Ace Hollywood

Chapter 36: Small chrysanthemum and long legs

The crew returned to Wellington from Queenstown, Mount Victoria around Wellington, the Hart River between Moonlight and Tutara Park, and Harcourt Park, etc., are all the attractions in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. In fact, the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy is in a sense that Peter Jackson used Hollywood money to make a landscape propaganda film for his country. How much tourism revenue "The Lord of the Rings" will bring to New Zealand is not known. Yes, but the Lord of the Rings route is the hottest tourist route in New Zealand.

The New Zealand government has used the military as extras for the film, but otherwise has not paid a dime - their leaders are said to insist that there is no relevant budget to spend in the annual budget.

Is a responsible leader!

The crew basically lived in Wellington, a prosperous metropolis, and everyone's life became wonderful.

Peter wasn't so unfriendly either. On his first weekend night back in Wellington, the staff here threw a party for the hard-working people.

Except for Daniel and Elijah, they all have access to alcohol, Dominic is especially proud, he is only three years older than Daniel, but the consequence of this is that the poor hobbit was pushed by Daniel and Elijah. Everyone poured a bunch of beer Going down, the bottles of Court Ale are scattered everywhere.

A few of them get together for a drink, and the older gentlemen over there should be quieter.

"Be careful." Dominic, who drank too much, walked around staggeringly, looking really worrying.

"It's alright, this wine... uh... well, it's hard to be smart... ah... Merry the Hobbit." Dominic was inarticulate and brave, Billy Pippin's actor was a bad guy, leading Merry Drink another beer. Sean Austin, also unlike the honest and loyal gardener in the movie, smirks at Billy while beating the drums.

"They're really bad." Elijah hissed and drank his orange juice, "Domi will definitely fall."

"It's okay—" Daniel's eyes suddenly widened, he saw something, "Oh, my God."

Dominic really fell, when he was about to throw himself on Sean.

There are clean drinking bottles on the ground, some of them are upside down, but more are standing.

In this direction, Daniel happened to see Dominic sitting on a standing beer bottle, looking at the direction, it seemed to be "right on the bull's-eye".

The sudden change in Dominic's face also shows this.

Although he drank it and is still unconscious, the pain in his body is still faithfully reflected in his mind.

Daniel hurried over to help Domi up.

Fortunately, wearing pants, Daniel muttered something.

"The little chrysanthemum of many meters—"

"Shut up." Sean glared at Billy fiercely, "Do you want Domi to hold his head up?"

Billy also realized the seriousness of the matter, and explained embarrassingly to the others who looked over, "Cough, um, he drank too much and fell."

"Yes, yes, let's send him back first, you can drink to your heart's content."

Daniel drove—they basically rented a car. The studio was a little far from the house, and the crew rented a car for anyone who could drive. But Liv Taylor refused, because New Zealand is a Commonwealth country, they drive on the right and drive on the left, which is a bit difficult for Liv who is not very skilled in driving, plus she and Daniel live The place is close so always hitch a ride every day.

Seeing that they were leaving first, Liv also put down the red wine, took her own bag, and sat in the co-pilot's seat spontaneously.

Sean helped Dominic sit in the back, Billy didn't drink much, and now drove Elijah back to their residence.

"How much did he drink?" Liv glanced back at Dominic, who didn't know about the personnel, "Did the little one pour it in three?"

"That's right, I'm not good at drinking." Daniel followed her words and joked.


Liv gave him a knock on the back door.

"You're not old yet, if you dare to drink it secretly, I'll beat you to death."

"Oh, Liv, I'm driving."

Sean, including Daniel himself, was not at all surprised by this scene.

Maybe Liv always rides in Daniel's car, causing her relationship with Daniel to be a bit "hot" - the water is Daniel's, and the hot is her own. She always mentioned this and that about Daniel, and taught him what to do on the scene. Daniel would be hit hard from time to time. You must know that she is an old bird, and has just worked with Bruce Wesley in the past two years.

Although Daniel learned etiquette, form, etc. with the elves on the set, he was also required to follow up the shooting.

He's part of an expedition, albeit a small one, especially when the trio of Aragon goes to rescue Merry and Pippin after Frodo and Sam decide to go alone, and he doesn't have much of a scene - from the script look. But it is also a coherent character, so there must be sufficient grasp of the whole plot.

Send Dominic and Sean to the place first. They don't actually live together. Set up Dominic, and Sean will go back by himself. The two live close together.

Daniel and Sean winked for a while, probably meaning he let Sean see what Dominic's little chrysanthemum was like, and Sean said it was difficult and he didn't have a hobby.

Under Liv's suspicious eyes, Daniel had to end the communication with Sean.

Domi, may the Lord bless your little chrysanthemum.

"What are you doing with Sean?" There were only Liv and Daniel in the car. She asked directly. Fortunately, Daniel was prepared.

"I want Sean to help him wash, but Sean is reluctant."

"Help a drunkard take a bath?" Liv could hear disgust in her voice, "Is Sean a masochist? Domi is not a beauty."

"Beautiful women don't get drunk, like you," Daniel said sweetly.

Liv glanced at him and stretched her body, "If I'm drunk, will you wash me? Like you asked Sean to do."

Daniel took a breath, and out of the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of Liv's bumpy figure and long slender legs, and a small piece of tight skin was exposed under the cropped pants.

Liv is a beauty on People's list of the 50 Most Beautiful People in the World.

"Huh?" Liv approached, her voice low, "What are you thinking?"

"What do you think? What did I think about?"

"What did you think?" Liv's eyes widened, her anger filled instantly, "Bastard."

Women, especially beautiful women, are sometimes so unreasonable, she just wanted to tease Daniel. But Daniel's reaction made her feel uncomfortable again.

Daniel is not really a rookie. When dealing with this kind of beauty, sometimes you have to go the extra mile.

Liv's reaction made him smile in his heart.

(ps: I’m still looking for a collection, it’s the fifth day of this week, I’m struggling to the death, everyone support the collection, please)

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