cheek. , UU reading www.uukanshu. Com said to her both distressed and angry.

   Tirbitz nodded quickly.

   Xiao Yuhang's face improved. He sat back in front of the computer, looked for it, and then clicked on the ship B Miao Miao Wu and asked, "Is anyone bringing a sixth-level cute new one?"

   After a while, someone saw his message and started replying to him.

   Out of the (cloud) rebirth from the ashes: "Papading, your lousy old man is very bad! Obviously a big guy has to pretend to be cute, I believe your evil!"

   Perpetuai, South District: "That's right, I still have evidence of you pretending to be new!"

   Yun Mengxin, who is not in your group: "Big guys are starting to pretend to be cute again, how can you make us really cute!"

  The Overlord of the Central Plains: "Big brother, don't pretend to be cute, we are still embarrassed if you are not embarrassed!"

   The most dished Paladin in your group: "So is there anyone with a cute new one!"

   Bai Fangchen: "Is there a big guy who wants to team up?!"

   Southern District writes a light description: "Have a car?"

   Bai Fangchen: "Papa Ding, take me!"

   Southern District writes a light description: "If you have a car, count me."

   The most dished Paladin in your group: "Okay, I'm on the Fangce's number, and the sixth-level car will start."

   Bai Fangchen: "OK, no problem!"

  . . . . . .

   After forming the team, Xiao Yuhang and his two teammates began to ride the sea in the feces, completing his own power leveling list.

   After looking at the phone for a while, Tirbitz on the other side began to be attracted by the computer screen of his admiral.

   She got up from the bed, leaned down behind Xiao Yuhang and carefully watched his operation for a while, and asked while he was over in the battle: "Admiral, this game looks very simple, can I try it?"

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