Ace Hollywood

Chapter 413: Great reversal

4.7! 33.7! 46.9! 6.!

That's the box-office increase for "Forever" from Tuesday to Friday -- a set of numbers that will wow everyone. ●⊕↗Chenyuan Literary Network{].//CY.//◆Although the growth rate declined after entering Saturday, it was still in a state of reverse decline. Sunday was the first time that the film broke the 10 million box office in a single day—— And this is the 9th day of the show!

Each of these numbers is enough to give observers the illusion of being slapped in the face.

However, when news broke on Tuesday morning that "Invincible" had raked in 8.4 million on its second Monday, the illusion finally turned into a real one -- it hurts!

8.2 million!

This figure ended a six-day reverse curve, falling from 0.03 million to below the 10 million line, lower than the three-day weekend - but the number is still too high, in Bill, in Robert, in " In the eyes of the Sun Times and other parties, this number is unacceptably high.

What is the first week of "Forever"? 2.23 million!

The box office on the next Monday is 367% of the box office on the first Monday. It is important that the difference in the number of screens does not exceed 00 yuan, increasing from 296 yuan to 3422 yuan. This gap is not large enough to form this phenomenon.

The newspapers on Tuesday are already out, and no one will continue to focus so urgently on the single-day box office of "Forever" in the following week, no matter how terrifying it is.

All, the normal reported torrent is dominated by news from various websites, and then gathers into a storm on several social media.

The media forget their previous analysis and began to analyze the reasons for the success of "Forever". People or institutions who once asserted that "Forever" could not exceed 60 million at the box office remained silent. Ironically, he just pretended not to know, the thicker-skinned, deleted the previous article, and immediately began to predict with great fanfare that "Invincible" will have a box office of 100 million, or even 200 million.


"Is he really not going to fail?"

This is not a person. Or the question of two people.

Many people are beginning to feel powerless.

Not all of them want Daniel to fail, or Daniel's legend to be shattered, but this is the closest Daniel has come to failure. What's more, the media, industry authorities, observers, etc., Hollywood members of various professions, all think that Daniel will fail this time. They created the atmosphere very well. In order to strike more powerfully against Daniel's legendary image, through professional box office number prediction, through eye-catching reports in large publications, through public remarks... They have done what they should do and what they shouldn't do.

So much so that when "Invincible" really turned around, everyone began to think that it was an extremely unimaginable thing, an absolute anomaly-then the direct impact was that they had an impact on "Daniel will not fail" more tendencies.

This is a well understood state.

The more a spring is compressed. The more it bounces back.

Now, the box office of "Forever" is such a spring.


USA TODAY gets the news first on its own entertainment headlines -- of all the big national outlets. The Huffington Post, which was older than it, was not a big media outlet.

"The box office numbers of "Invincible" have shown a dramatic trajectory. So far, it has accumulated a total of 6.38 million box office in the 0th day of its release, which is incomparable with "Battle Royale", which has reached .2 or more, but it has caused the whole Hollywood A violent shock in the box office critics.

At the very beginning, based on the consistent trust in Daniel's film, critics generally believed that the film could reach a box office of around 100 million. But with the release of it and "Battle Royale", the first day is also a Saturday box office. There were only about 700,000, and it had not even reached 20 million at the box office for three days by Monday.

Surprised, the critics began to change their views and the direction of discussion. The box office itself is no longer a concern. The focus began to turn to why Daniel 'failed' in "Forever". They said a lot of reasons, analyzed many reasons, and pointed the finger at Daniel himself, the publicity department of DD Films, the decision-making level and the production team of "Forever". And another star Reese. Witherspoon and other related parties.

However, the unexpected turn of events occurred. When the dust of Daniel's failure theory was almost settled. "Forever" ushered in its first reverse decline last Tuesday, with an increase of 4.7% over the previous day. This is not an accidental phenomenon. From then on until last Sunday, the single-day box office figures have maintained a reverse decline trend. , and before last Friday, the increase continued to grow. There was even an increase of more than 6% on Friday compared to Thursday! It is irreversible that "Forever" has achieved higher box office numbers.

Until the single-day box office release this Monday, the 8.2 million figure once again surprised everyone - now, everyone can no longer predict how much box office this movie will eventually have, or that forecasters and institutions are beginning to be cautious, they I've already lost face several times on "Forever".

As Daniel said on his MB last Monday, John Carter told him in a dream that "Forever" will not fail. We have no way of knowing if John actually entered Daniel's dream, but Daniel's 'undefeated legend' does continue, which is amazing and powerless, no one knows that this superstar who has achieved unprecedented achievements will put How long does your record of success last—is it the day you retire? "

"USA Today"'s report started the bombing news of the media - no matter from which perspective, this is a very newsworthy material, regardless of its own shameful performance, no newspaper will give up tracking this news.

Daniel, from his London studio, kept silent for all interviews - much to the satisfaction of Paul Greenglass.

On the day of the release of "Chainsaw 3" on the 27th, David said We have always been confident in the quality of "Invincible", it is only a little warmer, but in the end Will attract people who really love movies. "

It seems that DD Films did not hype it up at the end, everything happened naturally.

No one will pierce David's "lie". In fact, he didn't lie either. If it weren't for the good reputation of "Forever", it would not have gained influence in the niche field, and it was even less likely to stir up nostalgia— While it doesn't stop at the quality of the film, the quality of the film is the foundation of all behavior.


"Bill, I think it's a little more guaranteed to have Daniel in."

Fox's office, Bill McNichol received a call.

"Because of recent events?"

There was silence for a long time.

"...Contact him." (To be continued.)

PS: How much box office will it have in the end?

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