Ace Hollywood

Chapter 377: landmark event


"Daniel **** appeared at the 9th Shanghai International Film Festival last night, attracting a large number of Chinese movie fans to scream and welcome. Pinshu. A well-known Hollywood actor, this is his first visit to China. Before participating in the opening ceremony of the film festival, he also visited the Rongcheng Giant Panda Breeding Research Center to hold a cooperation project between the charitable fund and the giant panda base that he chairs. signing ceremony."

--"Oriental Morning Post".

The national newspaper "Guangming Daily", which has a more interesting mouthpiece, focuses on the meaning behind Daniel's visit.

"Daniel **** attended the opening ceremony of the 9th Shanghai International Film Festival yesterday, and joined with international superstars such as Li An, Catherine Deneuve, Liam Neeson, etc., for the Shanghai International Film Festival. With China The film box office market has been expanding year by year, and internationally, especially Hollywood film companies and film actors, have begun to communicate more with China. Last year, Tom Cruise's "Mission: Impossible 3" was also filmed in Shanghai. As a result, a group of Chinese filmmakers such as Zhang Ziyi, Gong Li, and Li Lianjie also participated in more influential works in Hollywood. Daniel Sandler's high-profile visit to China can be said to be this The latest manifestation of a trend.

It is reported that Daniel Sandler, who is the owner of a film company, also met relevant leaders of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, as well as state-owned film companies such as China Film and China Film, which have the right to import foreign films. Its intention to advance China's development strategy is clear. We need to be soberly aware that there is still a big gap between China's film industry and Hollywood. How to protect the national film industry of our country while communicating and developing with Hollywood can be said to be an important issue. Opening up cannot be just opened, and development cannot be blinded.


A thousand-word editorial by Barabara of the Guangming Daily, the main content is to learn from development, but be full of vigilance and call on the domestic industry to seize the opportunity for development and continue to struggle. Finally, I called on national pride and said that the Chinese people with 1.3 billion viewers will definitely create the largest box office market.

Compared with the conservative tendency of the print media, the Internet media is more open, especially the NEW wave who seems to have a good relationship with Daniel - of course, the meeting between Sheryl Sandberg and the new wave executives did not appear in the newspapers, Daniel The meeting with the leaders of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology was not so high-profile, especially the former Minister of Health and the Deputy Prime Minister. Later, when there was the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, I had a meeting with a deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. It's pretty understated, but not bad.

It can be said that the goodwill towards China from the social network of Plutos Investment Company was received by the Chinese government. It is not in vain that Daniel has received a lot of criticism in the United States. If the so-called pro-China faction cannot get corresponding treatment in China, it is not a human being inside or outside. Moreover, an important point is that China has a relatively high tolerance for foreign investment in the Internet field. Whether it is Txun, Ali or Qiandu, there is a large proportion of foreign capital.

Therefore, when Daniel arrived in Shanghai to start his own film festival action, the Plutos Investment Company team headed by Raymond, as well as the executives of its subsidiaries such as Sheryl Sandberg, had already started their own plans. journey. Raymond met with the CEO of Txun, the founder of A, and the boss of Qiandu. And Huawei, which is the Chinese member Daniel wants to pull into the Open Handset Alliance.

All these actions are hidden under the water, unknown to the public. At present, most of the attention of Chinese and world media is focused on Daniel, who participated in the Shanghai International Film Festival. Even if a few professional publications have noticed the visiting team he brought, they have been neglected because of their lack of influence.


The first event that Daniel participated in at the Shanghai International Film Festival was the "Silver Star Forum". The organizer invited three people, Li An, Feng Xiaogang and Daniel - very representative three. Feng Xiaogang is the signboard of domestic commercial films. Director Zhang plunged into a Chinese-style blockbuster. Cheng Kaige wandered around in "The Promise", and Feng Xiaogang's "keeping one's own footing" won him the reputation of China's first commercial film director. As the most famous and powerful Chinese director in the world, Li An is the only Chinese director who has made a breakthrough in Hollywood. Today, if we want to talk about Chinese movies and Hollywood, he must not be missing. As for Daniel, even Hollywood is learning from his success story, and Chinese filmmakers can hear the holy voice. Of course you can't ask for it.

In addition to them, Luo Yi, general manager of CAA China, Wang Zhonglei, president of Huayi Brothers Pictures Investment Co., Ltd., American producer Chris Lee, and famous film critic Zhou Liming were also present.

The host is Huadan Jinwei from China Movie Channel.

In front of an audience of nearly 1,000 people, after introducing the biggest names in film on stage, the conversation officially began.

Feng Xiaogang's speech may represent the opinions of most Chinese directors.

"I made films in the early years, but foreigners said they couldn't understand them after watching them. Li An also made films, and they were much more esoteric than mine, but foreigners also rushed to say they could understand. So these What are the reasons? I think the main reason is that our films are not in a strong position. One of the reasons why Li An’s films can be affirmed must be because he is in a strong position and has the right to speak. We It must be admitted that Chinese films are not strong enough for others to scramble to understand it, and because of this, foreigners can easily deal with you by pretending that they cannot understand it.”

Blaming the disappointment of Chinese movies on the weakness of the entire film industry, although he was adoring Li An, Li An did not agree.

He believes that the success of "Brokeback Mountain" is not because his same-sex theme has a large enough audience, but because the love expressed in this story is shared by all people, different countries and different ethnic groups, so everyone can understand . The most important thing about Chinese films is not to try to get the recognition of the Oscars, but to discover the characteristics for all human beings and learn how to express them. In addition to this, it is essential to work hard to learn the mature mechanism of Hollywood. The humility of learning cannot be given up because of fearless national pride.

Chris Lee agreed with Li An, but after his speech, he mentioned Daniel in a half-joking and half-serious manner.

"Daniel's name is almost equal to a legend in Hollywood. His sensitivity to the market and audience, his talent and acting skills in acting are all the top in Hollywood. In the United States, one of his speeches is often sold to millions. The price of the dollar is far more expensive than what the former president is asking for. So. Today I think Daniel must talk more, and everyone will feel that they have made a lot of money.”

Regardless of the sequence of Daniel's speeches, Jin Wei must have let Daniel speak.

"For a country like China, it's hard to say how to grasp the market and the audience. It's too big and complex, with a long civilization and many ethnic groups. This is different from the United States. So, for Chinese films. I am Half of them agree with Director Li An's views, and the other half disagree. They agree that Hollywood is indeed a little bit ahead of China in terms of technology and management, and some of them are worthy of Chinese films to learn and learn from... Why don't the other half agree? I think Chinese filmmakers should consider the expression of the Chinese people before thinking about how to find an expression for all human beings. This is the same in the United States. Hollywood initially relied on the North American market, and then Naturally, it goes global. And China is especially different. Your country has 1.3 billion people, which is a daunting number, four times as many as the US. So why is China's annual movie box office far inferior to the US? On the one hand Of course, there is a gap in consumption power. On the other hand, I understand that the market is not explored enough, and there are not enough movies that audiences want to go to the cinema to watch - the United States is oversupplied, and competition is incentivized. Competition in China is also fierce. But in fact, the supply is in short supply. Chinese audiences want to see more good works, not too many choices, but too few choices. There is a contradiction between supply and demand here. I think this requires Chinese film practitioners. thoughtful."

Besides. Daniel did not shy away from expressing the China strategy of DD Pictures.

"We will also enter the Chinese market in a variety of ways. On the one hand, of course, we will strive to enter the Chinese market with the channels we make in North America through channels that conform to Chinese policies. On the other hand, we will enter the field of Sino-US co-productions. , and cooperate with excellent Chinese film production companies, we will provide better management, better technology, and Chinese companies will provide local creativity and stories. Let’s create good works together. In the third aspect, we will also establish A joint venture company, the partner is still uncertain, we will also independently develop Chinese films in the name of this company. Fourth, DD Pictures will also cooperate more with major companies to promote other films in the world. The market promotes Chinese-language films. It should be emphasized that the United States is indeed the largest box office market, but it is not the only one. The development of Chinese-language films in the Chinese cultural circle has more potential at this stage, such as East Asia and Southeast Asia. In addition, there is also demand for Chinese-language films in Europe and Africa. We will use the global distribution system of DD Films to cooperate with Chinese companies.

In essence, we will not rule out any possibility of cooperation. As long as it is reasonable and win-win, we are willing to accept, try and promote. DD Pictures wants to be a "hundred-year-old store" (Chinese) in China, not a "one-shot deal" (Chinese). "

Daniel finally showed two Chinese words, which made the audience laugh.

But it is undeniable that these two words are very precise.

In front of Daniel, the discussion was relatively peaceful. After he left China on the 21st, the discussion about this passage was considered to be heated up - the different opinions were very extreme.

Feng Xiaogang submitted a book to "Southern Capital Weekly", refuting Daniel's statement, just like his Ci Feng, very rude, "What he means is that Chinese filmmakers can just shave and eat at their own homes, and you have no hope outside. Or it is Southeast Southeast Asia is only a big market, and it is not as big as a state in the United States. He also dug a hole for his domestic counterparts by the way, and now many people on the Internet are praising him. Smelly feet, I think that no one sees anything made by domestic filmmakers. It's not that the audience doesn't support it, but that they can't support it. The movie is too bad and it's not worth paying to watch. This is what Daniel means. He said that he wants to enter the Chinese market. I'll see how he makes the audience pay for his good movies."

Zhang Qiang, general manager of Forbidden City Pictures, has a different opinion, even though they have just successfully collaborated on "A World Without Thieves".

The two just happened to represent the private film industry and the state-owned film company. It can only be said that Daniel’s entry point is very precise. This was also in mid-December. After half a year of contact, DD Films and China Film’s Forbidden City Films joint venture was established. DD China Film Co., Ltd., the reason for its successful entry into the Chinese market. The name of the new company is DD China, mainly to take advantage of its reputation in the international market.

DD Pictures invested 80 million US dollars, Forbidden City Pictures invested 100 million yuan, plus some fixed assets, personnel, etc., and the two parties distributed shares in a ratio of 51 to 49. Forbidden City Pictures Holding company, but DD Pictures is responsible for the day-to-day. operation.

This cooperation at the end of 2006 is also the first sign of Daniel's company's large-scale entry into China. (To be continued.)

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