Ace Hollywood

Chapter 124 Feed the paparazzi

"This is a super A-level Hollywood star." Walking beside Daniel, Melissa pushed her way out of the massive pick-up crowd and got into the RV that came to pick them up, "Of course, to be precise, it's the treatment of a popular superstar, Melissa It is impossible for Er to have such an aura."

Daniel saw the chasing car behind him in the mirror, "So, those paparazzi behind are also part of this treatment?"

"Of course, you have to be careful next, these paparazzi are absolutely pervasive, even your hotel room, surveillance video anywhere, they can get their hands. If they can get some information about your new relationship, they can definitely sell it for a sky-high price. "

"Fortunately I don't have any new romances."

"If you show up with that lady and you're photographed in an intimate position, then you've got a new relationship."

Daniel shrugged helplessly. No one can stop these things. European and American laws give the crowd the right to spy on the private lives of celebrities.

"Has MGM given you the itinerary yet?" Daniel turned to Andy and asked.

Andy flipped through his file bag and took out a piece of paper, "Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, three cities."

Yes, the time has entered July, and MGM has officially launched the "National Blonde Day" publicity plan for "Legal Blonde", and beauties can get discounts when they go to the Vidasha Hair Salon to dye their hair blonde. In fact, Witherspoon has already started her journey, and Daniel's workload is absurdly small compared to Reese's, but that's also normal. Reese waited for this small production to turn around, but Daniel didn't care, even if it was a 5% share, but it was a share of the surplus, which really made people feel unmotivated.

Daniel looked through the itinerary, it will take almost a week, and then there will be the premiere in Los Angeles.

"MGM plans to spend some money?" Seeing that the scale of the premiere arrangement is quite different from before, according to this plan, the budget will be almost one million.

"Now the box office forecast for "Legal Blonde" has risen to 80 million. Compared with the box office of tens of millions, don't you think it's a good deal to spend 1 million for a decent premiere?"


Back in his Malibu house, Daniel thought about what Melissa told him about changing houses.

Triver mentioned it before, and now he is still living in a rented house, which really doesn't match him well. After all, he is not the kind of male star who mainly plays with the style of wandering around and playing games in the world. He represents the Hollywood dream —Glory, money, enjoyment.

"Melissa has already helped you find a villa in Beverly Hills and a mansion with a sea view in Malibu. We let the word out, and these real estate agents are like flies."

Andy was busy tidying up the house and didn't live there for more than a month. Even though the cleaners did their best, it always made people feel that it was not clean.


Daniel leaves the house in Andy's car, which is a Chevrolet worth several thousand dollars, which is incomparable to the Mercedes-Benz RV that Daniel bought himself.

"Do you think you can escape?"

Andy looked at the paparazzi behind his car and expressed helplessness at Daniel's "whimsical".

"It's okay, just put me in the center of the highland."

"Jerry is waiting for you inside?"

Yes, Daniel is here to meet Jerry Bruckheimer today. It is a foregone conclusion that "Pearl Harbor" will not exceed 200 million in North America.

Of course, this box office can already be included in the top ten of the year, but in terms of investment, it is far from being able to recover the cost. However, with the addition of Hollywood's one-stop money-making methods such as overseas box office, peripherals, and DVDs, the losses will not be large, but such a large sum of money has been invested in the operation, and finally returned without success. In any case, it is the touchstone and even Disney. Lose and lose.

Coming down from the center of the highlands, the speed at which the paparazzi surrounded us was simply astonishing.

"Danny, are you here to shop?"

"Alone? Where's Cameron?"

"Hey, Daniel—"

The paparazzi asked halfway, and suddenly couldn't continue. Daniel is indeed hot, but there are few laces. There are not many people who believe in the scandal with Cameron. After such a period of time, the two people have almost no intersection. There is no admission or denial.

"Dude, you gotta go back and do your homework."

Daniel teased him, turned around and entered the shopping mall, and the paparazzi were stopped by security guards. Of course, they can also go in, but not like this, it is obvious that they are paparazzi.

After going around a few times, Daniel entered a quiet French restaurant.

Jerry looks a bit tired, which is inevitable. With the performance of "Pearl Harbor", if he wants to get enough screens in theaters, the words and tongues that need to be spent can definitely make Jerry exhausted.

"you are right."

"In any case, 200 million is already a good number. It's a little lower than the forecast, but it's not a loss." Daniel comforted him skillfully, lower? No, the previous forecasting agency believed that this masterpiece could break through the 300 million barrier, but now it has shrunk by a full third. will not perform very well.

Barely maintaining within an acceptable range of losses is the reality.

Jerry asked him to meet him simply because his previous attitude was very clear. Jerry thought he was a "good friend" and he could communicate with him at this moment.

But Daniel decided to sell Disney and Jerry a little face.

When he left the restaurant with Jerry, most of the paparazzi did not leave. It was a bit special for Daniel to go shopping alone, and the most likely reason was that there were already customers inside.

Sure enough, when Jerry and Daniel walked out.

"Finally, the wait was not in vain."

"Pearl Harbor" is very topical, and some people think it is Jerry's failure, so Jerry is also under pressure now.

"I haven't had time to see it yet, you know I just came back from New Zealand. I'm good friends with Jerry, I have full confidence in his talent, I think "Pearl Harbor" must be a good work, I will go as soon as possible Look. Miss Kate Beckinsale is beautiful, isn't she?"

After answering a question, Daniel got into Jerry's car and left with him.

"Thank you, Danny."

"Got to give them some news, or I'll never have peace."

Indeed, what excited the paparazzi most in the answer just now was the mention of Kate Beckinsale, a new force who broke into Hollywood with "Pearl Harbor". Recently, there have been a lot of topics, and Daniel took the initiative to praise her , the paparazzi can write too much.

Not to mention that he clearly praised "Pearl Harbor", but to say that he used the news to blur the bad reviews of the movie, which is also a big favor to Disney and Jerry.

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