Ace Hollywood

Chapter 31: manipulator

All kinds of media, Daniel's fans, and Philip behind the scenes are all paying close attention to Daniel's response.

However, CAA did not issue a statement, and the Los Angeles Times, which has a good relationship with Daniel, did not respond to the report. Daniel stayed at home, and his agent kept refraining from talking, rejecting all calls from the media.

Daniel acquiesced?

Some tabloids have already made such headlines, and larger newspapers can't bear it for long.

In the entire online world, the first person who saw Daniel's new blog post was his fan Sting. Sting is a college girl and has plenty of time. These days she spends the past few days on Daniel's personal blog, fan website and other gossip pages. And the time on the forum is far longer than before, and as far as she knows, there are more than one or two doing this.

Daniel's fans are eagerly waiting for news, and some of them even started to curse Cusa Damon as a rude New Yorker who doesn't care about the prestige of his clients, and more importantly, ignores the voices of video fans.

Sting refreshed Daniel's blog post directory, and the familiar interface suddenly became a little different, she immediately reacted.

Daniel updated his blog post!

Her hand holding the mouse almost trembled, as if she was about to witness something.

"Only for the fans who love me" - this is the title of the new blog post.

Under the title, there is not a single word.

There is only one four-panel cartoon.

The comics are simple and clear, yet vivid.

The first frame is a man and a woman living next to each other. The woman is thinking about dollars and flowers.

The second frame is the lady standing at the door knocking on the door.

In the third frame, a third character appeared. He was dressed in black, like a servant of the **** of death. With money in one hand and flowers in the other, he was talking to the lady.

In the fourth frame, which is the last part, the lady is holding a large amount of dollars in her left hand and a dark empty bucket in her right hand. The door of the man opposite is pitch black.

There is no more straightforward response than this.

Most movie fans don't actually need so-called evidence, and they are not judges. As long as idols deny it outright, they will generally trust their idols very faithfully until the hard evidence emerges.

After this ironic cartoon, there was originally an audio.

That's what Jones and Cusa got.

Kusa used some methods that Daniel didn't know, and got a recording of Jinli Adams. In the recording, Jinli advertised that she was very tight, and even she was surprised to be tight, she was like a first-time girl, another one. The male voice asked her teasingly how is Daniel? Then he said that he didn't like Daniel very much and didn't want to enter the same place with him. Jin Li may really want to curry favor with this person, she is eager to show that she has never had a relationship with Daniel, the newspapers are full of nonsense, someone gave her a little money, and promised to increase a lot of exposure.

So far in the recording, according to Kusa, the men and women in the final audio did spend the night together and were very happy with each other.

Daniel asked who the man was, but Cusa refused to answer him.

But Andy's expression more or less betrayed Cusa. If Andy knew and he didn't, then nine times out of ten, it was the power of the so-called Damon family.


Daniel finds it hard to believe that there is a powerful family behind Cusa. Before meeting him, Kusak was just a potential young agent.

However, he still didn't get to the bottom of the plan, just refused their request to publish the audio in his blog post.

This is part of the Jones plan.

When they were discussing their strategy that day, Jones tried to persuade Daniel and Cusa not to take a restful attitude—even though they hadn't intended to.

She gave Daniel a set of ideas.

First, find a girl with the same voice as Jin Li Adams to record a paragraph. Of course, the words are fragmented and separated, and then through editing and technical processing methods, the sound is distorted, and it sounds like Jin Li's voice has happened because of the distortion. some changes.

Then they will publish this audio on Daniel's personal blog, and Jones will relay the statement of Daniel's side in the "Los Angeles Times", and will slam "Entertainment Weekly" for not having basic journalistic ethics and using false lies to deceive the audience. Jones will also use her pen skills. She will describe Daniel as a rare young man who has lived in a harsh environment since he was a child, but still maintains a kind, enterprising and good living habits.

After this series of actions, the water will be muddy. Under the premise that no one can provide real evidence, this kind of thing may be lingering for a few days, and no one will remember it anymore.

Then Daniel will participate in the first talk show at this time, and they will prepare the answer to every question, and strive to create a simple, kind, responsible image - in other words, he is fully capable of being a young American Man's new idol.

If the talk show is effective, then Daniel can ensure that his image will not drop after he has gained a wave of popularity.

But Daniel ultimately rejected Jones's proposals.

The reason is very simple. How did this recording come about? Eavesdropping, stealing? Either way, it shouldn't have anything to do with the kind Daniel.

He chose to post a straightforward four-panel cartoon—a woman greedy for money, under the direction of a villain, smears her neighbor—and it's pretty straightforward indeed.

And then suddenly, on a whim, Cusa contacted Fred—a website maker.

Cusa has always been interested in the Internet since Daniel's Internet popularity exploded. With Daniel being hailed as the first superstar of the Internet age, Cusa began to look for some professionals to analyze the stuff, a curiosity and sensitivity that was fundamental to him as a Duke graduate. UU reading

Fred, after graduating from a second-tier university, was determined to open his own website—he imagined it was a resource website similar to IMDB, but it should be broader and more instructive than IMDB. It was a grand idea - so, he failed.

Just as Fred was about to find a job at a big website, Cusa reached out to him through CAA's technicians.

After hearing that Cusa wanted to temporarily hire him to collect and analyze the network status of star fans, Fred was about to jump with excitement. He loved this job, and he didn't want to just write those boring soulless codes.

Of course Daniel knew about Fred's existence, but they had never met.

This time, Daniel suddenly wanted to see Fred because he felt that Fred seemed to have achieved something. In order to deal with fans of various stars, he registered a lot of users, and then used these users to participate and even lead the topic.

It has to be said that Fred is very talented in this line.

Daniel briefly explained to him the idea of ​​"popularizing", how to make a topic popular on the Internet, in China more than ten years later, any star chaser can tell him a few words. It is nothing more than the topic name itself should be attractive enough, followed by a leader, and then to touch the excitement of ordinary people. The most important thing is that you can get a popular person to connect with your topic so that their fans will automatically spread the word for you.

Fred's mind opened far beyond Daniel's imagination.

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